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2013年6月六级考试真题答案解析(第二套)2013年6月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part IWriting【作文审题】本篇为评论性的话题作文,要求考生通过评论“良好的习惯源于拒绝诱惑”这句话来作“抵制诱惑”一直都是人们热议的语题。尤其在当前形势下,现代科技的迅速发展极大地丰富了人们的物质生活,却也带来了不少麻烦。穿行在熙来攘往的城市中,人们时时刻刻都面临着各种诱惑的考验。动笔前,考生需理解所要评论的话“良好的习惯源于拒绝诱惑”指的是,要通过拒绝诱惑来培养良后引出现在许多人挡不住诱惑的现象,从而引出主题;然后通过举例来论证抵制诱惑,培养良好习惯的好处(学习方面:少游戏,多看书,智慧大增;生活方面:远离垃圾食品,既保持身材,又健康等);最后总结全文,指出抵制诱惑,养成良好习惯的意义,发出呼吁。另外,也可以先描述当前社会现象(社会发展,物质层面高度繁荣,许多年轻人挡不住诱感,形成各种坏习惯),引出“良好的习惯来源于抵制诱惑”这一主题,然后可分析年轻人挡不住诱惑的原因(强烈的好奇心;辨别力不强,盲目眼风;意志力不强;强烈的叛逆心理等等),分析中也可举例说明,最后总结所述,提出建议。第一段:从正面引出好习惯的作用,转折指出当前的现象,从而引出主题写作思路第二段:分别从三个方面论述抵制诱慈,养成良好习惯的意义:拒绝沉溺游戏,养成阅读习惯,提高学习成绩;拒绝垃圾食品,保持身体健康,保持身材:远离损友,善交益友。第三段:总结全文论述,并发出呼吁:培养坚强意志和睿智头脑,抵制诱慈,形成好习惯,唯其如此,才能健康成长,获得成功。Good Habits Result from Resisting TemptationAs is known to all,good habits help us pave the way to success.However,lack of social experience anddetermined will,youngsters often fall into the traps of temptations such as computer games,smoking and so on.Soit is high time that youngsters refused temptations and formed good habits.Good habits result from refusing temptation and contribute to the growth of youngsters in various ways.Firstly,if youngsters stop such time-and healthconsuming activities as playing computer games and spend the timereading several pages of books every day instead,a good habit of reading will be formed and their academicperformance will be greatly improved.Secondly,refusing junk food by eating healthily and regularly,youngstersneed not be concerned about their health and body shape.Thirdly,youngsters seem always to be tempted by thosewho pretend to be "cool"by smoking or drinking.Distancing themselves from these people and making friendswith better ones,youngsters themselves will be really cool.Rome was not built in one day.Therefore,determined will and a wise mind should be gradually cultivatedso that youngsters can resist various bad temptations and form good habits.Only in this way can they growhappily and achieve success.PartⅡListening Comprehensionl.听力原文:W:What's wrong with your phone.Gary?I tried to call you all night yesterday.M:I'm sorry.No one was able to get through yesterday.My telephone was disconnected by the phone company.Q:What does the woman ask the man about?【预测】选项均以why开头,表明问趣是关于某事的原因:其中的his phone..disconnected,she,not getthrough to him和refused to answer hercall表明,对话可能与女士没能打电话联系上男士有关。【精析】B)。女士问男士的电话出了什么少问题(What's wrong with your phone),并说她整晚都在给男士打电话(tried to call you),由A可知女士是问为什么整晚都打不通男士的电话,故答案为B项。本趣容易2013年6月六级考试真题答案解析(第二套)误选A项,disconnected在此不表示电话不通,而是表示“切断电话”,是男士所说的电话不通的原因。2.听力原文:w:I finally found a really nice apartment that's within my price range.M:Congratulations!Affordable housing is rare in this city.I've been looking for a suitable place since I gothere six months ago.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项中houses,price range,home,affordable housing和apartment表明,对话与买房有关,可能涉及房子的价格是否负担得起。D项是说租房,其他三项都是说买房,故D项为答案的可能性较小。【精析】C)。男士说能买得起的房子太少(Affordable housing is rare),他一直在找合适的房子(have beenlooking for),rare和have been looking for都说明,男士是想说找到合适的房子很难,故答案为C项。3.听力原文:M:I got this in my mailbox today,but I don't know what it is..Do you have any idea?W:Oh,that's your number for the new photocopier.It requires an access code.Everyone got one.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?【预测】选项中关键词mal,copy machine和number提示,对话可能涉及邮件、复印机和号码。【精析】D)。男士说收到了一个邮件但不知道内容是什么意思,女士告诉他说那是新的复印机需要的访问代码(number for the new photocopier,,accesscode),由此可知新的复印机运行需要一个代码,故答案为D项。4.听力原文:W:Jane told me that you'll be leaving us soon.Is ittrue?M:Yeah,my wife's maternity leave is close to an end.And since she wants to go back to work,I've decided totake a year off to raise the baby.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项主语he以及stop work…the baby,find a job near his home和wife.birth.baby表明,对话很可能涉及家庭对男士工作的影响。【精析】A)。男士说他的妻子休完产假(maternity leave)后想回去工作,所以他决定休息一年来照顾孩子(take a year off to raise the baby),A项是对此的同义转述,故为答案。