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2018年12月大学英语六级考试真题答案与详解(第二套)Part I Writing如何平衡工作职责和个人兴趣行一、审题引导(与第1套同理,故略)“工作职责”相关词汇及表达“个人兴趣”相关词汇及表达punctual a,守时的;diligent a.勤奋的hiking m.徒步旅行,远足;jogging n.慢跑do one's part/,share微好分内之事creative writing创意写作meet a deadline在栽止日期前完工write fan fiction创作同人小说pull one's weight at work竭尽全力工作develop a passionate interest in sthbe dedicated/devoted to one's work对某事产生强烈兴趣全身心投入工作,撒业produce,edit and upload videosbe fired/dismissed for negligence/neglect of duty制作、剪辑并上传视频因玩忽职守而被解雇take cooking/baking/pottery classescope with/handle one's heavy workload上烹饪/烘培/肉艺课应付繁重的工作量develop and explore outside interests培养并拓展业余爱好achieve performance goals/objectives达成业绩目标demonstrate a strong work ethicpursue one's interests/hobbies/,passions追求兴趣爱好展现出良好的职业道德appreciate fine works of art欣赏精美的艺术品volunteer for community service自愿参加社区服务行三、写作提纲第一段:简述履行工作职责和培养个人兴趣的关健作用,引出平衡二者的必要性。第二段:介绍平衡二者的宗旨—充分利用相应时间工作时间:一心一意,完成工作任务。闲暇时间:使兴趣爱好与生活融为一体。第三段:总结指出结合工作与兴趣是更佳的选择,但不管实际情况如何,都不应只偏向其中一方。满分范文参考译文DWork is a means of livelihood for most people,①工作对大部分人来说是赖以生存while personal interests often add spice to one's life.的手段,而兴趣往往是生活的调味品。②Both are beyond dispute indispensable for leading a要想生活美满,两者无疑都是不可或缺fulfilling life.But it is far from easy to achieve a trade-的。③但要在两者间取得平衡远非易事。off between them.①这首先需要充分合理地利用工作DIt requires,above all,full and proper use of work时间。②更确切地说,人们应遵守工作计time.2More exactly,people should follow their work plans划,集中精力完成工作任务。③实际上,and make a concentrated effort to complete their高效地工作不仅有利于职业发展,还能为assignments.Being productive at work,in fact,not你省出许多时间和精力来拓展个人兴趣。only benefits your career development,but also saves you④为了不虚度如此得来不易的空闲时间,plenty of time and energy to explore private interests.一旦你发现自己喜欢的消遣方式,试着将认准淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室其融入到生活中吧。⑤比如,影迷可以part of your life,lest you idle such hard-won free time away.在每个工作日的晚上花至少一个小时5Movie fans,for example,can spend one hour or morewatching films each weeknight and share their comments via网络上。social media on weekends.①当然,更好的办法是找一份与兴DA better approach,of course,is to seek a job or start a趣密切相关的工作或利用兴趣创业,不business closely related to one's hobbies,though it is less过这对大多数人来说不太现实。②但practical for most people.2But at any rate,it is inadvisable to be不管怎样,工作时因个人兴趣而分心或distracted by personal interests at work or to be a workaholic.工作至上都不是明智的做法。pastime['pa:staim]n.消遣,娱乐idle away虚度光阴,浪货时间fulfilling[fol'rl]a.令人满意的hard-won['ha:d'wAn]a.来之不易的at any rate无论如何,不管怎样,至少workaholic[w3ka'hlk]n.工作狂·进阶表达·普通表达高级替换表达为…增添情趣make...more interestingadd spice to...pay attention to sthmake a concentrated effort to do sthso that...not...lest...;in case/for fear that...狩五、写作储备Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.(Dolly Parton)永远不要因忙于生计而忘记生活。(多莉·帕领)The latest research shows that the more control we have over our work,the less stressed we get.So be realistic about workloads and deadlines.Set manageable goals each day,and take care of importanttasks first and eliminate unessential ones..最新的研究表明,我们越能掌控自己的工作,感受到的压力就越小。因此,工作量和截止期限都要符合实际。