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01 神舟十四号-2023年中考英语新热点时文阅读

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01 神舟十四号-2023年中考英语新热点时文阅读
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2023年中考英语最新热点时文阅读神舟十四号题型主要内容1回答问题6月5日,中国发射了神舟十四号,宇航员将与地面小组一起完成天宫空间站的建造。2阅读理解神舟14号成功发射,如何成为一名像陈冬、刘洋、蔡旭哲那样的宇航员?3阅读理解讲述了神舟十四号在酒泉卫星中心成功发射,以及后续的航天任务。4阅读还原5选5讲述了一些关于神舟十四号的事实。5补全对话探讨有关宇航员刘洋的一则对话。01阅读回答问题(2022·湖南·长沙市长郡双语实验中学八年级期末)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。On June5th,China launched(发射)the three-person Shenzhou XIV,which is the third crew(乘组)for the country's space station project.The astronauts will work with the ground team to finish the buildingof the Tiangong Space Station.The crew arrived at Tiangong on Sunday afternoon.Liu Yang,the first Chinese woman in outer space,said on Saturday in Jiuquan,that she and two otherastronauts-Chen Dong and Cai Xuzhe-would be very busy during their stay,and they were going to dotheir job while Tiangong Space Station was changing its shape.With the help of the ground team,it wouldchange itself nine times.At the same time,the astronauts would also need to prepare for the arrival of the Shenzhou XV crewand Tianzhou 5 ship near the end of their journey,Liu added."In addition,we will use a new hatch (and a new small robotic arm to do spacewalks.We willperform a large number of scientific experiments and also offer educational activities for pupils online,"shesaid."This is also the first time that Chinese astronauts will celebrate our National Day in space."In an interview with China Central Television before they flew to the space,Liu said she had talked toher daughter and son about her six-month trip"I explained why their mom needed to take part in this great project and why I would be away fromhome for half a year.I also told them what,they needed to do during this period of time.At first,they werenot so happy about my leaving,but they finally said later that they understood,"she said."They told me that they wanted me to take as many pictures as possible so they could share the beautyof space with their classmates."1.When did the three-person Shenzhou XIV reach Tiangong Space Station?2.How many times will the space station change its shape in six months?3.How is the crew going to do spacewalks?4.Were Liu's children happy about her space trip at first?5.Why did the daughter and the son want their mother to take photos?02神舟十四号乘组(2022湖南永州七年级期末)Atl0:44a.m.on June5th,2022,China sent its astronaut(字航员),Chen Dong,Liu Yang and CaiXuzhe,into space )They joined in the latest Shenzhou XIV mission ()Do you want to becomeastronauts like them?How can they become astronauts?.Be healthyTo be an astronaut,you need to be very healthy.It is important for them to have a healthy body.Youcan't have other small problems.For example,you can't have scars.They may split (in space.●Become stronger with hard training(训练)For example,you need to be strong like sports players.You will also wear a 200-kilogram uniform anddo missions underwater for six or seven hours without eating or going to the WC.It is useful for theseastronauts to face the space.●Learn scienceLearning is important,too.Astronauts take 60 classes to get ready for a mission,like math,English,spacecraft design,physics and many more.So they will know what to do when something bad happens生)during the mission.6.Who doesn't join in the Shenzhou XIV mission?A.Yang Liwei.B.Liu Yang.C.Cai Xuzhe.7.The underlined(划线的)word“scars'”probably meansA.感冒B.伤疤C.头痛8.What special cloth should an astronaut wear?A.A beautiful uniform.B.A 200-kilogram uniform.C.A 200-kilogram coat.9.Which of the following is NOT trueA.Chen Dong,Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe are very healthyB.They need to do missions underwater for six or seven hours.C.They don't take classes to leam things like math and English.10.What is this passage mainly about?A.What it takes to become an astronaut.B.How astronauts are training in China.C.Why it's difficult to become an astronaut.03(2022.河南·模拟预测)The Shenzhou XIV mission(任务)China's ninth mannedspaceflight-launched(from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center on June 5,2022.The three astronauts-Chen Dong,Liu Yang and Cai Xuzhe-are being sent to the Tiangong spacestation.They will stay there for half a year.This is the second time Chen and Liu have gone into space.Theflight of three astronauts is also expected to mark the beginning of a period of ten years.During this period,there will be Chinese people in outer space every day.As of the spacecraft's arrival on that day,the Tiangong station consists of three parts-the Tianhe coremodule(核心舱),the Tianzhou3 and the Tianzhou4 cargo(货运)ships..The three astronauts will work with ground controllers to connect the Wentian and Mengtian space
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