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2020年12月大学英语四级考试真题(三)Part IWriting(30 minutes)Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write on the topic Changes in the Way ofCommunication.You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.Part IListening Comprehension(25 minutes)说明:由于2020年12月四级考试全国共考了两套听力,本套真题听力与前两套内容相同,只是选项顺序不同,因此在本套真题中不再重复出现。Part亚Reading Comprehension(40 minutes)Section ADirections:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for eachblank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefullybefore making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the correspondingletter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of thewords in the bank more than once.The things people make,and the way they make them,determine how cities grow and decline,andinfluence how empires rise and fall.So,any disruption to the world's factories 26.And thatdisruption is surely coming.Factories are being digitised,filled with new sensors and new computers tomake them quicker,more 27,and more efficient.Robots are breaking free from the cages that surround them,learning new skills and new ways ofworking.And 3D printers have long 28 a world where you can make anything,anywhere,from acomputerised design.That vision is 29 closer to reality.These forces will lead to cleaner factories,producing better goods at lower prices,personalised to our individual needs and desires.Humans will be30 many of the dirty,repetitive,and dangerous jobs that have long been a 31 of factorylife.Greater efficiency 32 means fewer people can do the same work.Yet factory bosses in manydeveloped countries are worried about a lack of skilled human workers-and see 33 and robots as asolution.But economist Helena Leurent says this period of rapid change in manufacturing is a 34opportunity to make the world a better place."Manufacturing is the one system where you have got thebiggest source of innovation,the biggest source of economic growth,and the biggest source of great jobs inthe past.You can see it changing.That's an opportunity to 35 that system differently,and if wecan,it will have tremendous significance.A)automationF)featureK)mattersB)concernsG)flexibleL)movingC)enormouslyH)inevitablyM)promisedD)fantasticI)interactionN)shapeE)fascinatedJ)leaningO)spared四级2020年12月47Section BDirections:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Eachstatement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which theinformation is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with aletter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.The History of the Lunch BoxA)It was made of shiny,bright pink plastic with a Little Mermaid sticker on the front,and I carried itwith me nearly every single day.My lunch box was one of my first prized possessions,a proudstatement to everyone in my kindergarten:"I love Mermaid-Ariel on my lunch box.B)That bulky container served me well through my first and second grades,until the live-action versionof 101 Dalmatians hit theaters,and I needed the newest red plastic box with characters like Pongo andPerdita on the front.I know I'm not alone here-I bet you loved your first lunch box,too.C)Lunch boxes have been connecting kids to cartoons and TV shows and super-heroes for decades.But itwasn't always that way.Once upon a time,they weren't even boxes.As schools have changed in thepast century,the midday meal container has evolved right along with them.D)Let's start back at the beginning of the 20th century-the beginning of the lunch box story,really.While there were neighborhood schools in cities and suburbs,one-room schoolhouses were common inrural areas.As grandparents have been saying for generations,kids would travel miles to school in thecountryside (often on foot).E)"You had kids in rural areas who couldn't go home from school for lunch,so bringing your lunchwrapped in a cloth,in oiled paper,in a little wooden box or something like that was a very long-standing rural tradition,"says Paula Johnson,head of food history section at the Smithsonian NationalMuseum of American History in Washington,D.C.F)City kids,on the other hand,went home for lunch and came back.Since they rarely carried a meal,the few metal lunch buckets on the market were mainly for tradesmen and factory workers.G)After World War II,a bunch of changes reshaped schools-and lunches.More women joined theworkforce.Small schools consolidated into larger ones,meaning more students were farther awayfrom home.And the National School Lunch Act in 1946 made cafeterias much more common.Still,there wasn't much of a market for lunch containers-yet.Students who carried their lunch often did soin a re-purposed bucket or tin of some kind.H)And then everything changed in the year of 1950.You might as well call it the Year of the Lunch Box,thanks in large part to a genius move by a Nashville-based manufacturer,Aladdin Industries.Thecompany already made square metal meal containers,the kind workers carried,and some had startedto show up in the hands of school kids.I)But these containers were really durable,lasting years on end.That was great for the consumer,not somuch for the manufacturer.So executives at Aladdin hit on an idea that would harness the newfoundpopularity of television.They covered lunch boxes with striking red paint and added a picture of TVand radio cowboy Hopalong Cassidy on the front.J)The company sold 600,000 units the first year.It was a major "Ah-ha!"moment,and a wave of othermanufacturers jumped on board to capitalize on new TV shows and movies."The Partridge Family,四级2020年12月48the Addams Family,the Six Million Dollar Man,the Bionic Woman-everything that was on televisionended up on a lunch box,"says Allen Woodall.He's the founder of the Lunch Box Museum inColumbus,Georgia."It was a great marketing tool because kids were taking that TV show to schoolwith them,and then when they got home they had them captured back on TV,"he says.K)And yes,you read that right:There is a lunch box museum,right near the Chattahoochee River.Woodall has more than 2,000 items on display.His favorite?The Green Hornet lunch box,because heused to listen to the radio show back in the 1940s.L)The new trend was also a great example of planned obsolescence,that is,to design a product so that itwill soon become unfashionable or impossible to use and will need replacing.Kids would beg for a newlunch box every year to keep up with the newest characters,even if their old lunch box was perfectly.usable.M)The metal lunch box craze lasted until the mid-1980s,when plastic took over.Two theories exist as towhy.The first-and most likely-is that plastic had simply become cheaper.The second theory-possibly an urban myth-is that concerned parents in several states proposed bans on metal lunchboxes,claiming kids were using them as "weapons"to hit one another.There's a lot on the internetabout a state-wide ban in Florida,but a few days worth of digging by a historian at the Florida StateHistorical Society found no such legislation.Either way,the metal lunch box was out.N)The last few decades have brought a new lunch box revolution,of sorts.Plastic boxes changed to linedcloth sacks,and eventually,globalism brought tiffin containers from India and bento boxes fromJapan.Even the old metal lunch boxes have regained popularity..“Idon't think the heyday(鼎盛时期)has passed,"says D.J.Jayasekara,owner and founder of lunchbox.com,a retailer in Pasadena,California."I think it has evolved.The days of the ready-made,'you stick it in a lunch box and carryit to school'are kind of done.O)The introduction of backpacks changed the lunch box scene a bit,he adds.Once kids started carryingbook bags,that bulky traditional lunch box was hard to fit inside."But you can't just throw a sandwichin a backpack,"Jayasekara says."It still has to go into a container."That is,in part,why smaller andsofter containers have taken off-they fit into backpacks.P)And don't worry-whether it's a plastic bento box or a cloth bag,lunch containers can still easily becovered with popular culture."We keep pace with the movie industries so we can predict whichcharacters are going to be popular for the coming months,"Jayasekara says."You know,kids arekids.”36.Lunch containers were not necessary for school kids in cities.37.Putting TV characters on lunch boxes proved an effective marketing strategy.38.Smaller lunch boxes are preferred because they fit easily into backpacks.39.Lunch boxes have evolved along with the transformation of schools.40.Around the beginning of the nineteen fifties,some school kids started to use metal meal containers.41.School kids are eager to get a new lunch box every year to stay in fashion.42.Rural kids used to walk a long way to school in the old days.43.The author was proud of using a lunch box in her childhood.44.The most probable reason for the popularity of plastic lunch boxes is that they are less expensive.45.The durability of metal meal containers benefited consumers.四级2020年12月49
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