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2020年7月大学英语六级考试真题答案与详解(全一套)Part I Writing对明天最好的准备就是今天尽力而为一、审题引导提取指令信息解读指令信息提示写作思路题目要求国绕格言“对明天最好的准备就是今天尽力而为”展开on the saying捉示写作。开篇应提炼出格言的核心,可用简单直白的语言说明,也可结..to write an essay作文需国绕一句格合现实情形引出主题:主体部分应深入阐述格言蕴含的道理,点明“把on the saying言展开。握当下/今日事今日毕”的重要性:结尾部分可总结观点,发出呼吁。论证方式:举例论证、对比论证(对比“把握当下”的积极影响与“不断拖廷”的消极结果)等。高分点拨:格言类题目通常相对抽象,写作时应尽可能结合"The best preparationtomorrow vs today对现实生活将其具象化,适当举例比单纯讲道理更有说服力。此for tomorrow is doing比凸显格言要义“把your best today.”握当下,切勿拖延”。外,遇到此类励志格言,注意避免通篇“空喊口号”,而应深入浅出地说明其蕴含的道理,让人明白为何有必要按格言所说的去做。二、词汇准备“把握当下”相关的词汇及表达“推迟/拖延”相关的词汇及表达live in the present活在当下delay/procrastinate.拖延take control of one's time掌控时间idle the days away虚度光阴make the most of the present moment充分把握当下miss the deadline没有按时完成complete one's assignments as soon as possible尽快完成任务lack of self-discipline缺乏自律never put off what you can do today until tomorrowwait until the last minute to make a start今日事今日毕不到最后不动手冷三、写作提纲第一段:结合现实情形引入格言。第二段:分析格言所示道理的合理性。第三段:发出呼吁。四、下笔成文满分范文参考译文DWhile we all desire to lead an ideal life someday,①尽管我们都想在某一天过上理想not many of us take practical actions to realize it.2Some的生活,但没有多少人会采取实际行动may excuse themselves by claiming that they are not ready去实现它。②有人可能会辩称,自己没to get started.As a matter of fact,they have yet to准备好。③他们实则还不明白“对明天最grasp the truth of that saying:the best preparation for好的准备就是今天尽力而为”的道理。tomorrow is doing your best today.①明日不可预测,而今日很大程度extent manageable.2This means that a constant focus on上能为人所控。②这意味着,一味关注明淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室第1/56页淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室tomorrow is futile,but due attention paid to today will bear日徒劳无功,但对今日给予应有的重视fruit.3Take physical training as an example.If you会有所成效。③以体有锻炼为例。④如want to improve your physical fitness,the most effective果你想增强体质,最有效的办法就是立way is to start now rather than spend hours making刻开始,而不是花费几个小时为之后的complicated workout plans for the following weeks.5It is几周制定复杂的锻炼计划。⑤并不是说not that planning is of little value.It is just that people制定计划没有价值。⑥只是人们容易沉are inclined to indulge in the illusory satisfaction from浸于制定计划带来的虚假的满足感中,planning.and it often holds them back from taking这通常让他们迟迟无法付诸行动。immediate actions.DIt is very difficult to shake off our inertia.2Only①要摆脱惰性非常困难。②只有克by confronting it and acting now can we move toward服它并立刻行动起来,我们才能向成功success.3Those who put off what really matters to them进发。③把对自己来说真正要紧的事都until tomorrow will end up achieving nothing.推到明天做的人终将一事无成。grasp[gra'sp]u.理解,领会be inelined to do有做某事的倾向indulge in沉溺于futile['juta]a.徒劳的,无效的shake off摆脱(疾病,坏习惯等)due[dju]a,适当的,应有的inertia['nfa]n,懒惰,惰性bear fruit奏效,取得成果confront[kan'frAnt]u.处理,解决physical fitness体质,身体健康end up到头来,以…告终workout['w3kawt]n,锻炼:·进阶表达·普通表达高级替换表达为自己开脱道,…say that the reason is..excuse oneself by saying/claiming...阻碍某人做某事make it difficult for sb to do sthhold sb back from doing sth疗五、写作储备Yesterday is gone.Tomorrow has not yet come.We have only today.Let us begin.(Mother Teresa)昨日已逝,明日未至。我们仅拥有今日。让我们开始行动吧。(特蕾莎修女)You must live in the present,launch yourself on every wave,find your eternity in each moment.Fools stand on their island of opportunities and look toward another land.There is no other land;there isno other life but this.(Henry David Thoreau)你必须活在当下,乘着每一个波浪前行,在每一刻中找到你的永恒。傻瓜站在他们的机会之岛上寻找另一片陆地。