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2019年12月大学英语六级考试真题详解(第一套)Part IWriting三套题目要求说明“拥有社会/集体/家庭责任感的重要性”,主体虽然不同,但核心都在于“责任心/感的重要意义”。开篇可先做铺垫,引入责任感的定义或简要铺陈论述背景(如有关责任感的正面或反面热议事件),也可以开门见山,从各自主体(企业、个人/社区居民、群体或团队成员/家长、子女等)切入,直陈结论;主体段应阐述其具体意义所在。写作提纲第一段:以“社会问题”的普遍性引出社会责任感的缺失。第二段:分别从企业和个人角度阐述社会责任感的重要性:①(正面)事实:好的企业盈利之余不忘社会责任:②说理:拥有社会责任感对个人意义重大:激发学习与实践:规范个人行为。第三段:总结观点,发出呼吁。满分范文参考译文Problems such as the violation of privacy and侵犯隐私、环境污染等问题在现代environmental pollution are becoming increasingly prevalent社会正变得越发普遍。从某种程度上in modern society.To some extent,they can be ascribed to a讲,它们可以归答于企业与个人社会责distinct lack of a sense of social responsibility among任感的明显缺失,而这种责任感对于建enterprises and individuals,which is of crucial importance in设一个更美好的世界至关重要。building a better world.有社会责任感的企业在追求利润When seeking profits,socially responsible corporations的同时,从不会忘记对我们的社会做never forget to make positive contributions to our society.出积极贡献。中国科技龙头企业阿里Take Alibaba,a leading tech company in China.The Ant巴巴就是一例。该公司2016年发起的Forest green initiative it launched in 2016 has so far inspired“蚂蚁森林”环保行动裁至目前让多达up to 500 million Alipay users to adopt low-carbon lifestyles5亿支付宝用户养成了低碳的生活习and resulted in over 100 million trees planted in China's惯,并在中国最贫瘠的地区种下了1亿most barren regions.At the individual level,a sense of多棵树。从个人层面上讲,社会责任social responsibility motivates us college students to acquire感能激发我们大学生掌握尽可能多的as much knowledge as possible and put it into practice.It知识并将其付诸实践的积极性。它还also prevents us from engaging in unethical behaviors such as能防止我们参与到诸如校园暴力和学campus violence and academic misconduct that cause negative术不端等会造成负面社会影响的不道social impacts.德行为中。To sum up,a healthy society requires all its members to总之,健全的社会有赖于每一位成take on their respective responsibilities.Everyone,therefore,员承担各自的责任。因而,每个人都应should develop a sense of social responsibility,especially we该培养社会责任感,特别是我们这些未college students who will be a pillar of society in the future.来作为社会中坚力量的大学生。Part IIListening ComprehensionSection AConversation One1.A)Magazine reporter.C)Website designer.A)杂志记者。C)网页设计师。B)Fashion designer.D)Features editor.B)时装设计师。D)专栏编辑。淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室[预测]各项核心关键词“记者”、“设计师”、“编辑”均为职业身份,推测题目询问某人的职业。[问题]What is the woman's profession?(女士的职业是什么?)[解析]D)复现开篇对女士的身份介绍(works as Features Editor)。2.A)Designing sports clothing.A)设计运动服装。B)Consulting fashion experts.B)咨询时尚专家。C)Answering daily emails.C)回复日常邮件。D)Interviewing job-seekers.D)面试求职者。[预测]各项均为g结构,核心义均指向某项具体工作,再结合上题推测“某人职业”可推测试题询问某人工作职责。[问题]What is one of the woman's main responsibilities?(女士的主要工作职责之一是什么?)[解析]第4段女士针对男士问题“工作日通常做一些什么样的工作”作答“日常工作主要包括回复邮件、撰写并编辑报道以及想新的专题”,C)是其中之一,故正确。3.A)It is challenging.C)It is tiresome.A)它很有挑战性。C)它很麻烦。B)It is fascinating.D)It is fashionable.目B)它极富魅力。D)它很时髦。[预测]各项既可视为描述It特点,亦可视为对It的评价,再结合前两题推测It可能指向某工作,综合推测试题询问某工作的相关事实或某人(群)对该工作的评价。[问题]What do many people think about the woman'sjob?(许多人如何看待女士的工作?)[解析]B)符合7段所述大多数人对做杂志的看法“极富魅力”,fascinating同义替换glamorous。4.A)Her persistence.C)Her competence.目A)她的执着。C)她的能力。B)Her experience.D)Her confidence.B)她的经验。D)她的自信。[预测]各项均指向女士正面能力,推测题目询问女士具备/做某事所需的某种能力。[问题]What helped the woman to get her current position?(是什么帮助这位女士获得如今的职位?)[解析]末段女士针对男士提问“如何克服职业生涯中的困难?”作答“坚持”,A)正确。M:Today our guest is Rosie Mullender,who works as Features Editor for Fashion magazine.Hi,Rosie,you're Features Editor at one of the most widely-read women's magazines in the UK.What kind ofresponsibilities does that job entail?W:We spend our days looking at ideas from joumalists,writing copy for the magazine and website,and editing.Wedo random things like asking people in the street questions and testing sports clothing.We also do less tangiblethings like understanding what our readers want.It's certainly varied and sometimes bizarre.M:During your working day,what kind of work might you typically do?W:My day mainly incorporates responding to emails,writing and editing stories and coming up with newfeature ideas.M:How does the job of Features Editor differ from that of Fashion Editor,or other editorial positions?W:The features team