5.听力原文:M:We''ll never find a parking space here.What about dropping you at the south gate and'I 'll findparking somewhere else?W:Well,OK.It looks like everyone in town came to the mall todayQ:What does the woman mean?【预测】选项中的shopping centre,.mall提示,对话与逛商场有关:flooded with people和Parking...nightmare提示,对话中可能涉及人多和停车困难。而D项She will wait for the man.…提示,问趣应该是针对女士提问,听录音时重点留意女士的话。【精析】A)。女士话中的It looks like everyone in town came to the mall today表明,今天商场里人很多,故答案为A项。shopping centre对应mall,均表示商场。本趣如听不清问趣所指,则很容易误选C项,因为由男士的话可知,parking十分困难。6.听力原文:W:When will the computers be back online?M:Probably not until tomorrow.The problem is more complicated than I thought.Q:What does the man mean?【预测】选项主语he以及repair the computers,reconnect the computers to the Net和complicated problems表明,对话可能与男士修理电脑有关。D项说明天网上会有好东西,与其他三项内容关联性较小,故为答案的可能性不大。【精析】B)。女士问电脑什么时候可以再连上网(back online),男士说可能要等到明天,因为问题比他想象的要复杂(more complicated),也就是说使电脑重新连上网需要花费更长的时间,答案为B项。7.听力原文:M:Did you catch Professor Smith on TV last night?W:I almost missed it.but my mother just happened to be watching at home and gave me a call.2013年6月六级考试真趣答案解析(第二套)Q:What does the woman imply?【预测】选项中重复出现的Prof.Smith,onTV表明,对话可能与史密斯教授上电视有关。She forgot/did see提示,问题应该是针对女士提问的,而her mother提示,对话中还可能涉及女士的妈妈。【精析】D)。男士问女士昨晚在电视上看到史密斯教授了没有,女士说I almost missed it,but..(我差点没看到,不过…),其实听到这里就可以推知,女士是看到了,而由but后面的内容可知,是她妈妈提醒她看的,故答案为D项。almost missed表达的其实是否定含义,即“没错过”。另外,要注意理解but的转折语气,是听力趣设趣的重点。8.听力原文:M:May I get this prescription refilled?W:I'm sorry,sir,but we can't give you a refill on that.You'll have to get a new prescription.Q:What can we infer from the conversation?【预测】选项中的the man以及prescribed medicine,doctor和prescription表明,对话与男士抓处方药有关。【精析】C)。男士想要按处方再次抓药(prescription refilled),女士说不行,他得再去找医生开张新处方(geta new prescription),由此可推知,男士得再去找一次自己的医生,故答案为C项。9-12.听力原文:M:So,what's the next thing on the agenda,Mary?W:Well,it's the South Theatre Company.[9]They want to know if we'd be interested in sponsoring a tour theywant to make to East Asia.M:East Asia?Uh...and how much are they hoping to get from us?W:Well,the letter mentions 20,000 pounds,but I don't know if they might settle for less.M:Do they say what they would cover?Have they anything specific in mind?W:No,I think they are just asking all the firms in town for as much money as they think they'll give.'M:And we are worth 20,000 pounds,right?W:It seems so.M:Very flattering.But I'm not awfully happy with the idea.[1]What do we get out of it?W:Oh,[10]good publicity.I suppose.So what I suggest is not that we just give them a sum of money,but that weoffer to pay for something specific like travel or something,and that in return,we ask for our name to beprinted prominently in the programme,and that they'd give us free advertising space in it.M:But the travel bill would be enormous,and we could never manage that.W:I know.[11]But why don't we offer to pay for the printing of the programme ourselves,on condition that onthe front cover there's something like "This programme is presented with the compliments of NorlandElectronics,"and free advertising of course.M:Good idea.Well,let's get back to them and ask what the programme they want will cost.Then we can see ifwe are interested or not.9.What do we learn about the South Theatre Company?10.What benefit does the woman say their firm can get by sponsoring the Theatre Company?11.What does the woman suggest they do instead of paying the South Theatre Company's travel expenses?9.【预测】选项均为It is doing sth结构,故问题可能与It正在做的事情有关。planning to tour和givingperformances提示,it可能是一个演出公司或团体。10.【预测】选项均为名词性短语,good publicity,.in vestments和decrease..costs均为对公司有利的方面,故问题很可能与某公司从某事中获得的好处有关。Il.【预测】选项中的promise,pay,bear the cost以及the Company提示,本题可能与对某公司的承诺有关,可能涉及替该公司支付费用。选项均以动词原形开头,故问题可能会涉及建议。答案详解:9.B)。对话开头女士就说,南方剧场公司想知道他们是否有兴趣赞助该公司的东亚(a tour they want tomake to East Asia),由此可知,南方剧场公司正在计划东亚巡演,故答案为B项。
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