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2015年6月大学英语六级考试真题精析(第二套)Part IWriting【范文】Albert Einstein once said,"I have no special talents.I'm only passionately curious."His enlighteningremark,which reveals the secret of his tremendous academic achievements,highlights the importance of curiosityand downplays the role of talents in any successful endeavor.It is not an uncommon theory that talents tend to be equated with success.However,those who areconsidered talented may become conceited and lack the motivation to work hard.Obviously,Einstein was wellaware of the limitation of talents since he attributed his success to curiosity.The same can be applied to othersuccessful people such as Jack Ma,the founder of Alibaba Group.Jack Ma,who can be said to be equally curiousabout the future of e-commerce,has worked with persistence over the years to build a business empire which canbe comparable to its foreign rivals such as Amazon.In his case,it is curiosity that pushed him to make sustainedefforts and enabled him to identify new business models that may seem unimaginable to other people.In a word,Einstein's remark is a valuable reminder for all of those who want the key to success.【译文】艾伯特·爱因斯坦曾经说过:“我没有特殊的才能。我只是有强烈的好奇心。”他启发性的话揭示了他获得巨大学术成就的秘诀,强调了好奇心的重要性,同时弱化了天赋在任何成功的务力中所起的作用。天赋往往等同于成功,这是很普遍的看法。然而,那些被认为富有天赋的人可能会变得自负,缺乏务力工作的动力。显然,爱因斯坦很好地认识到了天赋的局限性,因为他将自己的成功归结于好奇心。同样的情形也出现在诸如阿里巴巴集团的创始人马云等其他成功人士身上。据说马云同样对电子商务的未来充满好奇心。多年来他通过坚持不懈的努力缔造了一个商业王国,可以与亚马逊那样的外国竞争对手一较高下。对于他的情况,正是好奇心促使他不断努力,使得他发掘出了别人可能无法想象的新的商业模式。总之,爱因斯坦的话对所有想要获得成功秘诀的人来说都是一个有价值的提醛。【要点用法】passionately强烈地;充满热情地curiosity好奇心attribute...to把…归结于curious好奇的downplay不予重视,贬低be applied to适用于enlightening启发性的,endeavor努力,尝试persistence坚持不懈;持续令人受启迪的tend to往往,倾向于empire帝国,王国remark话语be equated with等同于be comparable to...reveal透露,揭示conceited自负的,骄傲自满的可与…相提并论的tremendous巨大的;惊人的motivation动力,积极性identify确定,识别出academic achievement学术成就be well aware of很好地意识到reminder提醒,捉示highlight使显著;强调limitation局限,限制【句法点评】1.Albert Einstein once said,"I have no special talents.I'm only passionately curious."开篇引出题干中的名言,呼应题干要求。表达简洁有力。2.His enlightening remark,which reveals the secret of his tremendous academic achievements,highlights theimportance of curiosity and downplays the role of talents in any successful endeavor.承接上一句,点明文章的主旨,为后面进一步的论述作铺垫。定语从句和并列结构的使用使句式多样化。3.It is not an uncommon theory that talents tend to be equated with success.主体段首句欲抑先扬,思路镇密,论证严谨。主语从句的使用使表达更为生动。However,those who are considered talented may become conceited and lack the motivation to work hard.过渡句进一步阐述观,点。衔接自然,行文流畅。·2015年6月六级真题(第二套)·5.Jack Ma,who can be said to be equally curious about...which can be comparable to its foreign rivals such asAmazon.结合具体事例进一步论证,增强论证的说服力,符合题干要求。复杂句式的连用彰显写作功力,为文章增色不少。6.In his case,it is curiosity that pushed him to make sustained efforts and enabled him to identify new businessmodels that may seem unimaginable to other people.点明例证的含义,再次深化主题。强调句型的使用使论证更具说服力。7.In a word,Einstein's remark is a valuable reminder for all of those who want the key to success.结尾段总结全文。用定语从句总结使收尾更有力度。Listening ComprehensionSection AConversation OneW:Now,could you tell me where the idea for the business first came from?M:Well,the original shop was opened by a retired printer by the name of Gruby.[1]Mr.Gruby,being left-handed himself,thought of the idea to trying promote a few products for left-handers.W:And how did he then go about actually setting up the business?'M:Well,he looked for any left-handed products that might already be on the market,which were very few,andthen contacted the manufacturers with the idea of having products produced for him,mainly in the scissorrange to start with.W:Right.So you do commission some part of your stock.M:Yes,very much so.