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2013年12月六级考试真趣答案解析(第二套)2013年6月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part IWritingI、审趣:这是一篇评论性话题作文。首先,抓住题目中的主题词happiness,,problems和ability,避免跑题。接着,借助谚语内容(幸福不在于不出现问题,而在于拥有解决问趣的能力),谚语与趣目相结合,可提炼出主趣:怎样提高解决问趣的能力并因此而感到幸福。然后,弄清趣目与谚语的关系:主趣与例证关系。最后,确定行文思路:引出话趣+解释谚语+提出观点+举例论证+总结意义:总结时,注意观点要明确,贴合所给主趣,切勿模棱两可。2、写作思路:第一段:以“总一分一总”形式引出话题,解释谚语,提出观点。第二段:指出怎样通过提高解决问题的能力而获得幸福,并举例论证。第三段:总结全文,点明意义,呼应主题。On HappinessAs the saying goes,happiness is not the absence of problems,but the ability to deal with them.Happiness toour society does not mean that we ignore problems,such as environmental problems,unfair income amongcitizens,and corruption of the government officials,and so forth.Happiness to the individual is the ability to dealwith problems.We will feel happy if we tryour best to deal with various problems inour daily life.I can develop my ability to deal with problems and be happy with the following ways.Firstly,I will learnlogic reasoning to master the skills of dealing with problems.Secondly,when I come across problems,I will facethem bravely and analyse them thoroughly.Thirdly,when they are too difficult to solve,I will discuss with myfamily or friends around me,and ask them for help.The ability to deal with problems and be happy is significant to all of us.It helps us to create a goodenvironment to the family,and a friendly community as well.What's more,it helps us build a harmonious society.Part IIListening Comprehensionl.听力原文:W:What a wonderful performance!Your rock band has never sounded better..M:Many thanks.I guess all those hours of practice in the past month are finally paying off.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项中的the rock band,practice,.hard work以及a big success表明,本趣可能与摇滚乐队付出的努力和获得的成功有关。【精析】D).由女士提到的What a wonderful performance!以及男士提到的I guess all those hours of practicein the past month are finally paying off可知,男士认为乐队付出的努力终于得到了回报,而这种回报就是演出的成功,故答案为D)。2.听力原文:M:Ican't decide what to do for my summer vacation.I either want to go on a bike tour of Europeor go diving in Mexico.W:Well,we're offering an all-inclusive two-week trip to Mexico for only 300 dollars.Q:What does the woman suggest the man do for his vacation?【预测】选项均以动词原形开头表明,本趣可能考查意见或建议。选项中的travel overseas,,a package tour toMexico以及a diving tour in Europe表明,本趣可能与旅行地点或旅行方式有关。【精析】B).由女士提到的we're offering an all--inclusive either two-week trip to Mexico for only3O0 dollars可知,答案为B)。a package tour意为“包价旅游”,相当于对话中的anal-inclusive..trip。注意听清问题问的是女士的建议。注意听清问趣问的是女士的建议。3.听力原文:W:How long doyou think this project might take?M:I'd say about three months,but it could take longer if somethins unexpected happened.Maybe we'd betterallow an exta month,so we won't have to worry about being late2013年12月六级考试真题答案解析(第二套)Q:Why does the man say extra time should be allowed for the project?【预测】选项中的in case,to avoid,tomake表明,本题可能与对某事的预防或做某事的目的有关。B)C)和D)都表示动作尚未进行,只有A)表示动作已经完成,根据命趣规律可以优先排除。【精析】B)。由男士提到的but it could take longer if something unexpected happened可知,男士需要多一个月的时间是为了以防某些始料未及的事情发生,故答案为B)。注意A)“某些始料束及的事情已经发生”与原文if something unexpected happened“如果发生某些始料未及的事情”之间的区别。4.听力原文:M:I'm thinking about becoming a member here,andI'd like some infomation.W:Sure.A three-month membership costs 150 dollars,and that includes use of the wait-room,sauna and pool.I'llsive you a free pass so that vou can try out the facilities before you decideQ:What do we learn from the conversation?【预测】选项均为完整句子表明,本趣考查细节信息。选项中的membership,a fitness center,.the facilities,amember以及the dub表明,本趣可能与健身俱乐部有关,可能涉及成为健身俱乐部会员的问邀。B)和C)都说的是try out the facilities(试用这些设施),但施动者不同,根据命趣规律可以判断,其中之一为答案的可能性较大。【精析】C)。由女士提到的I'll give you a free path so that you can try out the facilities before you decide可知,男士在决定是否成为会员前可以免费试用一下这里的设施,故答案为C)。yout意为“试用”。5.听力原文:w:'m sorry to hear that you failed the physics course,Ted.M:Let's face it.I'm just not cut out to be a scientist.