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2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part IWriting1、审题:这是一篇图画作文【考频:考查的是六级考试中最常见的体裁:议论文。图画中一位女士对一位年轻人说:“《如何不学习而获得好成绩》这本书在小说区(the fiction section)。”由此可知,学习并无捷径。·文章应重点阐述学习并无捷径的原因,说明学生不应该抱有侥幸心理而不努力学习'2、列提纲:第一段:描述图画,指出学习并不存在捷径No Shortcut to第二段:通过“学英语”这一事例和“不劳无获”Learning这一名言论证观点第三段:总结全文:学习没有捷径,贝有刻苦努力才会获得好成绩3、语言:注意用词的准确性,句式要多样化,正确使用过渡词使文章更连贯。No Shortcut to LearningThe cartoon above is thought-provoking A young man asks where he can find a book named "How To DoWell In School Without Studying",and the woman suggests looking for it in the fiction section.Apparently,thecartoon demonstrates,a truth that there is nosuch a thing as a shortcut to learning.Just as we cannot build a castle in the air,neither can we perform well in school through a shortcut.First ofail,the nature of study requires it to be based on a solid foundation.Let's take English learning as an example.Ifwe want to improve our English listening ability,we are required to keep on listening to different materials,bothintensively and extensively,and make notes from time to time.In addition.we are all very familiar with thefamous proverb "No pains,no gains",which conveys the message that we are supposed to make strenuous effortswhenever we attempt to succeed in a certain field.Therefore,we should spend a certain amount of time learningand remembering the basic knowledge which lays the foundation for further study rather than search for theso-called shortcut.To sum up,students should come to realize that there exists no shortcut to learning.Only hard work will formthe bedrock of good performance in school.Part IⅡListening Comprehensionl.听力原文:w:Oh,here'sa piece of cake and a small coffee for you,.sir.The total is35yan.For here or toM:Togo.I'd like to have them inmy car.Thank you.Q:Where does this conversation most probably take place?1.A)In a parking lot.C)At a fast food restaurant.B)At a groceryD)In a car showroom.【预测】四个选项均为表示地点的介词短语,故推测本趣可能询问对话或某事发生的地点。【精析】C)。场景推断题【考频:★☆☆】。对话中女士说蛋糕和咖啡是给男士的,一共35元,并问男士是在这里吃还是带走;男士回答说带走。由此可知,对话最有可能发生在快餐店。2.W:Oh,I must have been sitting in the same position too long.My legs have fallen asleep.2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解M:Shake them a little before you get up.Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?2.A)Change her position now and then.C)Have a little nap after lunchB)Stretch her legs before standing up.D)Get up and take a short walk【预测】四个选项均为动词原形开头的短语,故推测本趣可能询问建议做什么或者将要做什么。另,根据选项中出现的Change her position,standing up,nap,walk推测,对话可能与运动或休息有关。选项为动词原形短语的趣目,答案一般出现在第二个人的话中。【精析】B)。请求建议趣【考频:★★☆】。对话中女士说她肯定是一个姿势坐得时间太长,腿麻了:男士建议她站起来之前先抖抖腿,也就是让腿伸展一下。3.听力原文:W:It's hard to believe that half the class couldn't complete the three-thousand-neter race,.isnt it?M I'm afraid that says something about the students physical fitness.Q What does the man mean?3.A)The students should practice long-distance running.B)The students'physical condition is not desirable.C)He doesn't quite believe what the woman says.B)He thinks the race is too hard for the students.【预测】由选项中出现的students,running,physical,race推测,对话可能与学生跑步有关。另,C)、D)选项主语均为He,且出现了believe,thinks,故推测对话中谈到了男士对某事的看法。综合以上,该趣很有可能考查男士对学生跑步情况的看法。【精析】B)。弦外之音题【考频:★★☆】。对话中女士说很难相信班里有一半学生跑不下来3000米,男士说这恐怕说明了学生身体素质存在一些问趣,也就是说学生的身体素质不太好。所以B)“学生的身体状况不容乐观”是正确答案。