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2013年12月六级考试真趣答案解析(第一套)2013年6月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part IWriting1、审趣:这是一篇评论性话趣作文。首先,抓住趣目中的主题词li危和meaningful,避免跑题。接者,借助谚语内容(将生命花在比生命更长远的事上,就是尽用生命),谚语与题目相结合,可提炼出主题:怎样使生命更有意义。然后,弄清题目与谚语的关系:主题与例证关系勒最后,确定行文思路:引出话题+提出观点+举例论证+总结建议:总结时,注意要观点明确,贴合所给主题,切勿模棱两可。2、写作思路:第一段:以“总一分一总”形式引出话题,解释谚语。第二段:提出观点,指出自己将怎样做,并举例论证。第三段:做出呼吁,提出建议,总结全文。How to Live a Meaningful LifePeople always say that the greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it.On the one hand,life is spent on something for the future,or for our offspring.For example,people work to build the Three GorgesDam to make electricity.On the other hand,doing some little but meaningful things can also show the greatest useof life,such as offering a seat to a woman with a child.I will do the following things to make my life meaningful.First,I will plant trees every year to contributemy effort to make the sky blue and the water clean.Second,I will learn my major biology well to cure somediseases,such as cancers.Third,as the saying goes,to do your own job is to contribute your effort to the societyOnly by spending our life for something that will outlast it can we contribute to our society.For one thing,weshould learn from Lei Feng who did little but meaningful things.For another,we can do whatever we can toprotect the environment.In a word,we can make our life meaningful by doing meaningful things.Part IⅡListening Comprehensionl.听力原文:W:Has my order arrived yet?I had been expecting it since last week.M:I called the company this morning.They had some labor problems,so your order will be shipped late.Itshould be here by the end of the week.Q:What has caused the delay ofthe shipment?【预测】选项中的weather conditions,labor problems和an error in the order均为可能导致送货推迟的原因表明,对话可能与送货推迟的原因有关。【精析】B)。由对话中男士提到的labor problems...shipped late可知,劳工问题导致了延迟发货,故答案2.听力原文:W:Idon't agree with Mr.Johnson's views on social welfare.He seems to suggest the poor arerobbing the rich.M:He might have used better words to express his idea.But I think what he said makes a lot of senseQ:What does the man mean?【预测】选项中的he,agrees with和is sympathetic表明,本题可能考查男士的观点,男士的话为听音重点。【精析】C)。由对话中男士提到的But I think what he(指代Mr.Johnson)said makes a lot of sense可知,男士认为约翰逊先生的话很有道理,即他赞同约翰逊先生的观点,故答案为C)。make sense意为“讲得通,有道理”。3.听力原文:M:Liz,I just found out that I have a meeting and can't pick up the kids after their soccer practice.wilyou be able to pick them up in time?W:Yes,that won't be a problem.I think I can finish early todayQ:Why does the man say he can't pick up the kids?2013年12月六级考试真趣答案解析(第一套)【预测】选项均为描述he的完整句子,其中的he has work to finish,will be practicing和attending a meeting表明,本题可能考查男士将来的行为,男士的话为听音重点。【精析】D)。由对话中男士提到的I have a meeting and can't pick up the kids可知,男士因为要参加会议而不能去接孩子,故答案为D)。4.听力原文:W:Marv is going to get a little dog from one of her relatives.M Really?But I hear her apartment building is about to place a ban on pet animals.Q:What does the man imply?【预测】选项均为描述玛丽的完整句子,其中的will not be able to keep a dog,get rid of her pet和the banonpetanimals表明,对话可能涉及由于出台了禁止养究物的禁令,玛丽不能养宠物了。【精析】A)。对话中女士说玛丽准备从亲戚那里要来一只小狗。男士回答说他听说玛丽的公寓大厦正打算发布一道关于饲养宠物的禁令。由此可推断,玛丽将不能在她的公寓大厦里养狗,故答案为A)。5.听力原文:W:I can never tell whether it's Lisa or Gale on the phone.Their voices sound incredibly similar.M:That's about the only thins they have in common for twins,believe it or not.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项中的he does not believe,twin,alike和different表明,对话可能与双胞胎是否相像有关,男士的话为听音重点。【精析】C).对话中女士说莉萨和盖尔的声音听起来非常像.从男士说的That's about the only thing they havein common(那大概是这对双胞胎之间唯一相同的地方)可知,男士认为莉萨和盖尔不是非常相像,故答案为C)。6.听力原文:W:Jay,what does the fax from our associates in Britain say?M:They want to know if the economic crisis would affect our ability to carry out the deal we signed last November.Q:What are the speakers talking about?【预测】选项均为名词词组且概括性强表明,本趣可能考查对话的主趣或说话者提到的话趣。【精析】B)。由对话中女士问男士的问题what does the fax from our associates in Britain say(我们的合伙人从英国发来的传真说了些什么?)