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2019年6月大学英语六级考试真题答案与详解(第二套)Part I Writing人际关系中相互理解和尊重的重要性(与第1套同理,故略)“理解”相关词汇及表达“尊重”相关词汇及表达tolerant a.宽容的,包容的respectful a.有礼貌的,恭敬的;with dignity有尊严,体面sympathetic a.表示同情的hold sb in high/great esteem非常数重某人with sympathy and understanding怀着同情与理解have a high regard for sb/sth对某人/事非常敬佩have great empathy with/for sb/sth对某人/事深感同情never impose one's will on othersbe forgiving of others'difficulties体谅他人的难处不把个人意志强加于人put oneself in sb's shoesit is the common courtesy to respect others设身处地为某人着想,换位思考尊重他人是起码的礼貌share opinions and emotions with one anotherhave deep respect/admiration for sb/sth分享彼此的想法与情感对某人/事怀有深深的敬意符三、写作提纲第一段:以“人际关系的复杂性”引出话题:相互理解与尊重至关重要。第二段:分别阐述二者的重要性:①相互理解能减少彼此的冲突与摩擦;②相互尊重能营造友好的交流氛围。第三段:总结观点:相互理解与尊重是人际关系保持健康稳定的必要前提。满分范文参考译文D How to deal with the complicated interpersonal①如何处理复杂的人际关系始终是relationships always remains a major worry for most of us.我们大多数人的一大烦恼。②意在教会2Wise words or books that aim to teach us to tackle this我们解决这一棘手问题的箴言或书籍几daunting issue are,almost without exception,putting乎无一例外都在强调相互理解与尊重,二stress on mutual understanding and respect,the者的重要性似乎不言而喻。significance of which seems self-evident.DMutual understanding requires us to put ourselves in①相互理解要求我们能换位思考并each other's place and be forgiving of others'difficulties.By体谅他人的难处。②如此一来,我们会变doing so,we will become more easy-going and accessible,and得更容易相处,更平易近人,从而更可能thus more likely to avoid unnecessary conflicts and frictions避免与他人产生不必要的冲突与摩擦(导with others,a common trigger for a failed relationship.致关系破裂的常见原因)。③尊重对方的Mutual respect-for privacy,lifestyles,hobbies,professions,隐私、生活方式、兴趣爱好、职业、观点等opinions and the like-helps create a friendly atmosphere that有助于营造一种友好的氛国,能促使我encourages us to share and exchange our ideas openly without们坦诚地分享交流自己的想法,而不会the fear of feeling offended.担心有被冒犯的感觉。DTo sum up,this principle of socializing is certainly①总之,这一交往准则无疑是使人aprerequisite for healthy and stable interpersonal际关系保持健康稳定的必要前提。②忽relationships.2Neglect of it will lead us to end up being视这一准则会导致双方最终疏远彼此,estranged from,or even hostile to,each other.甚至对彼此怀有敌意。daunting['do:nt]a,艰巨的,令人畏缩的self-evident['self'evidant]a.不言而喻的,不证自明的offend[a'fend]u.冒犯,使生气forgiving[fo'gvi]a.宽容的,体谅的easy-going[izr'gpu四]a,随和的,易相处的estranged[i'streind3:d]a.疏远的普通表达高级替换表达某事始终是某人的sth always remains a majorworrysb always worries about sth very much主要烦恼for sb.换位思考imagine oneself in the situation of another personput oneself in someone's shoes/place造成某事的常见原因usually results in stha common trigger for/cause of sth以…告终finally become/do...end up doing/with...行五、写作储备One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood.(Lucius Annaeus Seneca)真正的友谊所具有的最美好的特质便是相互理解。(鲁齐乌斯·安奈鸟斯·塞内加)When two friends understand each other totally,the words are soft and strong like an orchid'sperfume.