[2]About 75 percent of our stock is specially made for us.W:And the rest of it?M:[3]Hmm,the rest of it now,some 25,30 years after Mr.Gruby's initial efforts,there are more left-handed products actually on the market.Manufacturers are now beginning to see that there is a market forleft-handed products..W:And what's the range of your stock?M:The range consists of a variety of scissors,from children scissors to scissors for tailors,hairdressers,etc.Wealso have a large range of kitchenware.W:What's the competition like?Do you have quite a lot of competition?M:[4]There are other people in the business now as specialists,but only as mail order outlets.But we havea shop here in central London plus a mail order outlet.And we are without any doubt the largestsupplier of left-handed items.1.What kind of business is the man engaged in?What does the man say about his stock of products?3.What can we know about the business of left-handed products?4.What does the man say about other people in his line of business?1.【听前预测】l.四项均以动名词开头,可推测该题以what进行提问。2.三项含有与产品有关的词(products,manufactured goods)。3.两项含有表示特殊人群的词(the disabled,.left-handers)。结论:该题考查的内容可能与某人做某事有关,可能涉及某种产品,而且这种产品很可能是供残疾人或左撇子使用的。听音重,点为disabled、left-handers、promoting以及printing labels。【解析】在对话开头,女士问这个行业创立的灵感来自哪里,男士说最初的店铺是一位退休的印刷工人开的,因为这位退休工人自己是个左搬子,所以就想出了出售供左撇子使用的商品的点子,由此可知男士所从事的行业专门出售供左撇子使用的产品,故B项正确。2.D【听前预测】l.三项提到了them。2.三项提到了表示数量的词(half of,all of,most of)。9·2015年6月六级真题(第二套)·3.四项均含有与生产或销售场所有关的词(market,plant,shop)。结论:本题考查的内容可能与某物的生产数量或销售数量有关。听音时应首先弄清楚hm的指代对象,然后将听音重点放在与数量有关的词上。【解析】对话中女士求证男士的部分库存品是否是委托制作的,男士回答说正是如此,大概75%的库存品都是专门定做的,故D项正确。3.【听前预测】l.三项提到了与行业或生意有关的词(business)。2.两项提到了与产品有关的词汇(lef-handed products,products)。结论:本题很可能考查与某个行业、某门生意或某种产品相关的信息。听音时,应重点留意相关的信息,并将听音重点放在各个选项的关键词上(set up the business,more competition in the business,moreleft-handed products on the market,should run stores to sell products),然后根据问题作出进一步的判断。【解析】在对话中男士提到,格鲁比先生首创这一行业的二三十年后,现在市场上其实有了更多的供左撇子使用的产品,生产商现在开始看到供左撇子使用的产品有市场了。由此可知,选项C为正确答案,同时排除选项B。创立这门生意的是格鲁比先生,并非说话的男士,排除选项A。在对话的最后,男士说现在也有一些人专门从事这一行业,但是都只有邮购商店,故选项D是错误的,也应排除。4.D【听前预测】l.四项均以hey开头。2.三项含有与销售方式有关的词(have outlets,,un chain stores,,sell by mail order)。3.一项提到了Britain,一项提到了London。结论:本题可能考查they的产品在英国或伦敦的销售方式,听音重,点为specialise、outlets、chain stores以及mail order.【解析】当女士问男士这一行业竞争是否澈烈时,男士说现在也有一些人专门从事这一行业,但是他们只有邮购商店,由此可知D项正确。Conversation TwoM:Can we make you an offer?[5]We would like to run the campaign for.four extra weeks.W:Well,can we summarise the problem from my point of view?First of all,the campaign was late.It missed twoimportant trade fairs.The ads also did not appear into key magazines.As a result,the campaign failed.Do youaccept that summary of what happened?M:Well,the delay wasn't entirely our fault.[6]You did in fact make late changes to the specifications of theadvertisements.W:Um,actually,you were late with the initial proposals so you have very little time and in fact,we only asked forsmall changes.M:Well,whatever.Can we repeat our offer to run the campaign for four extra weeks?W:That's not really the point.The campaign missed two key trade fairs.[7]Because of this,we are asking youeither to repeat the campaign next year for free,or we only pay 50%of the fee for this year.M:Could we suggest a 20%reduction to the fee together with the four weeks'extension to the campaign?W:We are not happy.We lost business.'M:I think we both made mistakes.The responsibility is on both sides.W:OK,let's suggest a new solution.How about a 40%cut in fee,or a free repeat campaign?M:[8]Well,let's take a break.We're not getting very far.Perhaps we should think about this.5.What do we learn about the man's company?6.Why was the campaign delayed according to the man?What does the woman propose as a solution to the problem?8.What does the man suggest they do at the end of the conversation?5.D【听前预测】1.四项均以it开头。2.两项含有与商品销售有关的词(trade fairs,sales promotion campaigns)。结论:本题考查t的特征或属性,可能与商品销售有关。听音时应首先确定it的指代对象,然后将听音·2015年6月六级真题(第二套)·10
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