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2023年3月六级真题解析第一套PartI⑤Writing·审题·题目要求考生写一篇以“如今,人们越来越意识到‘容貌焦虑'或沉迷于个人外表存在的风险”开头的作文,考生可以通过发表评论、举例子或描述个人经历等方式展开论述。根据题目提示,作文可以采取以下布局:开头段描述社会现象,指出如今很多年轻人过分看重外表:中间段分析过度的容貌焦虑对身心的危害;结尾段总结全文。考生写作时可以使用与“说明观点”相关的写作句型。区·参考范文&点评·People are now increasingly aware of the danger of“appearance anxiety'”orI描述社会现象很being obsessed with one's looks.In such a"face-judging"world,or a world of judging多年轻人过分注重外people by their appearance,many people,especially youngsters,have attached too表,同时人们也意识much importance to their appearance.At the same time,people also come to realize the到容貌焦虑带来的problems caused by appearance anxiety.I问题。In my opinion,excessive appearance anxiety is harmful to both our physical and2分别从身体健康、心mental health.For one thing,in order to pursue so-called"beauty",some people are理健康这两个角度阐blindly dieting to lose weight,resulting in malnutrition,anorexia and other diseases;述过度的容貌焦虑带also some people regard cosmetic surgery as the quickest and the most effective way to来的危害,由连接make them more beautiful.However,in case cosmetic surgery fails,there is a price to词For one thing、Forpay.In fact,some people have already paid the price with their lives.For another,underanother引出。the influence of the concepts such as"the perfect body"and"the golden ratio of beauty",3引用俗语,总结全people tend to have self-doubt,thus putting all their energy into how to become good-文,告诚人们外表不looking,instead of focusing on study and work.2是衡量个人价值的唯There is a saying that the desire to look attractive is universal.But remember that一标淮,内在美比外appearance is not the only standard to measure one's value,and a person's inner beauty表更重要。outweighs his/her appearance.3如今,人们越来越意识到“容貌焦虑”或沉迷于个人外表存在的风险。在这样一个“看脸”的世界(即以貌取人的世界),很多人,尤其是年轻人,过于注重自己的外表了。与此同时,人们也逐渐意识到容貌焦虑带来的问题。在我看来,过度的容貌焦虑对我们的身心健康皆有危害。首先,为了追求所谓的“美”,有些人为了减轻体重盲目节食,以致于引发了营养不良、厌食症和其他疾病;也有些人把整容手术看作是使他们变得更美的最快、最有效的途径。然而,万一整容手术失败,就会付出代价。事实上,已经有一些人付出了生命的代价。再者,在“完美身材”和“美貌的黄金比例”等观念的影响下,人们往往会产生自我怀疑,因而把所有精力都放在如何变漂亮上,而不是专注于学习与工作。数你高效的翻译步骤和策略,快来扫描本页视频课二维码收看吧12俗话说,爱美之心人皆有之。但要记住,外表并不是衡量一个人价值的唯一标准,一个人的内在美比其外表更重要。youngster年轻人pursue追求anorexia厌食症diet节食cosmetic surgery整容手术excessive过度的malnutrition营养不良outweigh(在重要性或意义上)超过In my opinion,...is harmful to both our physical and mental health句型意为“在我看来,…对我们的身心健康皆有危害”,可用于作文中间段,承上启下,展开论述某一事物或现象带来的危害。2 But remember that...is not the only standard to measure one's value,and a person's...outweighs his/her..句型意为“但要记住,…并不是衡量一个人价值的唯一标准,一个人的…比其…更重要”。通常用于文章结尾段,阐述某一事物比另一事物更重要。Part II Listening ComprehensionSectionConversation OneM:Thanks for inviting me out tonight.I've been wanting to try this place for weeks.I usually pass it on my way homefrom work but never seem to have time to stop.W:[1]I've been dying to come here as well.I was worried that the menu might not be accommodating.But one of myclose friends ate here last week.She's a vegetarian.She told me that there were a lot of options for her,and theyoffered alternative dishes.M:But you're not vegetarian,are you?W:12]Well,not entirely.I don't eat meat at all.But I don't have a problem eating fish,seafood,or eggs.M:Isn't that very difficult?I can't imagine giving up a premium juicy steak or bacon cheeseburgers.W:I wouldn't know.My parents followed the same diet.Even when I was younger,we never had meat during meals.And I never really had a craving to try it.