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六级模拟卷(三)PartIWriting高分范文精彩点评My View on Visiting School Campus①开门见山,直入主题,点明此篇作文谈论的话题。any time or in a limited period of time has sparked furious discussions.2②用not only.but also..句型引出正方观Those in favor of the former argue that as public institutions,schools should点。give access to visitors so that they can not only share educational resources③表明自己的观点,即校园应该在周末、but also enjoy scenic beauty and amazing culture atmosphere.3 In my法定节假日和寒暑假时段限时开放。viewpoint,school campuses should accommodate free visitors only during④⑤用To begin with论证学校应该把重weekends,legal holidays and summer or winter breaks.点放在教育与安全方面。4To begin with,as a place for education,academic research and talent⑥⑦用But话锋一转,提出第二个论据,training instead of scenic spots,schools should give high priority to学校放假期间,大学欢迎所有访客参观。education and safety concems.5Abiding by this principle,the universities总结上文,得出限时开放校园的结论,与can run well.6But this doesn't mean schools must deny all visitors at any首段论点呼应。time.7Those who have an overwhelming desire to visit universities are加分亮点warmly welcomed during school holidays.give access to对…开放In conclusion,the universities can receive the public in a limited periodaccommodate容纳of time,thereby satisfying both students and visitors.scenic spots景点priority优先考虑Part IIListening ComprehensionSection AConversation OneW:Good morning,Dr.Harley.Thank you very much for coming on our radio talk.(1-1)We know that you are an appliedlinguist specializing in second language acquisition.Could you please tell us what second language acquisition is?M:Well,second language acquisition is that...it happens when a child or adult has already become competent at a language,and then they attempt to learn another.W:(1-2)Most people think it is difficult to leam another language.What are the reasons?M:There are a number of reasons.First,research studies have shown that some aspects of language learning especiallygrammar are more difficult beyond a certain age,say,after around 12 years ofage.W:So age plays an important role in language learning.M:Yes.But that's not the only reason.For example,time and interest.(2)Old children and adults often have less time andmotivation to leam a second language.Besides,we find that learners will experience difficulty when their mothertongue and the second language they are learning differ.W:Perhaps this is the key issue.Differences between languages cause language learning problems.M:This may be one of the issues,but this cannot be the whole story,as not all differences between languages causedifficulty.(3)Research has found that many Czech speakers learning English were puzzled by grammatical constructionsin which the two languages do not differ.W:Oh,really?The picture is more complicated than we've imagined.M:Definitely yes.Each language leaming situation is different.So reasons vary a lot from case to case.W:Dr.Harley,since learning a second language is a difficult process,are there any methods to teach a second language?M:There again.(4)No method is absolutely effective in all situations.I mean,it all depends on specific conditions.But第1页generally speaking,there are a number of methods that have been used to teach a second language.W:Could you mention one?M:For instance,there is the traditional method.This method is based on translation from one language to another andemphasizes grammar teaching.Questions I to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What are the two speakers mainly talking about?C)2.Why is it difficult for old children and adults to learn another language?A)3.What can we learn about Czech and English?C)4.What does the man think of second language teaching methods?D)Conversation TwoW:Today I'd like to welcome Edward Fox,a seasoned real-estate agent,who is going to talk to us about buying a house.Hello.Edward.M:Hello.W:Now,Edward,for most people buying a house is a major life event.What precautions do they have to take before a realpurchase?M:As to me,the most important thing to consider before buying any property is the location.W:Location?M:Right.(5)Because it is where you plan to spend a large part of your life.or.indeed,the rest of your life in somecircumstances.If you are a very sociable person who enjoys nightclubs and discos,you may consider something close toa city.Anyway,a city is convenient for all types of nightlife.W:Then,for those who seek a quiet life,do you recommend a house in the countryside?M:Well,countryside is a tranquil place.However,do remember that proximity to the place of work also counts.Indeed,wespend most of our life at work,and you don't want to spend two or more hours every day travelling to work,doyou?(6)Therefore,transport is of the utmost importance.City suburbs,however,are often conveniently located forcommuting to work,or for shopping,without being in the heart of a busy city.W:(7-1)But houses in the suburbs are far more expensive than those in cities.M:(7-2)They seem to be,but actually houses located in cities can often exceed the price of suburban houses.So check outW:Really?So we should consider our place of work and personality in choosing the location.Is that so?M:I'm afraid you have to take family into consideration as well.You may prefer a house that is away from a busy street ormain road.But remember that children have to attend school.If you have children,or plan to have children,location is avery important factor.