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2015年6月大学英语四级考试真题精解(第一套)PartIWriting【范文评注】As is vividly depicted in.the picture,computers are1.,首句采用As is vividly depicted in theeverywhere in the modern life:in the office,at home,in placespicture这一结构,引出对图画内容的简要for relaxation,even in our dreams.Apparently,the picture描述,符合题目要求。reveals the fact that we tend to spend an increasingly large2.主体段的中心句,对图画的意义加以评amount of time using computers and,in turn,computers seem论,指出图画所揭示的事实。to consume a huge part of our daily life.?3.第二段首句指出,过去二十年见证了电脑The past two decades has witnessed the rapid的迅速发展,为下文阐述现今电脑对于人development of computers.3 Unlike 20 years ago when们的影响作铺垫,起到承上启下的作用。computers were only used on a small scale,computers are now4.通过对比二十年前和当下电脑的使用情widely used almost in all walks of life to facilitate both our况,对电脑如今广泛应用于工作和生活各work and life.However,overusing computers may have个领域的现实加以肯定。negative effects on us.5 First of al,indulging in using5.话锋一转,指出过度使用电脑也会对我们computers will deprive us of time with people we care about,造成不良影响,引出后文的观,点。leading to a lack of real-time interpersonal communication.6.分两个层次论述过度使用电脑可能对我Moreover,keeping using computers all day long will们产生的坏处:影响人际交流和有损身体definitely do harm to our physical health.健康。In my opinion,although computers play an essential role7.结尾段总结自己的观点:电脑有利有弊,in our modern life,only when we use them in a moderate way必须有节制地使用电脑。can we live a healthier and more meaningful life.?【译文】正如图片所生动展示的那样,在现代生活中,电脑无处不在:在办公室,在家,在休闲场所,甚至是在我们的梦境里。显然,这幅图展现了一个事实:我们越来越多地把大把时间花在了电脑上,而反过来,电脑似乎也占据了我们日常生活的一大部分。过去的二十年见证了电脑的快速发展。和二十年前电脑只是在小范围内使用不同,现在电脑几乎在各行各业都得到广泛应用,给我们的工作和生活提供了便利。然而,过度使用电脑可能会对我们产生不良的影响。首先,沉溺于使用电脑会剥夺我们与所关爱的人相处的时间,导致我们缺乏即时的人际交流。此外,整天使用电脑无疑会有损于我们的身体健康。在我看来,尽管电脑在我们的现代生活中发挥着必不可少的作用,但是只有我们有节制地使用电脑,才可以过上更健康和更有意义的生活。【要点用法】vividly生动地all walks of life各行各业interpersonal人际的relaxation放松facilitate使…更加便利moreover此外,而且increasingly越来越多地negative消极的definitely肯定地indulge in沉溺于moderate有节制的consume消耗,花费deprive of剥夺meaningful有意义的witness见证rea-time即时的【句法点评】Apparently,the picture reveals the fact that we tend to...our daily life.本句的主千为the picture reveals the fact,而后面的that we tend to.,为同位语从句,对前面提到的thefact的具体内容进行解释说明。apparently意为“显然地”,类似的表达还有obviously。考生可以在平时多积累常用词汇或短语的多种表达方式,丰富用词,为文章增加得分亮点。2.Unlike 20 years ago when computers were...facilitate both our work and life.本句中包含一个由when引导的定语从句,其先行词为20 years ago,.对二十年前电脑的使用情况进行具体说明。facilitate意为“使…更加便利”,其同义表达还有make,easier.或者provide convenienceforo3.In my opinion,although...only when we use...can we live a...life.本句中使用了although引导的让步状语从句,而其主句本身是一个主从复合句,其中,when引导的时间状语从句被only所修饰,放在了句首,故主句要采用部分倒装句式,即can we live a healthier andmore meaningful life,其正常语序为we can live a healthier and more meaningful life。PartⅡListening ComprehensionSection ANews Report One【听力原文】[1]At least 16 people were killed and up to 150 trapped under the rubble when a factory collapsed inan industrial area of Lahore in eastern Pakistan.Formerly several stories high,no part of the building remainedstanding after the disaster,[1]and hundreds of rescue workers including soldiers have been picking throughconcrete and bricks to find survivors.Dozens have been pulled out alive.Many more remain trapped and withheavy machinery being used,search teams were striving to ensure that no one is hurt further in the rescueoperation.[2]It is not known what caused the collapse of the factory where plastic bags were manufactured.But reports suggest the building was still under construction and may have suffered damage in last week'searthquake that hit Afghanistan and Pakistan,leaving hundreds dead.1.What is the news report mainly about?2.What are the products of this factory?