4.听力原文:W,Have Lisa and Eric started a family yet?they've been married for two years now.M Eric told me that they postponed having children until he gets his doctoral degree.Q:What do we learn about Lisa and Eric?4.A)They will get their degrees in two yearsB)They are both pursuing graduate studies.C)They cannot afford to get married right now.D)They do not want to have a baby at present.【预测】四个选项主语均为They,且由选项中出现的degrees,studies,married,baby推测,本题可能询问They学习或结婚生子方面的问趣。注意在听音的过程中分辨They的身份是对话中的两个人,还是对话中提到的其他人。【精析】D)。综合理解题【考频:★★★】。对话中女士问男士Li和Eic有孩子了吗,并说他们已经结婚两年了:男士回答说Ec告诉他,他们夫妻俩打算在Eric拿到博士学位后再要孩子,所以他们现在没有打算要孩子。5.听力原文:w:Hi,John.Haven't seen you for quite a ew days.I heard from guys at the gym you've been sick.How are you feeling now?M:They must have confused me with my brother Jack.Anyway,he's feeling better now.Q:What does the man mean?5.A)He must have been mistaken for Jack.C)Jack is certainly not as healthy as he is.B)Twins usually have a lot in common.D)He has not seen Jack for quite a few days.【预测】选项中出现了人名Jck,这在短对话中一般是对话中提到的第三人,而非对话者本人,因为对话者在选项中通常用he/she或者the man/the woman表示。另,由选项中出现的mistaken,Twins推测,2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解该对话应该是常考的错认双胞胎的话题。【精析】A)。推理判断趣【考频:★★★】。对话中女士说她听健身房里的人说男士病了,男士表示健身房里的人一定是把他和他弟弟Jack弄混了,并说Jack的确生病但已经好转了。6.听力原文:W:Excuse me.Will it take me long to get to the museum that opens to the public recently?M No,it's no distance at all.In fact,I'm going in the same direction.Come and I'll show you the way when weget to the crossroads.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?6.A)The woman will attend the opening of the museum.B)The woman is asking the way at the crossroads.C)The man knows where the museum is located.D)The man will take the woman to the museum.【预测】由选项中出现的museum,way,crossroads,located推测,对话内容与博物馆的位置有关,可能涉及问路与指路。【精析】C)。综合理解题【考频:★★★】。对话中女士询问男士到达最近向公众开放的那个博物馆是否还需要很久,男士回答说不远了,并表示他也要去同样的方向,可以和女士同行到十字路口处,然后指给她看博物馆的位置。由此可见,男士知道博物馆在哪里。7.听力原文:M:See that guy over there in the corner..He comes in every Friday night around six and he just sitsthere for hoursW:It's odd.But there is not much we can do as long as he orders something to drink.Q.What does the woman mean?7.A)They cannot ask the guy to leave.C)The guy must be feeling extremely lonely.B)The guy has been coming in for years.D)They should not look down upon the guy.【预测】四个选项的主语有两个是They,两个是The guy,由此推测对话中提到了The guy。另,根据选项中出现的情态动词cannot,.must,should:推测,该趣可能考查They和The guy之间的情感态度问题。【精析】A)。弦外之音趣【考频:★★★】。对话中男士说坐在角落的那个家伙每周五晚上六点左右都会来这儿坐几个小时,女士表示她也觉得很奇怪,但是人家点了喝的东西,他们也不能做什么。言外之意就是他们不能赶客人走。&.听力原文:W:Youcertainly have a lot of clocks.There seems to be one in every room.M:My family gave them to me because I have trouble keeping track oftime.Q:What does the man's family want him to do?8.A)Collect timepieces.C)Learn to mend clocks.B)Become time-conscious.D)Keep track of his daily activities.【预测】四个选项均为动词原形开头的短语,故推测本题可能考查行动计划或意见建议。另,由选项中出现的timepieces,.time-conscious,clocks推测,对话可能与时间、钟表有关。【精析】B)。语义理解题【考频:★★★】。对话中女士说男士有很多钟表,好像每个房间里都有一个:男士表示那些钟表是家人送给他的,因为他总是把握不好时间。由此可知,家人希望他有点时间观念。9.12.听力原文:M:Watch it,Mary!W:What's the matter?M:This is the end of the road.There's a river just beyond those trees.W:Another river?I've never seen so many rivers anywhere in my life.Let's go take a lookM:This river is wide and deep.
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