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2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(二)答案与详解2014年12月大学英语六级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part IWriting审趣思路这是一篇叙议结合式作文。a course that has impressed you most in college(大学中令你印象最深刻的一门课程)是考生非常熟悉的一个话趣,因此写起来并不难。写作时,重点应放在第二段阐释这门课程令你印象最深刻的原因上。例如,授课教师的知识水平和个人魅力、课程内容本身以及课程设置的前景展望等。考生可联系自身学习情况进行阐述。写作提纲一、描述现象:大学课程丰富(a variety of courses,.broaden their knowledge)二、分析原因:l、印象最深刻的一门课程(the course that has impressed me most)2、原因:授课教授因素(the scholarly image of the professor,.unusual but interesting teachingmethod)i开阔视野(my vision has been broadened):激发了学好英语的热情(arouse the enthusiasm for studyingEnglish well)三、归纳点趣:l、对学校提供的多种多样的课程感到满足(I am satisfied with the broad range of courses)2、很高兴选择了英国文学课程(I am glad to have chosen the course of British iterature)范文点评高分范文精彩点评A Course That Has Impressed Me Most in College1There are a variety of courses in college which provide①开篇总起,描述现象:大学课程丰富。students with multiple options to broaden their knowledge.2②③说明该现象对学生的影响:学生们因丰富的课They can choose different courses according to their owr程而大受裨益。④指出自身从中受益匪浅。from it in many respects.⑤点趣:指出“我”印象最深刻的一门课程。1As far as I am concerned,I do harvest a lot from the⑥⑦⑧用in the first place..in the second place..lastcourses I choose.5Last semester,as a junior student,I chose thebut not least列举该课程使“我”印象深刻的不course of British Literature which has impressed me most.Inthe同原因,层次分明。first place,I was deeply charmed by the scholarly image of the⑨@归纳总结,进一步突出主趣professor for this course-his broad range of knowledge andunusual but interesting teaching method.7 In the second place.加分亮点my vision has been definitely broadened by this course.Apart froma variety of...多种多样的the basic knowledge in our textbook,I have also learnt somethingit goes without saying that不言而喻not least,this course has aroused my enthusiasm for studying harvestEnglish well.This will help perfect my knowledge system.semester学期In general,I am satisfied with the broad range of coursesa broad range of..范围广泛的offered by my college.1 And I am glad to have chosen thehave a great effect on对…有重大影响2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(二)答案与详解全文翻译大学里给我印象最深刻的一门课程多种多样的大学课程为学生提供了扩充知识面的多种选择。学生们可以根据自己的喜好选择不同课程。毫无疑问,学生们在许多方面确实受益匪浅。就我而言,我确实从自己选择的课程里获益颇丰。上个学期,作为一名大三学生,我选择了《英国文学》,这门课程给我留下了最深刻的印象。首先,我被这门课程授课教授的学者风范所深深吸引,他知识面广,教课方法不同寻常且趣味盎然。其次,这门课程确实开拓了我的视野。除了课本上的基础知识,我还学到了一些比较实际的东西,加深了我对英国的理解。最后但同样重要的是,这门课程激起了我学好英语的热情。这将有助于完普我的知识体系。总之,我对大学提供的丰富课程很满意。很高兴我选择了《英国文学》这门课。它确实对我有很大的影响。Listening ComprehensionSection Al.听力原文:M:Take a look at this catalogue.Maybe we can find some gifts for Jane's new houseW:OK.But remember,we can't afford a lot.Q What does the woman mean?1.A)The man is not good at balancing his budget.B)She will go purchase the gift herself.C)The gift should not be too expensiveD)They are goingto Jane house-warming party.【预测】B)和C)选项中都出现了g一词,A)中提到了平衡预算,D)中提到了去简的乔迁派对,综合四个选项,可以推测对话内容可能与参加朋友的派对应买什么礼物有关。【精析】C。男士说他们应该考虑为简乔迁新居买件礼物,女士说他们负担不起太多钱。由此可知,他们应该挑选一件不太昂贵的礼物,故答案为C)。