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2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(一)答案与详解2014年12月大学英语四级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part IWriting审题思路本篇题目一改过去常写的议论文,要求写对自己影响最大的大学同学。根据题目要求,写作重点应当是描述,而不是议论。考生首先应直接或间接地引出主趣,然后通过具体事例阐释该同学对“我”产生重大影响的原因,最后发表议论,照应前文,升华主趣。由此可知,题目要求写一篇夹叙夹议,以叙述为主的作文。写作提纲一、提出观点:同学“Tom”改变了“我”(be subject to being pessimistic,strive to encourage,appreciate)二、阐释主趣:1、在他的帮助下,我发现英语没那么难(be confused about,.make progress)2、他教我如何面对挫折(live through setbacks)三、升华主趣:l、wTom”让我认识到了自信和乐观的重要性(the significance of self-confidence and optimism)2、这种态度使人受益终身(benefit people all hislife)范文点评高分范文精彩点评①②通过描述那个曾经缺乏自信而且悲观的“我”A Classmate Who Has Influenced Me Most in College渐渐地有所改变引出文章主题一一对“我”影响最大Once upon atime,I was not so confident about my study的大学同学,他竭尽全力鼓励“我”。and was subjeet to being pessimistic when confronted with③承接上句,表达对他的感激之情。④列举具体事例:在英语学习方面对“我”的帮助。Tom,one of my classmates in college,strived to encourage me.3really appreciate his help.⑤使用in addition衔接,不仅使语义连贯,而且层次分明。I used not to be good at English however,whenever©⑦列举具体事例:演讲比赛失败后他对“我”的鼓was confused about the teacher's explanation,he alwaysinterpreted it to me in-an explicit way.Gradually,I found Englishnot so difficult and made progress day by day.5 In addition,it⑧说明他对“我”的影响:在他的鼓励下,“我”重拾了信心,认识到乐观的重要性。was Tom who kept guiding me how to live through all kinds osetbacks in life.I'll never forget the very day when I failed my⑨升华主趣:他使“我”认识到自信和乐观的重要性speech contest and I was overwhelmed and ashamed.Tom told这种态度使人终身受益me that nobody can defeat a person ifhe is determined to stand up加分亮点confidence,realizing that optimism was always the key to success.be subject to有…倾向Thanks to Tom.I eventually learned the significanceoappreciate感激self-confidence and optimism.They not only serveinterpret解释indispensable不可或缺的people all his life.全文翻译对我影响最大的大学同学我曾经对自己的学习并不那么自信,而且遇到挫折时就容易悲观。然而,当我的一个大学同学汤姆竭尽全力鼓励我的时候,我发现自己渐渐地有所改变。我非常感激他对我的帮助。2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(一)答案与详解以前我的英语不好,然而每当我对老师的讲解感到迷惑不解时,汤姆总是用清晰明了的方式给我解释。渐渐地,我发现英语并没那么难,并一天天地取得进步。不仅如此,汤姆还一直引导我如何应对生活中各种各样的挫折。我永远也忘不了我演讲比赛失败那一天,我当时不知所措,觉得很羞愧。汤姆告诉我,没有谁能打败一个在每一次失败面前都坚定地站起来的人。在他的鼓励下,我重拾了信心,认识到乐观常常是成功的关键政多亏汤姆,我最终认识到了自信和乐观的重要性。它们不仅是人们必备的品格,而且还将使人终身受益。Part IⅡListening ComprehensionSectionAl.听力原文:W:When was the last time you dusted the apartment?M:When was the last time my mother came over?Q What does the man imply?1.A)The woman is fussy about the cleanness of the apartment.B)He has not cleaned the apartment since his mothers visit.C)He does not remember when his mother came over.D)His mother ofien helps him to clean the apartment.【预测】四个选项反复出现clean和his mother,可以推测对话内容涉及打扫卫生及男士的母亲。四个选项中有两个以he开头,一个以his开头,且B)、C)、D)选项内容一般为he自己才能说出的信息,所以答案应该在男士的话里,注意听男士的话。A)选项以the woman开头,和其他三珍选项有明显区别,可以初步排除。【精析】B。女士问男士上次打扫公寓是什么时候,男士没有直接回答,而是抛出一个问题:我妈妈上次来是什么时候?言外之意就是他妈妈上次来看他的时候打扫了卫生,之后没再打扫,故答案为B)。2.W:Hurry up,Mark.There's a bus coming now.M:Why run?There'll be another one in 2 or 3 minutes.Q What does the man mean?2.A)The bus stop is only two minutes'walkC)They might as well take the next bus.B)The running made him short of breath.D)The woman is late by a couple of minutes.