(8)Ana of course.remember that a family influences the size of the property.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What dies the man say about the location of a house?D)6.What location dose the man suggest when considering transport?A)7.What can we learn about suburban houses according to the man?B)8.What can we learn from the conversation?D)Section BPassage OneWhat is the best way to catch someone who is telling a lie?(9)For a long time,the traditional method of identifying liarswas to watch their body language,including facial expressions.What if person appears to be nervous?What about othernervous movements,such as shifting from side to side?Many people depend on this method.But does a person's body andface reveal the truth?Not according to a new study.(10)Talking,it seems,is the best way to smoke out a liar.That is what researchers in the United Kingdom found our第2页recently.Their investigation took place at one place where lying can get you into big trouble-an airport.The researchersasked volunteers to pretend they were real passengers and then lie to airport security agents.Some of the agents usedspoken conversation-based methods to question these make-believe passengers.Others depended instead on the person'sbody language,like lack of eye contact and showing signs of nervousness.The agents talking with the passengers were 20times more likely to catch the liars.The British government partly financed this study.The American PsychologicalAssociation published the findings.The study found that these conversation-based techniques can help you recognize whena person is lying to you.(11)However,using body language and facial expressions to catch someone in a lie is really hard.And it only works,seemingly,by chance.Thomas Ormerod is the head of the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex in England.In an article on theAPA website,he says that for actual passengers,they are "just chatting about themselves.It shouldn't feel like aninterrogation.”Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.What is the traditional way of catching someone who is lying?D)10.What is the best way to search out a liar according to the researchers in the UK?B)11.What dose the speaker say about identifying liars?C)Passage Two(12)Parents usually teach their children how to cross the street safely by looking both ways for cars.But do they alsoteach them to put away their cell phones?The city of Honolulu,Hawaii,wants everyone to learn that lesson.(13)Textingwhile crossing the street will soon be banned in the city.Beginning on October 24,you could be fined from 15 to 99 ifyou step into a Honolulu street while looking at your phone.Honolulu is the first major US city to ban what is called "distracted walking."It recently passed a law in a seven to twovote.The law says:"No pedestrian shall cross a street or highway while viewing a mobile electronic device."In other words,do not look at a screen when you cross the street or you could be fined.(14)The law's creators hope it will lower the numberof people hit and killed by cars in the city.Mayor Kirk Caldwell told Reuters news agency:"We hold the unfortunatedistinction of being a major city with more pedestrians being hit in crosswalks,particularly our seniors,than almost anyother city in the country."The law includes all electronic devices with screens:cell phones,tablets,gaming devices,digitalcameras and laptop computers,(15)The law does permit an exception.Pedestrians may use such devices in the street to callemergency services and rescue workers,such as firefighters and police officers.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.How do parents teach their children to cross the street safely?A)13.How much will you be fined if you cross a Honolulu street while looking at your phone?B)14.What is the purpose of Honolulu's law of banning distracted walking?D)15.What can we learn about the law?D)Section CRecording OneHello,everyone,today I will talk about how to seek admission to a college or university.In the US,most college applicants are high school students.Many are 17 or 18 years old.One might ask how anyoneat that age could know exactly the kind of field they want to work in for the rest of their lives?Do they even want to workin the field they plan on studying?So how do young people begin to make the first big step when applying for college?Charlie Leizear,the director of first-year admission at Occidental College,says his first suggestion to students is to look forhelp anywhere they can find it.He says there is a lot of information available to students about how to both choose a collegeand apply for admission.For one thing,he tells students to think about using their personal connections-friends or familymembers who have attended a college.Also,most high schools in the United States and many other countries employguidance counselors for this exact purpose.(16)A big part of the job of a counselor is asking students what they want to do第3页
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