利用播放答题导语的时间,快速浏览每道小题的四个选项,由第l题选项关键词rescue operation、damaged,relief work和collapsedi可知,该则新闻很可能关于某起倒塌事故,并且可能会涉及后续救援的报道,听音时应侧重听倒塌的是什么,倒塌原因和损失等。1.D【做题提示】四个选项均为名词性短语,可知本题以wht提问;四项含有地震、震后救援、大楼倒塌和厂房倒塌救援工作等信息,听音过程中应注意上述方面。听到问题后立刻回忆所听新闻内容,结合选项作答。【解析】国外时事新闻稿的特点是先概述发生的事情,然后再详述细节。这则新闻的开头就提到,巴基斯坦拉合尔的工厂大楼倒塌事故致16人死亡、150人被困,由此可知,这则新闻主要叙述拉合尔发生的一起房屋倒塌事故,因此可排除A和B。新闻后面的内容进一步交代了救援细节和可能的倒塌原因,因此可知选项D正确。C【做题提示】四个选项均为名词性短语,可知本题以wht提问。听音时应注意与各项相关的信息,听到问题后可结合所听的细节作答。【解析】新闻中提到,这个制造塑料袋的工厂倒塌的原因尚不可知,由此可知,工厂的主要产品是塑料袋,故本题选C。News Report Two【听力原文】The technology company Apple announced a new,smaller sized iPhone on Monday at a press conference inCupertino,California.Apple head Tim Cook said customers had asked that the company continue making four-inch products.He said the new iPhone SE satisfies that demand.[3]It is the same size as the iPhone 5 and 5s.But,the SE includes the better hardware of the most recent iPhone,the 6s.And,Apple is offering the iPhone SEfor a lower price.[4]An iPhone SE with 16 GB of storage will cost around $400.One with 64 GB will beabout $100 more.The iPhone SE shares the same design and materials as the 5 and 5s.However,the new modeladds a color choice:rose gold.The company also reported on its sustainability efforts to use 100%renewableenergy at this facility.Currently,Apple says it uses renewable energy at 93%of its facilities.3.What does iPhone SE share in common with iPhone 5 and 5s?4.How much will an iPhone SE with 64 GB of storage cost?【听前预测】利用播放答题导语的时间,快速浏览每道小题的四个选项。由第3题表示商品基本特点或属性的选项和第4题表示金额的选项可知,该则新闻很可能是关于某款产品的介绍,听音时应侧重这些细节,3.D【做题提示】四个选项均为名词短语,且都是商品的基本特征或属性,因此可判断此题可能会对某一产品的特点提问。听到问题后可回忆所听新闻内容,结合选项作答。【解析】新闻中提到新款手机的尺寸、设计及所用材料都与Phone5及iPhone5s相同,但是硬件更好,颜色选择更多,由此可排除A和B,选择D;新闻中提到新款手机将以较低的价格出售,并未说与Phone5及Phone5s价格相同,故排除C。4.A【做题提示】四个选项均为大概的金额,可推测本题会以how much提问。听到相关数据可同时做笔记,在听到问题后立刻回忆所听新闻的内容,结合选项作答。【解析】本题为细节题,不仅要听懂并记下相关数据,还要注意相关细节,如64GB。材料中谈到新苹果手机的价钱时举了两个例子,16G内存的售价约为400美元;64G内存的会贵大约100美元,因此可推知64G内存的iPhone SE售价大约为500美元,故选A。News Report Three【听力原文】[5]An experimental therapy uses a person's weak immune system to fight deadly blood cancers.Stanley Riddell is a researcher at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the U.S.state of Washington."So,that's the one interesting thing about this.It doesn't require repeated treatments or repetitive cycles ofchemotherapy,"said Riddell."That's what I think in the future may be most important for patients-that it's asingle treatment instead of many months of treatment."It has shown great promise in small trials with patients.[6]In one study of 35 patients with a type of leukemia,94 percent experienced a complete remission.50 percentto 80 percent of patients with other blood cancers also saw a reduction in symptoms.Riddell said,"This isencouraging because these are all patients who have failed all conventional therapies,including many kinds ofbone marrow and stem cell transplants."Immune system cells usually fight invading viruses and bacteria.They canalso combat cancer.But they are soon overwhelmed by the disease.[7]The work by Hutchinson researchersincreases this natural cancer-fighting ability.Using the immune system has also shown promise against skincancer and some lung cancers.5.What is the experimental therapy against blood cancer?6.How many patients gained a complete remission in the small trials?7.What have Hutchinson researchers contributed to according to the news report?【听前预测】利用播放答题导语的时间,快速浏览每道小题的四个选项。由第5题选项关键词chemotherapy、immune system、transplant等以及第7题选项中的immune cells、patients、cancers、.treatment、viruses等可知,该则新闻很可能是关于疾病治疗的,听音时可侧重听所治疗的疾病种类、效果及相关原理等方面。5.B【做题提示】四个选项均为名词性短语,可知本题以what提问;选项涉及不同治疗方法,听音时尤其要注意相关信息。听到问题后立刻回忆所听新闻内客,结合选项作答。10信公众号;
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