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2015年12月大学英语六级考试真题精析(第一套)Part IWriting【范文】As is depicted in the cartoon,a man who is sitting in front of a computer browsing information tells his wifethat he feels unfortunate to live in a world with so much misleading information.Simple as the drawing is,it isabsolutely thought-provoking.There is no denying the fact that the Internet has brought us great convenience and efficiency in acquiringinformation.However,in an age flooded with information,there is a vast amount of misleading information thatcan do harm to our life and society.For one thing,decisions based on misleading information may result in illconsequences.Companies may adopt a wrong strategy and individuals may make a regrettable choice.Foranother,false and misleading information may lead to trust crisis,which impairs people's trust in authorities andthe mutual trust among people.In view of the seriousness of the problem,it is high time that government departments tightened up theirsupervision and administration over the online release of information.Meanwhile,we individuals would be wiseto develop critical thinking and learn to judge in a rational way.Only in this way can we better the environmentof the virtual world and benefit most from the development of technology.【译文】这幅漫画描述了一位男士坐在电脑前浏览信息,他对妻子说自己感到很不幸,因为生活在一个充斥着误导性信息的世界里。该漫画虽然简单,却相当引人深思。无可否认的事实是,互联网使得我们能非常方便而高效地获取信息。然而,在信息泛滥的时代,存在着大量的误导性信息,这些信息会给我们的生活和社会造成伤害。一方面,基于误导性信息而做出的决定可能引发不良后果。公司可能会因此采取错误的战略,个人可能会因此做出令自己后悔不已的选择。另一方面,虚假和误导性的信息可能导致信任危机,这会损害人们对于权威的信任以及人与人之间的相互信任。鉴于该问题的严重性,政府部门是时候对于信息的在线发布加强监督和管理了。同时,作为个人我们要培养批判性思雏,学会以理性的方式作出判断。只有这样,我们才能改善网络环境,从技术的发展中最大程度地获益。【要点用法】depict描迷,描写a vast amount of大量的mutual相互的browse浏览do harm to伤客,损害in view of鉴于,考虑到unfortunate不幸的for one thing一方面seriousness严重性misleading误导性的result in导致,造成it is high time..是…的时侯了absolutely极其,非常consequence后果thought--provoking令人深思的,strategy战略,策略tighten up加紧,收严发人深省的regrettable令人遗憾的,可惜的supervision监管convenience便利,方便for another另一方面release发布efficiency效率lead to导致,造成critical thinking挑判性思维acquire获取,得到trust crisis信任危机in a rational way以理性的方式flood with充满,挤满impair损害,伤害virtual虚拟的【句法点评】1.As is depicted in the cartoon,a man who is sitting in front of a computer browsing information tells his wifethat he feels unfortunate to live in a world with so much misleading information.用一个长句开篇,简要描述漫画内容。定语从句和宾语从句连用,表达有亮点。2.Simple as the drawing is,it is absolutely thought-provoking.承上启下的过渡句,为后文进一步阐述做铺垫。倒装结构的使用使得句式表达多样化。,2015年12月六级真题(第一套)·3.There is no denying the fact that the Internet has brought us great convenience and efficiency in acquiringinformation主体段首句欲抑先扬,思路镇密,论证严谨。同位语从句的运用使表达更为生动。4.However,in an age flooded with information,there is a vast amount of misleading information that can doharm to our life and society.过渡句引出全文论述的重点。衔接自然,行文流畅。5.For one thing,decisions based on misleading information may result in ill consequences...For another...从两个方面具体说明网络误导性信息的有害性。结构清晰,层次分明。6.Companies may adopt a wrong strategy and individuals may make a regrettable choice.结合具体事例进行深入论证,增强论证的说服力,并列句的运用使得表达富有变化。7.In view of the seriousness of the problem,it is high time that government departments tightened up theirsupervision and administration over the online release of information.结尾段首句提出解决办法。虚拟语气的使用加强了表达效果。8.Only in this way can we better the environment of the virtual world and benefit most from the developmentof technology.文章末句进一步强化主题。用倒装句式作结使收尾更有力度。PartⅡListening ComprehensionSection AConversation OneW:Charles,as a singer,do you ever make yourself cry when you sing?M:No,not at this stage.I'm an old man.[1]But the songs can still get through to me.W:What song writers are currently exciting you?M:I don't know much about song writers.Once in a while,I'll listen to the radio to see what they are putting out.But it's not too often I hear something I like.Somebody like Art Tatum can make me sit up and take notice.But some music,like Rap,isn't very musical,and I can't learn anything from it.You got to do something morethan talk to me.W:What's the most difficult kind of music to sing?M:It depends.