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2019年12月大学英语六级考试真题详解(第二套)Part IWriting(与第1套同理,故略)写作提纲:第一段:由常见负面现象“家庭不和”引出家庭责任感的必要性。第二段:以亲子角色作为切入点阐述家庭责任感的重要性:①家长有责任感,子女便能健康成长、塑造良好的人格;②成年子女(大学生)有责任感,能减轻父母经济和心理负担,助其安享中年、退休和晚年生活。第三段:总结观点并发出呼吁:大学生平时常与父母联系。满分范文参考译文Home should be where people feel secure and家应该是让人们感到安全舒适comfortable.Maintaining harmony at home is essential for the的地方。雏持家庭和谐对个人、夫妻well-being of an individual,a couple and their offspring,and及其后代乃至社会的幸福安康都至even the society.But many are being plagued by family关重要。但许多人却在为家庭不和discord,a problem that boils down to the lack of a sense of所困扰,其症结在于家庭责任感的family responsibility.缺失。Everyone has certain roles to take on in his or her family.每个人在家庭中都要承担一定Parents are expected to ensure their children are well-的角色。比如,父母应该要确保其子nourished and well-educated,helping them build a strong女营养良好并接受良好教育,以助其body and great character.We college students also need to塑造强健的体魄和优良的品格。我take our responsibility as adult children.Being independent of们大学生也需要承担作为成年子女our parents as early as possible lightens the financial burden的责任。我们尽早自立,就能减轻父on them.Learning to be mature and sensible can prevent us母的经济负担。我们学会成熟理智,from becoming a constant source of worry to them.Fulfilling就不会让父母终日为我们发愁。我our filial duty to the best of our abilities allows them to enjoy们尽己所能履行孝道,便能让父母享life in midlife years,retirement and the twilight years.受中年、退休以及晚年生活。In brief,a sense of responsibility among family members简言之,家庭成员拥有责任感是is a prerequisite for a warm and loving family.Often far away家庭温馨有爱的前提。我们通常离家from home,we may start by keeping in contact with our parents,万里,要履行作为家庭一份子的职责,as a means to meet our obligations as part of our family.或许可以从常与父母保持联系做起。Part IIListening ComprehensionSection AConversation One1.A)It focuses exclusively on jazz.A)它专营爵士乐。B)It sponsors major jazz concerts.B)它赞助大型爵士音乐会。C)It has several branches in London.C)它在伦敦有几家分店。D)It displays albums by new music talentsD)它展出新锐音乐人的专辑。[预测]各项均描述It相关信息,由B项sponsors(赞助)、C项branches(分部)推测It指某机构/公司,A、B、D项核心义均表明该机构/公司与音乐有关,推测题目询问某音乐类机构/公司的相关信息。17淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室[问题]What do we learn about the woman's store?(关于女士的商店,我们了解到什么?)[解析]A)同义改写第4段女士对其商店的介绍:爵士乐唱片专营店(dedicated exclusively to jazz)。2.A)It originated with cowboys.A)它起源于牛仔。B)Its market has now shrunk.B)它的市场现已萎缩。C)Its listeners are mostly young people.C)它的听众大多是年轻人。D)It remains as widespread as hip hop music.D)它仍像嘻哈音乐一样广泛传播。[预测]各项均描述/Its相关信息,由D项“像嘻哈一样流行”推测题目询问某种(非嘻哈)音乐类型的相关信息。[问题]What does the man say about jazz music?(关于爵士乐,男士怎么说?)[解析]B)正确概括第5段男士对爵士乐市场的看法:爵士乐坛现已不大景气了,不像过去那样。3.A)Its definition is varied and complicated.A)它的定义复杂多样。B)It is still going through experimentation.B)它仍在实验阶段。C)It is frequently accompanied by singing.C)它常常伴有人声。D)Its style has remained largely unchanged.D)它的风格基本没变。[预测]各项均描述It/Its相关信息,由C项accompanied by singing(伴有人声)、D项style(风格)及l、2题信息推测It/Its指某种音乐类型,推测题目询问某种音乐类型的相关信息。[问题]What does the woman say about jazz?(关于爵士乐,女士怎么说?)[解析]第8段女士指出,爵士乐没有统一定义、且风格多样。可见,爵士乐的定义复杂多样,A)正确。4.A)Learn to play them.C)Listen to them yourself.A)学习演奏它们。C)亲自聆听它们。B)Take music lessons.D)Consult jazz musicians..B)上音乐课。D)咨询爵士音乐家。[预测]各项均为原形动宾短语,由A,C项play、Listen to推测them与音乐有关(由D项可知很可能为爵士乐类),各项核心义均为学习提升类建议,推测题目询问与音乐(很可能为爵士乐)学习/欣赏有关的建议。[问题]What should you do to appreciate different styles of jazz according to the woman?(根据女士所言,要欣赏不同风格的爵士乐应该怎么做?)[解析]末段女士指出,了解爵士乐的唯一方式就是亲自去听,可见C)正确。