2.W:I am getting absolutely nowhere with these statistics.M:How about my going through them with you?Q What does the man mean?1.A)He is quite willing to give the woman a hand.B)It takes patience to go through the statistics.C)He has prepared the statistics for the woman.D)The woman should take a course in statistics.【预测】B)、C)和D)三个选项中都出现了statistics一词,可知对话内容与数据统计相关,由A)“他非常乐意帮助女士”、C)“他为女士准备好了数据”和D)“女士应该修一门数据统计的课程”可以判断,是女士需要处理这些数据,听对话时注意听男士在女士处理数据中起到了什么作用。【精析】A)。女士说她对这些数据一头雾水,男士主动提出与她一同处理。由此可知,男士会为女士伸出援手,故答案为A)。3.听力原文:M:We are ready to start the recording,aren'twe?Lefs beginon Page55.W:Sony.I am afraid I can't begin right now.I forgot to bring my scripts.Q What do we learn from the conversation?1.A)Page 55 is missing from the woman's scripts.B)They cannot begin their recording right awayC)The woman does not take the recording seriously.D)The man wants to make some changes in the scripts.【预测】由B)和C)选项中出现的recording-一词可以判断,对话内容与录音相关,结合选项A)“女士文字稿的第55页不见了”、B)“他们不能马上开始录音”、C)“女士没有认真对待录音”和D)“男士想要对文字稿做些修改”,可知选项内容均围绕录音无法顺利进行展开,可以推测本趣考查无法顺利进行录2014年12月年大学英语四级考试真题(二)答案与详解音的原因。【精析】B)。男士说从第55页开始录音,而女士却说她没办法立刻开始录音,因为她忘记带文字稿了。由此可知,他们无法马上开始录音,故答案为B)。4.听力原文:W:Remember?Carl's wedding is on June26.M Oh,thanks for reminding mer I thought it wasn't to be until sometime in July.Q:What are the speakers talking about?4.A)The date of Carl's wedding.C)A significant event in July.B)The birthday of Carl's bride.D)Preparations for a wedding【预测】由A)“卡尔的婚礼日期”、B)“卡尔的新娘的生日”和C)“七月的一个重要日子”可以推断出,本题考查的内容与某个大事件的日期相关,结合A)中的“婚礼”、B)中的“新娘”和D)中的“婚礼”,基本可以断定本题考查的是婚礼日期。【精析】A)。女士提醒男士卡尔的婚礼日期是6月26日,男士表示感射,并说他一直以为婚礼在七月的某一天。由此可知,两人讨论的是卡尔的婚礼日期,故答案为A)。5.听力原文:M:Please excuse me for not attending the meeting yesterday.I'm afraid I forgot to check myschedule.W:That's all right.We have to hold the weekly meeting as scheduled.And everything went well.Q What do we learn from the conversation?A)The woman forgot to tell the man in advance.B)The man was absent from the weekly meeting.C)The woman was annoyed at the man's excuse.D)The man was in charge of scheduling meetings.【预测】由A)“女士忘记提前通知男士了”、B)“男士缺席了周例会”和C)“女士对男士的理由感到厌烦”基本可以断定,男士由于某种原因未能参加会议,D)中虽然也提到了会议安排,但与其他三个选项内容差异比较大,可以预先排除。【精析】B)。男士向女士道歉,说忘记查看日程安排,所以未能参加会议,女士说周例会如期召开,一切正常。由此可知,男士未能参加周例会,故答案为B)。6.听力原文:W:I've just put our lunch in the oven and it won't be ready for at least half an hour.M:Em,it smells marvelous,but what can I have right now?Q What do we learn from the conversation?6.A)The woman is a marvelous cook.C)The man has to leave in half an hour.B)The woman has just bought an oven.D)The man cannot wait for his meal.【预测】由A)中的cook、B)中的oven和D)中的meal可知,对话与做饭、就餐相关,再结合C)“男士必须在半小时后离开”和D)“男士迫不及待要吃饭”,可以判断应该是女士做饭,而男士对就餐时间有所要求。【精析】D)。女士告诉男士她刚把午饭放到烤箱里,至少半小时后才能吃,而男士说饭闻起来很香,可他现在就想吃点什么。言外之意就是男士迫不及待要吃饭了,故答案为D)。7.听力原文:M:I got some bad news today.The store where I work is laying off staff..W:Are they going tolet you go?Q:What does the woman want to know?7.A)How she can best help the man.C)What items sell well in the store.B)Where the man got the bad news.D)Whether the man can keep his job.【预测】四个选项均为由连词或副词引导的句子,但句尾为句号,且句子为陈述句语序,由此可知,选项均为从句,结合A)“她怎样才能最好地帮助男士”、B)“男士从哪里得知了坏消息”和D)“男士能否保住工作”可知,男士应该是工作遇到了困境。C)“商店里什么物品卖得好”与其他三个选项意思没有任何关联,可以预先排除。
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