设定能够达到的每日目标,优先处理重要的任务,抹去无关紧要的任务。Work-related challenges are often accompanied by strain and the pressure to be the best at what you aredoing.With a hobby,you can enjoy the process of learning something new without feeling discouraged at beingbad at it in the beginning.工作上的挑战通常伴随着紧张以及“做就要做到最好”的压力。拥有兴趣爱好,你就能辛受学习新事物的过程,不会因入门时表现不住而灰心丧气。These days,work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat.Technology makes workersaccessible around the clock.Fears of job loss incentivize longer hours.Experts agree:the compoundingstress from the never-ending workday is damaging.It can hurt relationships,health and overallhappiness..如今,实现工作与生活的平衡似乎是不可能完成的壮举。科技的存在使一天24小时与员工取得联系成为可能。员工害怕丢掉工作,因而(主动)延长工作时间。专家们一致认为:永无休止的工作日带来的复合压力会造成负面影响,会损害(人际)关系、健康和总体幸福感。(参见本次考试第1套)认准淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室Part II Listening ComprehensionSection AConversation One发照片,做网红对一、听前预测A)Stop worrying about him.2.A)Gaining great fame on the Internet.B)Keep away from the statue.B)Publishing a collection of his photosC)Take a picture of him.C)Collecting the best photos in the world.D)Put on a smile for the photo.D)Becoming a professional photographer.3.A)Surfing various websites and collecting photos.4.A)They re far from satisfactory.B)Editing his pictures and posting them online.B)They are mostly taken by her mom.C)Following similar accounts to compare notes.C)They make an impressive album.D)Studying the pictures in popular social media.D)They record her fond memories.[看选项关键词预测问题及听音重点]1,由各项含义(别再担心他、离雕塑远点、给他拍张照、面带微笑拍照)可推测题目询问对话中A要求/请求B做什么(且由A,C项中him可知A为男性说话人)。2.各项均表示美好希冀(网上出名:出版照片集:收集最捧的照片:成为专业摄影师),推测题目可能询问对话中一方的目标/愿望(且由B项中his可知为男性说话人)。3.各项均表示某种经常性的上网行为(浏览网站及收集照片:修图并发在网上;关注相似账号以交换意见:研究社交媒体上的图片),推测题目询问对话中一方上网时常做的事情(且由B项hs可知为男性说话人)。4.由B项are taken by、C项make an.,album、D项record.,memories可知They指代“照片”,由B、D项中her可知这是“某位女士的照片”,可推测题目询问“对话中的女士对自己照片的介绍或评价”的相关信息。[看选项复现词预测主题]选项反复出现的词汇有两类:一、与“照片、摄影”相关的词汇(a picture、hisphotos,.the best photos、photographer、photos、pictures、album):二、与“网络”相关的词汇(on the Internet、.Surfing various websites,posting...online,Following.,accounts、social media)推测此对话主题与“照片、摄影”相关,且涉及“将照片发布在网络上”等内容。1-M:Do you mind taking my photo with the statue男:你介意帮我和那边的雕像拍张照吗?over there?I think it will make a great shot.我觉得这样拍出来的照片会很棒。2-W:Sure,no worries.You're always taking photos.女:当然,没问題。你一直在拍照。你都怎What do you do with all the photos you take?么处理拍出来的那些照片呢?3-M:Well,don't laugh.My dream is to become an男:恩,别笑我,我的梦想是成为一个不那online celebrity of sorts.么红的网红。4-W:You are not serious,are you?女:你该不会是认真的吧?5-M:I am,completely.I just got the idea a few男:认真,非常认真。我几个月前才有了这months ago after posting some holiday photos on个想法。当时我在自己的社交媒体账号my social media accounts.A lot of people liked上发布了一些度假照片。很多人给我的my photos and started asking me for travel tips.照片点赞并向我要旅行攻略。所以我想So I figured I'd give it a go.I post a lot on social我应该试试。反正我会在社交媒体上发media anyway.So I've got nothing to lose.很多东西。所以我也没什么损失。6-W:I guess that's true.So what do you have to do to女:我想你说的对。那么,你要怎么做才能become Internet famous?成为网红呢?认准淘宝店铺:光速考研工作室
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