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2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(三)答案与详解Part IWriting审趣思路本作文话趣为大学校阿中令你受益最多的一项活动,非常贴近大学生的生活。因此,在构思时可以用自己的亲身经历作为材料,着重阐述活动的有益之处。考生首先应该指明是什么校园活动让你受益最多:接者应对该活动进行描述,说明它让你受益之处,最后总结全文、升华主趣。写作提纲一、指出大学校园中最让“我”受益的活动(benefited me most)二、阐述该活动让“我”受益之处:l、描述活动(a debate competition)2、活动所得(what I have leamt from it)三、升华主题:指出“我”从活动中得到了对未来而言最珍贵的礼物(the most precious gift for future))范文点评高分范文精彩点评①指出校园活动多种多样。。The Most Beneficial Activity on Campus②指出“我”从这些活动中学到很多。③指出使“我”受益最多的活动一一辩论赛。④介绍辩论赛的基本信息。students,I have leamt a lot from all of these well-organized⑤指出“我”觉得最重要的不是比赛的结果,而是activities.3But the one that has benefited me most is the debate(中学到的东西。competition I took part in last year.⑥⑦指出此项活动使“我”认识到团队合作的重要That was a debate competition between different majors性。and the topic was about theoretical knowledge versus practice.⑧总结全文:“我”从辩论赛中得到了对未来而目最What matters most is not the result of the debate,but what I have珍贵的礼物。leamt froth it.6 That is,no individual could accomplish achallenging task all by herself or himself.Joint efforts are ofgreat importance in winning any competition.加分亮点It was really lucky for me to take part in the debatenumerous无数的的cherishing team spirit and joint efforts,which will help me sweepbenefit有益于way every block falling in my way to success.joint efforts共同务力sweep away扫除2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解全文翻译最有益处的大学活动每个大学都为学生提供多种多样的校园活动以丰富他们的课外生活。作为一个年轻的大学生,我从这些精心组织的活动中学到了很多。但是让我受益最多的是去年参加的那场辩论赛。那是一次有不同专业学生参与的辩论赛,辩趣是理论知识与实践。最重要的不是辩论的结果,而是我从中学到了什么。那就是,没有哪个人能够单凭自己就可以完成一项极具挑战性的任务。要赢得任何一项竞赛,共同努力都极为重要。我很幸运参加了那场辩论赛,从中我收获了对未来而言最珍贵的礼物:珍惜团队精神和共同努力,这将帮我扫清通往成功道路上的每一个障碍。Listening ComprehensionSection A1.W:Simon,could you return the tools I lent you for building the bookshelf last month?M:Oh,well,I hate to tell you this,but I can't seem to find them.Q What do we learn from the conversation?1.A)The man hates to lend his tools toother people.B)The man hasn't finished working on the bookshelf.C)The tools have already been returned to the woman.D)The tools the man borrowed from the woman are missing.【预测】选项中多次出现了tools-一词,且出现了lend,returned和borrowed,,由此可推测对话很可能与工具的借和还有关。【精析】D。女士问上个月她借给男士做书架用的工具是否可以归还:男士回答说他似乎找不到了,故答案为D。2.W:I am going to Marthas house.I have apaper to complete.And I need to use her computer.M:Why don't you buy one yourself?Think how much time you could save.Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?2.A)Save time by using a computer.C)Borrow Martha's computer.B)Buy her own computer.D)Stay home and complete her paper.【预测】选项均是以动词原形开头的短语,可推测此趣考查行为或建议。选项中多次出现了computer一词,可推测对话很可能与电脑有关。【精析】B)。女士说她打算去玛莎家,她需要用玛莎的电脑来完成一篇论文:男士说“你为什么不自己买一台呢?”句中出现了Why don'tyou.句型,这是一种委婉给出建议的表达方式。由此可知,男士建议女士自己买台电脑,故答案为B)。3.听力原文:W:Daddy,Ihave decidedto give upscience and go to business school.M:Well,it is your choice as long as youpay your own way,but I should warn youthat not everyone with abusiness degree will make a successful manager.Q What do we learn from the conversation?3.A)The man doesn't have money for his daughter's graduate studiesB)The man doesn't think his daughter will get a business degree.C)The man insists that his daughter should pursue her studies in science.D)The man advises his daughter to think carefully before making her decision.【预测】选项屮出现his daughter's graduate studies,business degree和pursue her studies等,可以推测对话很可能与女儿的学业有义。2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真趣(三)答案与详解【精析】D)。女士对父亲说,她已经决定放弃科学,要去上商业学校了:男士说只要女士自己支付学费,这是她的选择,同时警告女士说并不是每个上商业学校的人都能成为成功的经理。由此可推测,男士建议他的女儿在做决定前应该深思熟虑,故答案为D)。4.听力原文:W:Ijust read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this year's greatest hit.Why don't we goand see it at the Grand Cinema?M:Don't you think that cinema is a little out of the way?Q What does the man mean?4.A)The cinema is some distance away from where they are.B)He would like to read the film review in the newspaper.C)They should wait to see the movie at a later timeD)He'll find his way to the cinema.【预测】选项中出现了cinema和e the movie等,可推测对话可能与去电影院看电影有关。【精析】A)。女士说她刚从报纸上得知《指环王》是今年最卖座的电影,何不一起去大光明电影院观看:男士反问道:“你不觉得那个电影院有点远吗?”A)中的some distance away from对应对话中的a little out ofthe way,故答案为A)。5.听力原文:W:Bob said that Seattle is a great place for conferences.M He is certainly in the position to make that comment.He has been there so often.Q:What does the man say about Bob?5.A)He's been to Seattle many times.C)He has a high position in his company.B)He has chaired a lot ofconferences.D)He lived in Seattle for many years.【预测】选项中出现了Seattle及conferences等,可以推测对话很可能与在西雅图举行会议有关。【精析】A)。女士提到,鲍勃说西雅图是开会的绝佳地方:男士说鲍勃当然会作出如此评价,因为鲍勃经常去。对话中的often对应A)中的many times,故答案为A)。6.听力原文:W:Mr.Watson,I wonder whether ifs possible for me to take a vacation early next month?M:Did you fill out a request form?Q:What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?6.A)Teacher and student.C)Manager and office worker.B)Doctor and patient.D)Travel agent and customer.【预测】由选项可知,本趣考查对话者之间的关系。【精析】C)。女士以请求的语气I wonder whether...与男士说话,说明男士比女士的级别要高,只有C)“经理和办公室员工”符合语境,故答案为C)。做这类趣时要注意从对话中的称呼、场景常用语及说话人的语气来推断对话者之间的关系。7.听力原文:M:Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend?I heard that the guy who is going to deliver thelecture spent a year living inthe rainforest.W:Great,I am doing a report on the rainforest.Maybe I can get some new information to add to it.Q What does the woman mean?7.A)She knows the guy who will give the lectureB)She thinks the lecture might be informative.C)She wants to add something to her lecture.D)She'll finish her report this weekend.【预测】四个选项均以se开头,且多次出现了lecture一词,可以推测对话与女士参加某个讲座有关。【精析】B)。男士问女士这周末要不要一起去参加讲座,他听说做讲座的人曾在雨林中待了一年:女士说她正在做一个有关雨林的报告,或许能获得一些新信息。B)中的informative与对话中的get some newinformation意思一样,故答案为B)。
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