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Model Test FourPartIWriting(30minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay.Suppose you have two ways to leam aboutother countries:one is to travel abroad and the other to obtain the information online.You are to make a choice.Write an essay to explain the reasons for your choice.You should write at least120 words but no more than 180words.Listening Comprehension(25 minutes)Section AQuestions I and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.1.A)Because the storm had cut power to them.B)Because the roads to them had been flooded.C)Because there might be mud slides.D)Because there might be tsunami.2.A)It is expected to last until Saturday afternoon.B)It has caused over 300 traffic deaths.C)It is the strongest one in years.D)It will be at its strongest on Saturday afternoon.Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.3.A)A car crash.B)A bushfire.C)A burglary.D)A terrorist attack.4.A)More than 15 homes had moved our.B)More than 50 homes had joined the fight.C)They had not had the fire under control yet.D)They had found a way to put out the fire.Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.5.A)They are useful in terms of security but have rusted.B)They are useful in terms of security but not beautiful.C)They are no longer strong enough to protect the tower.D)They are no longer needed as a photo spot.6.A)It is the most visited monument in the world.初见素B)It is totally free of charge for visiting.C)The entry to the forecourt of the tower is free.D)The entry to the forecourt of the tower will be charged.7.A)Less visitor entrances.C)Ornamental lights.B)More security guards.D)Better elevators.Section BQuestions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.8.A)He played tennis for his high school team.B)He played football for his high school team.C)He played tennis starting from his junior year.D)He played tennis starting from his senior year.9.A)Tennis.B)Basketball.C)Golf.D)Volleyball.10.A)Because he has a lot in common with the woman.B)Because he thinks the woman is a good player.C)Because his team lacks girl players.D)Because his team can learn a lot from the woman.11.A)Join the man to watch a match.B)Visit a new stadium with the man.C)Watch the man play in a match.D)Join the man to play in a match.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12.A)An interview between a customer and a shopping assistant.C)A conversation between two working staff about the airport's future improvement.D)A conversation between an air-hostess and a passenger about the inflight meal service.13.A)Because many people want to stay in shape.B)Because he wants to take every chance to improve his health.C)Because many people are tired after long flights.D)Because massaging will be a good way to kill time.14.A)Seasonal ones.B)Fresh ones.C)Local ones.D)Juicy ones.15.A)Disappointing.B)Satisfying.C)Outdated.D)Lovely.Section CQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.初16.A)Because the planets are the same size as Earth.B)Because the planets are similar in many aspects to Earth.C)Because the planets are capable of supporting life.D)Because the planets have water on their surface.17.A)They are rocky planets.B)They are gaseous like Jupiter.C)They are covered by water.D)They are covered by sea ice.18.A)Because it has the right temperature and enough greenhouse gases.B)Because it has the right amount of water and enough greenhouse gases.C)Because it has the right atmosphere and enough greenhouse gases.D)Because it has the right gravity and enough greenhouse gases.Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A)They should be widely used in the field of social services.B)They should be blamed for the increasing unemployment.C)They should be taxed the same amount as the people they replace.D)They should be taxed more than the ordinary people.20.A)They will surely face massive unemployment.B)They will need less income tax to spend.C)They will have less income tax to spend.D)They will have no need to cope with the changes.21.A)Psychologists.C)Room cleaners.B)Police officers.D)Doctors.Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.22.A)People who sleep late are smarter and more creative.B)People who sleep late are always late for their jobs.C)People who sleep late are easily irritated.D)People who sleep hate are slow and ineffective in their jobs.23.A)You will feel exhausted all day long.B)You can't justify your latenessC)You will be late for your work.D)You can't find persuasive excuses.24.A)Because they can fully enjoy themselves late at night.B)Because they can fully concentrate their attention late at night.C)Because they can read the most fascinating book late at night.D)Because they can make rapid progress in mentality late at night25.A)Group intelligence tests.C)Deductive reasoning tests.B)Emotional intelligence testsD)Inductive reasoning tests.PartⅢReading Comprehension(40 minutesSectionAQuestions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage.Ask a left-wing Briton what they believe about the safety of nuclear power,and you can guess their answer.Ask a right-wing American about the risks posed by climate change,and you can also make a 26guess thanif you didn't know their political affiliation.Issues like these feel like they should be27 by science,notour political tribes,but sadly,that's not what happens.Psychology has long shown that education and intelligence won't stop your politics from 28yourbroader worldview,even if those beliefs do not match the hard evidence.Instead,your ability to weigh up the factsmay depend on a less well-recognised trait-29There is now a mountain of30 to show that politics doesn't just help predict people's views on somescientific issues;it also affects how they interpret new information.This is why it is a 31 to think that youcan somehow "correct"people's views on an issue by giving them more facts,since study after study has shownBut smarter people shouldn't be susceptible to prejudice swaying their opinions,right?Wrong Other researchshows that people with the most education,highest mathematical abilities,and the strongest tendencies to bereflective about their beliefs are the most33to resist information which should contradict theirprejudices.This undermines the simplistic assumption that prejudices are the result of too much gut instinct andnot enough deep thought.Rather,people who have the34 for deeper thought about an issue can use thoseA)betterB)competitivelyJ)identicalC)contraryK)informedD)curiosityL)likelyE)evidenceM)mistakeF)explainedN)selectivelyG)facilityO)shapingH)factSection BHow to Fix the Internet[A]We have to fix the internet.After 40 years,it has begun to corrode,both itself and us.It is still amarvelous and miraculous invention,but now there are bugs in the foundation,bats in the belfry,and trolls in thebasement[B]I do not mean this to be one of those technophobic rants insulting the interne for rewiring our brains togive us the nervous attention span of Donald Trump on Twitter or pontificating about how we have to log off andsmell the flowers.Those worries about new technologies have existed ever since Plato was concerned that thetechnology of writing would threaten memorization and oratory ().I love the interne and all of its digitaloffshoots.What I feel sad for is its decline
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