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2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解Part IWriting审趣思路本次作文通过设置虚拟情景,要求考生描述具有特色的名胜古迹、文化圣地或者山水名地等,写作形式和内容不拘一格,与往年常考的议论文、图表作文和名言评述作文趣型区别较大。仔细审查趣目要求,考生首先应回答“what”,即去什么地方:其次,考生应回答“why”,即推荐该地点的原因:最后,考生需要作简要的总结。写作提纲一、回答“hat”,,说明去何处(accompany you to the National Center for the Performing Arts)and miniature of Chinese culture)2、欣赏其他艺术表演(feast your eyes on the other forms ofarts)三、简要总结:l、探访国家大剧院的意义(have a further understanding of Chinese arts,enrich your artisticaccomplishment)2、朋友的感受(a wonderful and unforgettable experience)范文点评高分范文:National Center for the Performing Arts1 I know you are fascinated by Chinese arts,Beijing Opera in particular.2 Since you will come to China,I am willing to accompany you to the National Center for the Performing Arts to appreciate the splendidperformance.3There,you can enjoy the authentie performance of Beijing Opera by celebrated actors.As theessence and miniature of Chinese culture,Beijing Opera incorporates the advantages of local opera and folkmelody,prevailing in every comer of China.5 With its exposure to the Western world.many foreigners begin tofall in love with it.Besides.you can also have the opportunity to feast your eyes on the other forms of arts,which might also arouse your interest.7By enjoving the authentic performance of Beijing Opera,you are bound to have a farther understandingof Chinese arts,which will enrich your artistic accomplishment.8 I am sure that it must be a wonderful andunforgettable experience for you.①引出话趣。②由因到果:朋友喜欢京剧,因而带他去国家大剧院现场感受京剧的魅力。③说明带朋友去国家大剧院的一个原因:观看京剧名家现场表演。第1页共14页2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解④⑤说明京剧的独特之处:是我国的国粹,是中国文化的缩影,融合了地方戏和民歌的优点,深受中外人士的欢迎。©说明带朋友去国家大剧院的另一个原因:可以欣赏其他艺术表演。⑦⑧说明去国家大剧院的意义和感受。加分亮点be fascinated by对.着迷authentic performance现场表演incorporate包含,吸收feast one's eyes on大饱眼福我知道你对中国艺术十分者迷,尤其是京剧。既然你要来中国,我愿意效劳,陪你去国家大剧院体验精彩的表演。在那里,你能够欣赏到京剧名家名角的现场表演。作为我国的国粹和中国文化的缩影,京剧融合了地方戏和民歌的优点,风靡全国。随着京剧传到西方世界,许多外国人开始爱上它。此外,你还有机会一饱眼福其他艺术表演,这可能也会引起你的兴趣。通过欣赏京剧的现场表演,你一定会对中国艺术有更加深入的理解,这将会增强你的艺术修养。我确信,这对你来说必将是一次美妙而令人难忘的经历。Listening ComprehensionSection Al1.听力原文:W:Just imagine!We have to finish reading3O0 pages before Monday!How can the professorexpect us to do it in such a short time?M Yeah,but what troubles me is that I can't find the book in the library or in the university bookstore.Q What does the man mean?A)He has proved to be a better reader than the woman.B)He has difficulty understanding the book.C)He cannot get access to the assigned book.D)He cannot finish his assignment before the deadline.【预测】四个选项都以he作主语,且出现了reader,book,assignment等,故推测本题考查的内容与读书有关。【精析】C。对话中,女士说周一前必须读完300页的书,对教授要求在这么短的时间内完成表示不理解。男士表示同意,但困扰他的问趣是他在图书馆或学校书店根本找不到那本书。由此可知,男士找不到教授第2页共14页2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题(三)答案与详解要求读的书,故答案为C)。2.听斤力原文:M:Do you think I could borrow your car to go grocery shopping?The supermarkets outside thecity are so much cheaper.I'd also be happy to pick up anything you need.W:Well,I don't like to let anyone else drive my car.Tell you what,why don't we go together?Q:What does the woman mean?1.A)She will drive the man to the supermarket.B)The man should buy a car of his own.C)The man needn't go shopping every week.D)She can pick the man up at the grocery store.【预测】选项中提到了supermarket,.car,go shopping,store等,故推测本题与购物和汽车有关。【精析】A)。对话中,男士询问女士是否可以借她的车去购物,并乐意为女士购买她所需要的东西:女士表示不愿意把车借给别人,但是可以一起去。由此可知,女士将开车和男士一起去购物,故答案为A)。3.听力原文:M:Forgive the mess in here.We had a party last night..There were a lot of people and they allbrought food.W:Yeah,I can tell.Well,I guess it's pretty obvious what youll be doing most of today.Q:What does the woman think the man will do?2.A)Get more food and drinksC)Tidy up the placeB)Ask his friend to come over.D)Hold a party.【预测】选项中出现了food,drinks,party等,故推测本趣考查与聚会有关的内容。【精析】C)。对话中,男士首先说明这里乱七八糖的原因:昨晚有个聚会,人很多,而且都带了吃的。女士表示理解,说能猜出男士今天大部分时间都将在做什么了,即收拾这个地方,故答案为C)。4.听力原文:W:What time would suit you for the first-round talks with John Smith?M Well,you know my schedule.Other than this Friday,one day is as good as the next.Q What does the man mean?4.A)The talks can be held any day except this Friday.B)He could change his schedule to meet John Smith.C)The first-round talks should start as soon as possibleD)The woman should contact John Smith first.【预测】选项中出现了talks,schedule,first--round talks等,故推测本趣考查的内容与谈判的时间安排有关。【精析】A)。对话中,女士询问男士与约翰·史密斯第一轮谈判的合适时间,男士说除了本周五,其他任何一天都可以,故答案为A)。5,听力原文:W:I was so angry yesterday!My biology teacher did not even let me explain why I missed the fieldtrip.He just wouldn't let me pass!M:That doesn't seem fair.I'd feel that way too if I were you.Q:What does the man imply?5.A)He understands the woman's feelings.B)He has gone through a similar experience.C)The woman should have gone on the field trip.D)The teacher is just following the regulations.【预测】选项中出现了field trip,.teacher,,regulations等,可推测本题是关于教师和学生的话趣。【精析】A)。女士说她昨天很生气,因为生物老师不让她解释她没有参加校外实习的原因,而是直接不让她通过考试:男士说如果自己是女士,他也会有相同的感受。由此可知,男士很理解女士现在的心情,故答案为A)。6.听力原文:M:I really can't stand the way David controls the conversation all the time.If he is going to be atyour Christmas party,I just won't come.第3页共14页
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