[3]I bet it would be hard though,giving up something you're accustomedto eating.I tried cutting back on coffee in the morning and it was awful.Come to think of it.It was probably evenworse for my colleagues that had to deal with me at morning meetings.M:That's even harder to imagine you without coffee.So you say your parents also followed a partially vegetarian diet?Why did they decide to do that?W:That's an interesting question.I never thought to ask them though.My best guess is for health reasons.They're notterribly active or knowledgeable about animal preservation efforts,but they're serious about their health.Both arein their 70s now but eat organic as often as possible and take part in regular physical exercise.[4]Neither of themhas any health problems and they hardly ever get sick.M:In that case,I might give it a try someday.W:Now back to the menu.What're you going to have?六级20233第-塞13⑨·答案详解·L.Where does the conversation most probably take place?对话最有可能发生在哪里?A)在一家食品店。C在一间厨房。B)在一家餐馆。D)在一家超市解÷对话开头,男士说谢谢女士今晚邀请他出来,并说他几周前就想来这个地方,但苦于一直没时间。女士随即回应道:“我也一直非常想来这里。我担心菜单可能不太适合我。但我的一个好朋友上周在这里吃过。她是素食主义者。她告诉我这里有很多适合她的选择,而且他们有不同菜式可供选择。”女士提及的menu、ate here和dishes等关键词都是在餐馆里最常使用的词语,因此推测对话最有可能发生在餐馆,故B项正确。2.What do we learn about the woman?我们了解到关于女士的什么情况?A)她偶尔吃肉。C)她是半素食主义者。B)她喜欢芝士汉堡D)她对海鲜过敏。解对话中,男士询问女士是否是素食主义者,女士回答说:“嗯,不完全是。我一点肉都不吃。但是我不介意吃鱼、海鲜或鸡蛋。”由此可知,女士并非纯素食主义者,而是半素食主义者,只是不吃肉类而已,故C项正确。A项与对话内容相反,B项的“芝士汉堡”是男士爱吃的,故这两项均排除。对话中女士提到她不介意吃海鲜,但她并没有说明她是否对海鲜过敏,故D项也排除。3.What would be a difficult thing to do according to the woman?根据女士的说法,做什么会很图难?A)改变一个人的饮食习惯。C)多年来遵循同样的饮食。B)与同事打交道。D)在晨会上保持清醒。解对话中,女士提到:“我敢说,放弃你习惯吃的东西一定很难。”随后她举了自己试过在早上少喝咖啡但结果很糟糕的例子,由此可知,女士认为改变一个人的饮食习惯是很困难的,故A项正确。其他三项均不是女士认为很难做到的事情,故均排除。4.What does the woman say about her parents??关于她的父母,女士说了什么?A)他们都是动物爱好者。C)他们只吃有机食品。B)他们非常健康。D)他们正在减少喝咖啡。解,对话中,女士提到她的父母现在都70多岁了,但仍尽可能经常吃有机食品,并定期参加体育锻炼。他们俩都没有任何健康问题,而且几乎从不生病。由此可知,女土的父母非常健康,故B项正确。女士提到她的父母对动物保护工作并不十分积极,也不太了解,可知A项与对话内容不符,故排除。女士只提到她的父母仍尽可能经常吃有机食品,并没有说只吃有机食品,C项说法过于绝对,故排除。尝试过减少喝咖啡的是女士自已,并非她的父母,故D项也排除Conversation Two·听力原文W:How did your annual performance evaluation meeting with your manager go?Did you get much in the way of praise?M:[5]Next to zero.When we came to the part about discussing my areas for growth,he bluntly told me that I had anattitude problem.But he wouldn't really expand on that description.He said it's the little things I do and say.W:Did you ask him for a specific example?M:I did ask him a few more questions to try to narrow it down.He said my constant questioning of him and hisdecisions was the most obvious example he could give.Then our conversation was swiftly brought to a close.W:I had a similar experience once.My manager told me I was too honest.In most cases,I thought my honesty washelpful,as did my colleagues,but my manager thought otherwise.[6|Some managers really adopt manipulative14六缕20233第-套
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