(Martin Luther King Jr.)朋友之间若能完全理解彼此,其言语便会如兰花的芳香一般柔中带刚。(马丁·路德·金)By mutual respect,understanding and with good will we can find acceptable solutions to anyproblems which exist or may arise between us.(Dwight David Eisenhower)依靠相互尊重与理解,并携带善意,我们就能找到满意的办法去解决我们之间存在或可能产生的任何问题。(德怀特·戴雏·艾森豪威尔)行六、高分模板(参见本次考试第1套)Part II Listening ComprehensionSection AConversation One我的偶像奥黛丽·赫本一、听前预测1.A)Why Roman Holidaywas more famous than2.A)Her unique personality.Break fast at Tiffany's.B)Her physical condition.B)Why Audrey Hepburn had more female fans thanC)Her shift of interest to performing arts.male ones.D)Her family's suspension of financial aid.C)Why the woman wanted to be like Audrey Hepburn.D)Why so many girls adored Audrey Hepburn.3.A)She was not an outgoing person.4.A)She was influenced by the roles she played in the films.B)She was modest and hardworking.B)Her parents taught her to sympathize with the needy.C)She was easy-going on the whole.C)She learned to volunteer when she was a child.D)She was usually not very optimistic.D)Her family benefited from other people's help.[看选项关键词预测问题]1,由各项首词Wy推测本题关乎疑问,再由各项所示语义场“奥黛丽·赫本的电影名气、男女粉丝比例、被女性尊崇”可进一步推测本题可能询问某个与奥黛丽·赫本名气相关的问题。2.由C项“兴趣转向表演艺术”推测Hr可能指代上题中的奥黛丽·赫本;再由各项核心义“个性因素、身体因素、兴趣因素、经济因素”可推测本题可能询问奥黛丽·赫本转向演艺界的原因。3.结合1题推测Sh可能继续指代奥黛丽·赫本,再结合各项所示语义场“性格特点”可推测本题可能问及奥黛丽·赫本自身的性格特征。4.将A“电影角色”与1题人物结合推测She指代奥黛丽·赫本;再结合B、C、D三项语义(同情穷人、做志愿工作、受益于他人帮助)的共同指向“慈善事业”可推测题千询问奥黛丽·赫本做慈善的原因。[看选项复现词预测主题]迭项中反复出现的高频词集中于三类:一、著名演员奥黛丽·赫本的相关表达Audrey Hepburn、Roman Holiday、Breakfast at Tiffany's、fans、performing arts、films;二、性格相关表达unique personality、outgoing、modest and hardworking、easy-going、optimistic,三、患善事业相关表达sympathize with the needy, volunteer,benefited from other people's help,推演奥·赫本事业、性格和善举等方面的内容。对二、录音分析1-W:Wow,I would give anything to be more like Audrey Hepburn.2-M:I never really understood why so many girls were such big fans of her.I mean,I've seen thefamous films,Roman Holiday,Break fast at Tiffany's and a few others,but I still don't fullyget it.Was she that great of an actress?3-W:Well,for me,my adoration goes beyond her movies.She had such a classic elegance about her.She wasalways so poised,in part because she spent years training as a ballet dancer before becoming an actress.介绍奥黛丽·赫本被追捧的原因。话语标记词:Wow..I never really understood why..I mean..but.,,Well,for me..in part because.,.。核心语义词:give anything to be more like..so many girls..bigfans of her...famous films...beyond her movies...classic elegance...as a ballet dancer before....I段女士表达对赫本的崇拜之情。Wow降调、重读表达惊叹,.like Audrey Hepburn重读提示崇拜对象。2段男士表达自己对此的不解。I never really understood升调引出男士的不解之处,不解的内容:so manygirls、such big fans渐次加重予以强调。】mean后停顿,引出男士的解释:Roman Holiday,Break fast atTiffany's词末升调表示列举男士观看过的赫本电影:but重读停顿后,I still don'tfully get it(为口语表达,意即
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