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项均为以he开头的完整句于,结合其中的study science,the test和physics course推测,本题考查的是与he有关的事实细节,而且应该是一名学生。【精析】A)。由男士提到的I'm just not cut out to be a scientist可知,男士认为自己不是学理科的料,也就是说他认为自己不适合学理科,故答案为A)。not cut out to be意为“生来就不是做的料”,与A)中的isnot fit to同义.6.听力原文:M:Gary insisted on buying the food for the picnic.W:That's pretty generous of him.But shouldn't we at least offer to share the expenses?He has a big family tosupport.Q:What does the woman suggest they do?【预测】选项均以动词原形开头表明,本趣考查意见或建议。选项中的the picnic和food表明,本趣可能与为野餐准备食物有关。【精析】C)。由男士提到的Gary insisted on buying the food for the picnic.和女士所说的But shouldn't we atleast offer to share the expenses?He has a big family to support.可知,女士建议她跟男士两个人为家里分担一些买野餐食物的费用,故答案为C)。对话中说的是buy the food而不是take the food,.故排除D):7.听力原文:W:Did yousee the headlines in the paper this morning2M:Yeah.Apparently the bus company will be laying off its employees if they can't reach an agreement onwages by midnight.Q:What did the man read about?【预测】选项均为意义不同且概括性较强的名词短语表明,本题可能考查主趣。【精析】A).由男士提到的the bus company will be laying off its employees if they can.5 t reach an agreement onwages by midnight可知,男士所了解到的应该是一家公交公司的劳动糾纷事件。reach an agreement on wages(就工资待遇问题达成一致)具有很强的提示作用。&.听力原文:W:Have we received payment for the overseas order we delivered last month?M:Yes.The check came in yesterday afternoon.I'll be depositing it when I go to the bank todayQ:What is the woman concerned about?2013年12月六级考试真题答案解析(第二套)【预测】选项中的sales,bank,check和payment表明,本趣与经济中的财务问趣相关,听音时应重点留意相关信息,做好笔记,对号入座即可。【精析】D)。由女士提到的Have we received payment for the overseas order we delivered last month?可知,女士应该是关心他们已经交货的那个海外订单的货款,故答案为D)。女士询问的是海外订单的货款,而不是海外销售,故排除A)。9-11听力原文:W:OK,that's it.Now we have to make a decision.We might as well do that now,don't you think?M:Sure,let's see.[10]First we saw Frank Brisenski.What did youthink of him?W:Well,he's certainly a very polite young man.M:And very relaxed,too.W:10]But his appearance..M:Uh...[10]He wasn't well dressed.He wasn't even wearing a tie..W:But he did have a nice voice.He sounded good on the telephoneM:True.And I thought he seemed very intelligent.He answered Dona's questions very well.W:[10]That's true.but dressing well is important.Well,let's think about the others.Now what about BarbaraJones?She had a nice voice,too.She sounded good on the telephone,and she was well dressed,too.M:Uh...She did look very neat,very nicely dressed,but...W:But so shy.She wouldn't be very good at talking to people at the front desk.M:Uh...OK.[11]Now who was the next?Ah...Yes.David Wallace.I thought he was very good,had a lot ofpotential.What do you think?W:Uh.He seemed likea very bright guy.He dressed very nicely,too.And he had a really nice appearance.M:He seemed relaxedto me,the type of person people feel comfortable with right away.W:He was polite,but also very friendly and relaxed as you say.[91/11]I think he'll be good with the guests at theM:He had a very pleasant voice,too.W:That's right.OK,good![9/[]I guess we have our receptionist then,don't you?M:[11]Yes,I think so.We'll just offer the job to...9.What are the speakers looking for?10.What is Frank Brisenski's weakness?11.What do the speakers decide to do?9.【预测】选项中的不同职位表明,本趣可能考查谈话者要找的工作或者从事该职位的人。10.【预测】选项中表示人物特征的词表明,本题应考查的是面试的职位所要求的个人素灰或者是面试者的某个特征。IL.【预测】选项中的interview,bos,of能r the job to和hire表明,本趣考查说话人最后的决定或者做法。答案详解:9.B)。本题的对话开头部分并没有明确提及他们要找的是什么。对话中:两人谈论了三位不同的求职者,可见他们是作为面试官在探讨对这些求职者的去留问趣对话中反复强调了appearance和voice等几个因素,可见这份工作应对这些方面要求较高。但是我们还不能因此确定答案。直到对话中出现了usts,ront desk,receptionist时,我们才最终确定他们要找的是一名旅馆的前台接待,答案为B)。10.A)。对话中女士反复强调弗兰克布里森斯基的着装不行,男士也认同她的观点。尽管谈话者都承认弗兰克·布里森斯基有不少优势,但最终女士还是因为着装问趣将他拒之门外,故答案为A)。1l.C)。由对话中女士提到的I think he'll be good with the guests at the front desk和I guess we Rave ourreceptionist then可知,答案为C)。Conversation Two
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