(而你)没有别的陆地,(你)除了这一生,没有别的人生。(亨利·戴雏·梭罗)While making a plan of where we want to go is definitely a good idea,it is okay to steer off course a bitsometimes and simply follow the whims of our hearts.In fact,instead of planning every moment,it is morebeneficial to simply throw yourself into things and go with the flow.Instead of wasting time sketching out thefuture and procrastinating,it is better to start doing things even if you don't have the end in mind.为想要达成的目标制定计划绝对是个好主意,但有时稍微偏离正道、单凭一时兴起行事也未尝不可。实际上,与每时每刻都制定计划相比,还是单纯让自己全身心投入做事并顺其自然更有益。与浪费时间描绘未来、拖拖拉拉相比,还是即便头脑中没有目标也开始行动为好。淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室第2/56页淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室行六、高分模板I①“_,”as the saying goes.②This inspiring①常言道:“(题目给出的格言)。”②这phrase serves as a permanent reminder of the necessity/句鼓舞人心的话语时刻提醒着人们(格言的significance of A.核心主题)的必要性(或:重要性)。II DThe saying is often interpreted as a suggestion①这句格言常被解读为建议人们要that enough emphasis should be put on A which,足够重视,这样做无疑会带来长without doubt,results in a lasting benefit.2Take期助益。②以为例。③是as an example.3 A is a major contributing factor in他(或:她、他们)取得为其赢得国际声his/her/their remarkable accomplishments that have earned誉的嘱目成就的主要促成因素。④与之him/her/them international fame.4 In contrast,those相对,那些不愿遵从这一建议的人在事业unwilling to follow this advice can hardly make satisfactory(或:学业)上几乎无法取得比较满意的进career/academic progress.5Their dismissal of its value will步。⑤他们对其价值不屑一顾,终将自食eventually have a detrimental effect on themselves.其果。Ⅲ①It is no exaggeration to say that_A is the①毫不夸张地说,是成功的基cornerstone of success.2 It has been generally石。②它已被公认为使生活有意义(或:acknowledged as the key to a meaningful life/事业辉煌、前途光明)的关键。③任何想distinguished career/promising future.Anyone who要有所成就的人都应该欣然接受这一处would like to achieve something impressive should世哲学。embrace such a philosophy of life.【模板注释】该模板适用于“提倡发扬某种积极作风/培养某种优良品质”的励志类格言。第一段直接以格言入题,提炼其核心主旨。主体段进一步分析格言主旨,通过正反论证(.,In contrast.,)凸显遵从格言所含道理的必要性,其间穿插举例(Take..as an example...those..)增强论证力度。第三段重中格言主旨的重要性并发出:呼吁。Part II Listening ComprehensionSection AConversation One科技推动体育进步一、听前预测1.A)She is a great athlete.2.A)How knowledge of human biochemistry has been evolving.B)She is a famed speaker.B)How nutrition helps athletes'performance in competitions.C)She is a famous scientist.C)How scientific training enables athletes to set new records.D)She is a noted inventor.D)How technology has helped athletes to scale new heights.3.A)Our physical structures.4.A)It may increase the expenses of sports competitions.B)Our scientific knowledge.B)It may lead to athletes'over-reliance on equipment.C)Our biochemical process.C)It may give an unfair advantage to some athletes.D)Our concept of nutrition.D)It may change the nature of sports competitions.[看选项关键词预测问题]l,各项均为对女士身份的描述,且形容词great/famed/famous/,noted表明该女士为知名人士,结合本篇听力体载“对话”可推测它极有可能为访谈类,该女士为受访者,题目询问女士的身份。2.选项均为“疑问词H0w十某一问题”的形式,后三项均指向“某事物(营养/科学训练/技术)对运动员的影响”,推测题目询问相关主题信息(如研究主题、书作主题、讨论主题等)。3.各项均为Our.·名词结构,其中A,C与生理结构有关,B、D与知识/概念有关,且中心词与2题中的主体存在很大程度的对应,推测题目询问人类所具备的某种能够对体育运动产生影响的生理结构、认知能力。4.各项均以主谓宾结构It may increase/lead to/give/change论及It可能对体育运动(员)产生的影响,且A、淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室第3/56页淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室
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