【预测】四个选项中出现了bus,walk,miming和ate等词,可以推测对话和乘坐公交车相关,有可能是怕迟到而赶公交车:【精析】C)。女士提醒男士快点,因为公交车就要开过来了。男去反问为什么要跑呢?两三分钟后就会有另一辆公交车了。由此可知,男士认为没有必要者急赶这班公交车,可以乘坐下一班公交车,故答案为C)。3.听力原文:M:Laura,,it seems that you are up to your neck in work,.how come you've been so busy?W:Miss Smith has asked for a sick leave,and I have to take over her work for a couple of days.Q What do we learn about the woman?3.A)She is suffering a pain in her neck.C)She has to do extra work for a few days.D)She is quite sick of working overtime.【预测】四个选项中的replace,.extra work和working overtime暗示该趣和工作过多相关。四个选项均以she开头,因此女士的话应为听音重点。【精析】C)。男士指出女士工作忙得不可开交,询问女士为什么会如此忙。男士的话中出现了短语be up toone's neck,意为“忙得不可开交”,此处很容易造成误解,应注意。女士回答说因为Miss Smith请了病假,她必须接管Miss Smith的工作。由此可推断,女士必须做额外的工作,故答案为C)。4.听力原文:W:Washing dishes at the cafeteria every day is really boring.Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(一)答案与详解4A)Change her job.C)Open a flower shop.B)Buy a dishwasher.D)Start her own business.【预测】四个选项均为动词短语,可推测该趣可能会对建议或计划进行提问。选项中出现了job,open a...shop和start..business,可推测对话和工作相关。【精析】A)。女士抱怨每天在自助餐厅刷盘子很无聊,男士用why dor't句型向女士提建议:为什么不辞职和我一起递花呢?由此可以推断,男士认为女士应该换个工作,故答案为A)。5.听力原文:W:Rod,you said you'd take this package to the post office yesterday,M:Oh,no.It must have slipped my mind.Q What do we learn about the man from the conversation?5A)He forgot where he had left the package.C)He wanted to deliver the package himself.B)He slipped on his way to the post office.D)He failed to do what he promised to do.【预测】四个选项反复出现package和post office等词,可推测对话应涉及邮局取送包裹的内容。四个选项均以he开头,且选项内容为一般为he自己才能说出的信息,所以答案应该在男士的话里,注意听男士的话。【精析】D)。通过女士的话可知,男士昨天说过他会把包裹送到邮局,男士的回答中有一个短语slip one'smid,意为“意外地忘记”,理解了这个短语,该趣就迎刃而解了。根据男士的回答“肯定是把这事忘了”可推测,男士并没有帮女士把包裹送到邮局,也就是说男士没有兑现自己的承诺,故答案为D)。6.听力原文:M:Fm not surprised you didn't like that movie.I find it really scary myself.Q What do we learn from the conversation?6.A)The speakers do not agree with each otherC)The man pays for the tickets as a rule.B)The woman does not like horror filmsD)The speakers happened to meet in the cinema.【预测】四个选项中出现了ilms,tickets和cinema等词,可以推测对话内容与看电影有关。四个选项中A)、D)均以the speakers开头,B)、C)分别以the woman和the man开头,可推测本趣并非针对男士或女士的话进行提问,很有可能是对整个对话的理解。特别是对一些容易引起歧义的短语的理解。因此,男士和女士的话都是听音重点。【精析】B)。男士表示他对女士不喜欢那部电影并不奇怪,他自己也觉得那部电影很恐怖,女士用0dd1对男士的说法表示同意,并指出自己通常不喜欢恐怖电影。其中care for意为“喜欢”,asarule意为“通常”,正确理解了这两个短语就很容易得出答案了,故答案为B)。7.听力原文:M:My life experience tells me that love is filled with happiness but it hurts you too.W Your words remind me of the saying honey is sweet but the bee stingsQ What do we learn from the conversation?7.A)The woman is just as unlucky as the man.C)The speakers share a common view on love.B)The woman is more sensitive than the manD)The speakers are unhappy with their marriage.【预测】四个选项中出现了unlucky,.sensitive,lowe和I unhappy这些表示感情的词汇,可推测对话将涉及感情问题。四个选项中A)、B)均以the woman开头,将the woman和the man进行对比,C)、D)均以thespeakers开头,对两个说话者进行描述,可推测本趣考查对整个对话的理解。因此,男士和女士的话都是听音重点。【精析】C)。男士指出自己的生活经验表明爱情充满甜蜜但也会伤害人,女士说男士的话使自己想到一句谤语:蜂蜜很甜,但是蜜蜂会蜇人。这句谚语中蜂蜜代表爱情,这说明女士也认为爱情有甜蜜、有伤痛,和男士的观点一致,故答案为C)。8.听力原文:M:How many more chairs should I bring in for the forum,six or seven?
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