和男士的回答中所提到的传真信息可推断,女士和男士谈论的是他们的商业合伙人发来的信息,故答案为B)。7.听力原文:M:Do you think you''ll be able to get this ink stain offmy pants?W:It won't be a problem.But I need to send them over to our main cleaning facility.That's an extra day's timeQ:What does the woman mean?【预测】选项中的cleaning the pants,take longer,the man will be charged extra和remove the stain表明,对话很可能与清洗男士裤子上的污迹有关。【精析】A)。对话中男士问女士能不能将墨迹从他的裤子上去掉。女士回答说没问题,但她需要把裤子送到总清洗店,需要额外加一天时间。由此可知,清洗男士的这条裤子要比平时耗费的时间长,故答案为A)。A)中的longer than usual对应女士说的an extra day's time。8.听力原文:W:That looks like a protest rally.I wonder what they're protesting against.M:That sign says they are against importing luxury goods from Europe.They seem to be getting so worked upabout that.Q:What are the speakers talking about?【预测】选项均为名词词组且概括性强表明,本趣可能考查对话的主趣或说话者提到的话趣。【精析】D)。由对话中女士说的That looks like a protest rally.I wonder what they5 re protesting against(那看起来像是一次在议集会。我想知道他们正在抗议什么)和男士的回答中所提到的抗议内容可推断,男士和女士谈论的是一次抗议集会,故答案为D)。9-12.听力原文:W:What is it,Bob?[9]Yousounded pretty serious on the phone.Have we still got a budget problem?M:I don't know.I hope not.The meeting's on Friday.But that's not what I want to talk to you about.Er...Close2013年12月六级考试真题答案解析(第一套)the door,will you?[10]It's Marsha.W:Marsha?What about her?M:I am worried.I don't know what to do.[10]She is just not performing.We may have to let her go.W:Fire her?She's been with us for a long time,Bob.If she leaves,it will be a big loss to us.She's done reallyexcellent work.M:Yes,but lately,the last month or so in fact,there have been a lot of problems.She's changed.Not only did shehave a tendency to be moody all the time,but she misses appointments,doesn't follow through on projectsand doesn't seem to plan anything till the last minute.W:Em...[11]Did she ever explain why she didn't show up for the Danver Trip?M:No,she said she was sorry and that wouldn't happen again.[11]Something about her mixed up on thearrangement to get to the airport.Now whenever anybody mentions the subject to her,she just goes silent.Idon't know.Thank goodness,David pulled her out as a whole on that one.W:Yes,he did a really fine job,filling in for Marsha like that at the last minuteM:I don't think it was the first time he has to do that.If we knew all the facts,I think we'd found that [12]he hasbeen covering for Marsha on quite a few projects.Questions 9 to 12 are based on the comversation you have just heard.9.Why did the woman send the message to the man?10.What does the woman say about the new suppliers?11.How did the man get the contract?12.What does the woman suggest they do?9.【预测】选项均为描述he的完整句子,其中的talked to her,had a quarrel和resolved a budget problem等表明,本题可能考查某位男士过去的行为动作。1O.【预测】选项均为描述she的完整句子,其中的serious problem,may have to be fired for poor performance,.supervises,.in charge of和budget planning表明,本题可能与某位女士在工作中出了大错可能被解雇有关。IL.【预a测】选项中的something unexpected happened,go on the trip in her place,.failed to arrive at the airport和not feeling herself表明,本趣可能与某位女士没能坐上飞机出去旅行的原因有关。12.【预测】选项均为描述he的完整句子。B)选项说的是“他一直在替玛莎干活儿”,C)选项说的是“他总是挑剔玛莎”,两者意思相反,根据意思相反的两个选项中有一个很可能为答案的规律,将答案范围锁定在B)和C)之间。答案详解:9.A)。由对话中女士对男士说的You sounded pretty serious on the phone(在电话里你的语气听起来很严肃)可推断,男士之前给女士打过电话,故答案为A)。从女士所说的Have we still got a budget problem?(我们的预算问题还没解决吗?)和男士说的Idon'tkow可知,男士并没有解决预算问题,故排除选项D)。10.B)。由对话中男士提到的She(指代Martha)isjust not performing.Ve may have to let her go可知,玛莎工作表现不好,男士想解雇她,故答案为B)。ltg0意为“解雇,撤职”。11.C)。对话中女士问男士玛莎有没有解释她没去丹佛出差的原因。由男士回答中提到的Something abouther mixed up on the arrangement to get to the airport可知,某些事情打乱了玛莎去机场的行程安排,由此可推断出玛莎没能按时到达机场,故答案为C)。I2.B)由对话中提到的he(指代David)has been covering for Marsha on quite a few projects可知,不少项目都是戴维一直在替玛莎跟进,即戴维一直在替玛莎干活儿,故答案为B)。Conversation Two13-15听力原文M:You are the headmistress of the Oxford high school for girls.How many girls do you have here?W:We have 650 girlsM:In your experience,do girls do better academically and later professionally in single sex schools?
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