M:Excuse me,where is your rock music section?W:Rock music?I'm sorry,we're a jazz store.We don't have any rock and roll.M:Oh,you only have jazz music?Nothing else?W:That's right.We're the only record store in London dedicated exclusively to jazz.Actually,we're morethan just a record store.We have a cafe &library upstairs and a ticket office down the hall,where youcan buy tickets to all the major jazz concerts in the city.Also,we have our own studio next door,wherewe produce albums for up-and-coming artists.We are committed to fostering new music talent.M:Wow!That's so cool.I guess there's not much of a jazz scene anymore,not like they used to be.Buthere you're trying to promote this great music genre.W:Yes,indeed.Nowadays,most people like to listen to pop and rock music.Hip hop music from America is alsogetting more and more popular.So as a result,there are fewer listeners of jazz,which is a great shame becauseit's an incredibly rich genre.But that's not to say there isn't any good new jazz music being made out thereanymore-far from it.It's just a much smaller market today.M:So how would you define jazz?W:Well,interestingly enough,there's no agreed-upon definition of jazz.Indeed,there are many different stylesof jazz.Some have singing,but most don't.Some are electric and some aren't.Some contain liveexperimentation,but not always.While there's no simple definition for it,and while there are many differentstyles of jazz,you simply know it when you hear it.Honestly,the only way to know what jazz is,is listen toit yourself.As the great trumpet player,Louis Armstrong said,if you gotta ask,you'll never know.Conversation Two5.A)She paid her mortgage.A)她还了按揭贷款。18B)She called on the man.B)她拜访了男士。C)She made a business plan.C)她制定了一项商业计划。D)She went to the bank.D)她去了银行。[预测]选项均为过去时陈述句,描述Sh过去的某项行为,推测题目询问女士过去某一时间所做之事。[问题]What did the woman do this morning?(今天早晨女士做了什么?)[解析]对话开篇男士询问女士“今天早晨在银行的事儿办得如何?”,可见女士今早去了银行,D)正确。6.A)Her previous debt hadn't been cleared yet.A)她之前的债务尚未还清。B)Her credit history was considered poor.B)她的信用记录较差。C)She had apparently asked for too much.C)她的申请金额显然太大。D)She didn't pay her mortgage in time.D)她没有及时偿还按揭货款。[预测]由A、B、D项核心义所组建负面语义场“不良财务信息”以及C项核心义所暗藏的“某项(与财务相关的)要求过多而未被他人接受”可综合推测试题询问女士信货活动失败的原因。[问题]Why was the woman's proposal rejected?(女士的申请为何被拒绝了?)[解析]第4段女士提及银行贷款申请失败的原因之一:银行认为女士信用记录不太好,B)正确。7.A)Pay a debt long overdue.A)偿还施欠已久的债务。B)Buy a piece of property.B)购置一处房产。C)Start her own business.C)自己创业。D)Check her credit history.D)核查信用记录。[预测]选项均为原形动宾短语,表示计划或建议,推测题目询问女士某计划或他人(可能是男士)对女士建议。[问题]What is the woman planning to do?(女士打算做什么?)[解析]第7-8段话轮指出女士银行货款失败与其商业计划书好坏无关,第9-10段话轮指出女士要想继续追寻自己创业的梦想就只能强健自己的财务状况,由此可见,女士打算自己创业,C)正确。8.A)Seek advice from an expert about fundraising.A)向专家寻求筹资方面的建议。B)Ask for smaller loans from different lenders.B)向不同货款机构申请小颜货款。C)Build up her own finances step by step.C)逐步改善自己财务状况。D)Revise her business proposal carefully.D)仔细修改商业计划书。[预测]选项均为原形动宾短语,比上题更具建议性,推测题目询问他人对女士(hr)的建议。[问题]What does the man suggest the woman do?(男士建议女士做什么?)[解析]第9段男士以提问方式建议女士少货一点、或许可以从更多的货款机构那里获得小颜货款,B)正确。听力原文・M:How did it go at the bank this morning?W:Not well,my proposal was rejected.M:Really?But why?W:Bunch of reasons.For starters,they said my credit history was not good enough.M:Did they say how you could improve that?W:Yes,they said that after five more years of paying my mortgage,then I would become a more viablecandidate for a business loan.But right now,it's too risky for them to lend me money.They fear I willdefault on any business loan I'm given.M:Well,that doesn't sound fair.Your business idea is amazing.Did you show them your business plan?What did they say?W:They didn't really articulate any position regarding the actual business plan.They simply looked at mycredit history and determined it was not good enough.They said the bank has strict guidelines andrequirements as to who they can lend money to.And I simply don't meet their financial threshold.M:What if you ask for a smaller amount?Maybe you could gather capital from other sources.Smaller loansfrom more lenders?W:You don't get it.It doesn't matter the size of the loan I ask for,or the type of business I propose.That'sall inconsequential.The first thing every bank will do is study how much money I have and how much debtI have before they decide whether or not to lend me any more money.If I want to continue ahead with19淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室
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