[2]If I like something,I can sing it.I did the opera Porgy and Bess,and that's said to be acomplicated piece of music.And I can do country music,blues and love songs.[3]On the other hand,I can't sing something I don't like and that's one of my defects.W:Can you perform music that's out of tune with the mood you might be in on a given night?M:Yes,because when you sing,you are like an actor performing a part.Once you get out there you become thatpart,only you are using music instead of dialogue.[4]I'm the kind of person that if my personal life ishurting,I can go to work and the music will take over.It's like a guy who goes to a bar and drinks.Forthose few hours,I can wrap myself up in my music.1.What does Charles say songs can do when he sings them?.2.What does Charles say about himself as a singer?3What's one of the man's weaknesses?4.What will Charles do when his personal life is hurting?1.【听前预测】四项均为动词短语;三项含有him,两项含有his;两项含有使役动词make。结论:该题可能以wht开头对动作进行提问,可能涉及某人或某事物对男士产生的影响。听音时,应将重点放在四个选项的关键词上,并留意与男士相关的信息,最后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话的开头,女士问男士作为一名歌手,在唱歌的时候有没有把自己感动哭过,男士说没有,但是歌曲仍然能够打动他。由此可知,远项A为正确答案,同时可排除选项B。C、D两项对话中均未提及,都可排除。A项中的touch his heart是对话中get through to me的同义转换。2.【听前预测】四项均以he开头;四项均含有与音乐或歌曲有关的内容(operas,complicated music,.anysong,country music),且其中包含了不同的音乐形式;三项含有表示喜欢的词语(enjoys,likes,.loves),两项含有表示能够或擅长的词语(is good at,can)。·2015年12月六级真题(第一套)·结论:该题对与男士相关的信息进行提问,可能涉及他喜欢或所擅长的音乐形式。听音时,应重,点关注四个选项中的关键词,留意与音乐形式相关的内容,尤其是男士所说的话,最后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】对话中,当女士问男士觉得哪种类型的音乐最难演唱时,男士说:“如果我喜欢,我就可以唱。我曾经唱过歌剧《波吉与贝丝》,那可谓是一部复杂的音乐作品。我还可以唱乡村音乐、布鲁斯和情歌。另一方面,我唱不了不喜欢的音乐。”由此可知,进项C为正确答案。其他三项都可排除。3.B【听前预测】四个选项都以he开头,都含有负面色彩,表示某方面的能力欠缺。结论:本题很可能问的是某位男士的缺点或弱点,听录音时着重听清男士在哪方面的能力有所欠缺。【解析】对话的中间部分,男士说道,我唱不了不喜欢的音乐,这是我的缺陷之一。由此可见,男士的弱点是他无法演唱自己不喜欢的歌,正确答案为B。对话中男士提到自己可以演唱歌剧,故A项错误。C、D两项对话中都未提及,应排除。4.D【听前预测】四项均以动词原形开头;三项提到了与音乐相关的词语(sing blues,.performance in a concerthall,music)。结论:该题以what开头对动作进行提问,可能涉及与音乐相关的内容。听音时,应重点关注四个选项中的关键词(go to a bar,go to an isolated place,go to see a performance,go to work),然后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话的最后,男士说他是那种如果个人生活很苦闷,就会把精力投入到工作中去的人。就像有些人在心情不好时去酒吧买醉一样。在那样的时刻,他会将自己沉浸在音乐中。由此可知,选项D为正确答案。wrap...up in music为原词重现。A项为根据男士所说的话设置的千扰项;B、C两项对话中均未提及,故排除。Conversation TwoW:[5]I wonder if you could tell me a little bit about your job as a radio announcer.What do you actually doand how do you prepare for your job?M:Well,in the news room I'm sitting with the reporters and the news subs,as though I'm sitting in a newspapernews room.W:Sorry,what do you mean by news subs?M:They are sub-editors.[6]They are the people who write the news stories as they come in.The stories arethen passed to the senior duty editor and the assistant editor.As stories go through the chain of people,they arerefined,corrected and sorted out until they come finally to me and I have a chance to read through most storiesbefore I go on the air.[7]Of course,sometimes things happen at the last moment and I don't have achance.So I've just got to do my best,and take a couple of seconds to look through the first few linesbefore I launch into something.Because it's such a pity if you start off in a bright tone on a story andsuddenly realize you are talking about some people having been killed in a road crash.It's very important tojust have a quick flip through.W:There's nothing to mark what sort of event it is on your piece of paper?M:No,I have my own little mark.[8]If it's something sad,I put a small cross at the top.That's my littleclue.So while I'm working on the news,I'm just absorbing the news and checking pronunciations.5.What does the woman want to know about the man?What does the man say news subs do?7.What does the man say is a big challenge for him?8.What role does the man say his small cross place?5.【听前预测】四项均为how引导的从句;四项均提到了he;两项提到了与新闸相关的内容(announcer,news stories),两项提到了工作或生计(makes his living,does his job)。结论:本题可能就男士如何工作或谋生进行提问,可能涉及与新闻相关的内容。听音时,应将重点放在四个选项的关键词上,关注与工作或新闻有关的内容,同时留意与男士相关的信息,然后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话的开头,女士说她想请男士讲一些有关其电台播音员工作的事情,比如他实际上都微些什么工作、进行哪些准备等,由此可知,女士想要知道男士是如何工作的,故选项D为正确答案。其他三项对话中均未提及,都可排除。·2015年12月六级真题(第一套)·10
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