deals with articles such as careers,reports,confidence and confessions-everythingexcept fashion and beauty.M:A lot of people believe that working at a magazine is a glamorous job.Is this an accurate representationof what you do?W:I'd say it's glamorous to an extent,but not in the way it's portrayed in films.We do have our moments,such as interviewing celebrities and attending parties,which is a huge thrill.Ultimately,though,we'rethe same as our readers,but working in a job we're all very lucky to have.M:Did you have to overcome any difficulties to reach this point in your career?How did you manage to do this?W:I had to be really persistent and it was very hard work.After three years of working in a petrol stationand doing unpaid work,I still hadn't managed to get an entry-level job.I was lucky that my last desperateattempt led to a job.I told myself that all experiences make you a better journalist in the long run-andluckily,I was right!Conversation Two5.A)It is enjoyable.C)It is divorced from real life.A)它充满乐趣。C)它脱离现实生活。B)It is educational.D)It is adapted from a drama.B)它富有教育意义。D)它改编自一部戏剧。2淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室[预测]各项均为对It的评价/事实介绍(A、B、C指向评价,D指向事实),C)“脱离现实生活”、D)“改编自一部戏剧”暗示:很可能为某影视剧、舞台剧等,综合可知题目询问对某影视剧/舞台剧等的相关评价/事实细节。[问题]What does the man think of the satire Frankie he recently watched?(对于最近观看的讽刺剧《弗兰基》,男士有何想法?)[解析]第2段男士将该刷介绍为a great satire,第8段中再次夸奖其is very funny and has won many awards,.可知男士认为该剧充满乐趣,A)正确。6.A)All the roles are played by famous actors and actresses,A)所有角色都由知名演员扮演。B)It is based on the real-life experiences of some celebrities.B)它基于一些名人的现实生活经历。C)Its plots and events reveal a lot about Frankie's actual life.C)它的情节和事件揭示了很多关于弗兰基D)It is written,directed,edited and produced by Frankie的现实生活。himself.D)它由弗兰基亲自编写、导演、剪辑、出品。[预测]B)、C)、D)均为对It/Its的某种描述,C)“情节和事件”、D)“编写、导演、剪辑、出品”暗示It为某影视刷、舞台剧等,推测题目询问某影视刷/舞台剧等的相关信息。[问题]What does the man say is special about the satire Frankie?(男士说讽刺剧《弗兰基》的特别之处是什么?)[解析]第8段男士接续女士所述“这听起来非常有创意”指出“这部刷由弗兰基亲自编写、导演、剪辑、出品”,D)直接原词复现男士话语,故正确。7.A)Go to the theater and enjoy it.A)去影院欣赏。B)Recommend it to her friends.B)推荐给她朋友。C)Watch it with the man.C)与男士一同观看。D)Download and watch it.D)下载观看。[预测]各项均以动词原形开头(提问方向通常为意见、建议、计划、目标等),且宾语都为t,描述对t所做的动作,“去影院看”、“与男士观看”、“下载观看”表明本题it指某影视剧、舞台剧等,且B)中her与C)中with themn暗示动作主体为女士,综合可知题目可能询问女士对某影视刷/舞台刷等的计划打算等或他人对女士有关这部影视剧/舞台剧等的意见建议等。[问题]What does the woman say she is going to do with the satire Frankie?(对于讽刺剧《弗兰基》,女士说她打算做什么?)[解析]D)是对第9段女士I'll try to download it所隐藏文意“我要去下载(来观看)”的推断与引申,故正确。8.A)It has drawn criticisms from scientistsA)它招致科学家批评。B)It has been showing for over a decade.B)它已在播十多年。C)It is a ridiculous piece of satire.C)它是一部荒谬的讽刺剧。D)It is against common sense.D)它违背常理。[预测]A)、C)、D)为对It的某种评价/事实介绍(A)、B)指向事实,C)、D)指向评价),B)“播出/演出超过十年”、C)“讽刺刷”暗示It指某影视刷、舞台刷等,推测题目询问对该影视刷/舞台刷等的评价或其相关信息。[问题]What does the woman say about the comedy The Big Bang Theory?(关于喜刷《生活大爆炸》,女士说了什么?)[解析]B)为第ll段The show has been running for over ten years的同义表述,正确。W:Are you watching any good shows these days?M:Actually,yes.Im watching a great satire called Frankie.I think you'd like it.W:Really?What's it about?M:It's about a real guy named Frankie.He is a famous comedian in New York and the show's a mixture ofcomedy and drama loosely depicting his life.W:I'm sorry,do you mean to say,it's a real-life series about a real person?It's non-fiction,is it?M:No...Not really,no.It's fiction,as what happens in every episode is made up.However the lead role isa comedian by the name of Frankie,and he plays himself.So Frankie in both real life and in the TV showlives in New York City,is a comic,is divorced,and has two little daughters.All those things are true,but aside from him,all his friends and family are played by actors.And the plots and events that takeplace are also invented.W:Oh,I think I see now.That sounds like a very original concept.M:Yes,it is.In fact,the whole show is written,directed,edited and produced by him,and is veryfunny and has won many awards.3
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