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2013年12月大学英语四级(第二套)考试真题答来解析写作导航:On the Overuse of the Mobile Phone第1段:描述图片,概述生活中出现过度使用手机的现象Having a cell phone in hand and at the ready,growing increasing dependent on their mobilephones第2段:详细介绍过度使用手机产生的不良后果trigger many health problemsan Immediate threat to their life,health and pro property less chance of face-to-faceinteractions第3段:进行总结,并提出建议use them appropriately and rationally参考范文On the Overuse of the Mobile Phone [1 ]As is shown in the picture,having a mobile phonein hand and at the ready is the default mode while walking on the streets.[2]What this cartoonsymbolically reveals is that people nowadays,especially young people,are growing increasinglydependent on their mobile phones.[3 lIt is true that the mobile phone has brought great convenience to people's life.However,just as is illustrated in the picture,the overuse of it may lead to several bad consequences.[4]Tobegin with,there is evidence that long-term exposure to electromagnetic radiation may triggermany health problems,such as insomnia,headaches and even cancers.5]In addition,whenpeople immerse themselves in the mobile phone,they tend to pay less attention to theirsurroundings,posing an immediate threat to their life,health and property.[6]Last but not least,excessive use of mobile phones means much less chance of face-to-face interactions with thepeople who populate their real lives.[7]In conclusion,while mobile phones have contributed a lot to making our life moreconvenient,we should use them appropriately and rationally.【1】开门见山,对图片进行简单描述。【2】点明图片揭示的现象,【3】点出手机对人们生活的积极影响。【4】【5】【6】分三点阐明过度使用手机对人们生活的消极影响。【7】总结全文:使用手机要适度。Part 2 Listening ComprehensionSection A1.W:I'd like to take a trip to Florida for my spring break.Can you give me any idea whereto go?M:I could tell you about the places I visited,but I think you'd better look up a travelagency to help the arrangement.Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?C)【精析】请求建议题。女士想去佛要里达度假,想请男士给点建议:男士说可以给她介绍他曾经去过的地方,但最好的办法还是女士亲自找一家旅行社来帮自己安排行程。由此可知,男士建议女士咨询旅行社代理人。2.M:I'm really tired of driving at night,even though the traffic seems fine.W:I see.Let's stop for some food and then find a motel nearby,so we can start earlytomorrow.Q:What do we leam about the speakers?A)【精析】细节推新题。对话中男士抱怨他厌倦了夜间开车,女士表示理解,并建议找一家附近的汽车旅馆休息,明天一早再出发。由此推测,他们正在开车长途旅行。3.M:Jeff's got a lot of good ideas.Do you think he is willing to come to the meeting?W:Oh,I think he'd be glad to come,but what's difficult is getting the guy to speak before alarge crowd.Q:What does the woman imply about Jeff?C)【精析】细节推断题。对话中男士担心Jeff是否乐意来会场出主意,问女士意见,女士说Jefr应该愿意来,但问题在于很难让Jef在公众面前讲话。由此推测,Jef是一个不喜欢抛买露面、在公共场合发言的人。4.W:I hear you are leaving the company and going back to school this year.M:Yes.I've enrolled in a graduate program in Public Administration.Q:What is the man going to do?B)【精析】行动计划题。女士听说男士要离开公司重回学校,男士肯定了这种说法,并说自己要去攻读公共管理专业的研究生。由此可知男士下一步的打算是继续学习深造。5.W:Have you applied for the art director position?M:No.I'd like to.But the job starts on the first of May and I wouldn't be available untilJuneQ:What does the man mean?A)【精析】语义理解题。女士询问男士是否中请了艺术总监一职,男士回答说他没有,原因是他六月份才有空而这份工作需要五月一日入职。由此可知,男士因力无法按时入职而没有申请艺术总监这一职位。6.W:Will my car be ready by the end of the day?M:It should be.I'll call if there are any problems.We are open until 6:00.Q:What is probably the man'sjob?B)【精析】推理判断题。女士询问自己的车今天能否修好,男士说应谈可以完工,若有问题会打电话告知女士。由此推测,男士正在为女士修车,故男士的职业是修理工。7.W:I have a big paper due Monday,but I promise Laura we,d clean the apartment thisweekend.What am I going to do?M:Why don't you just see if Laura can wait for a week or two?Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?D)【精析】请求建议题。对话中女士左右为难,一方面她要完成论文,另一方面还答应Laura-一起打扫公寓;男士建议她问问Laura是否能等一两周后再打扫公寓,由此可知,男士建议女士和Laura商量一下,看能否将打扫公寓推迟一两周。W:Construction on the bridge has really slowed the traffic.M:I know.Since they started working*the time it takes me to get to work has doubled.Q:What are the speakers talking about?A)【精析】综合理解题。对话中女士抱怨建桥一事影响了交通,男士表示认同,因为他上班路上花费的时间因此加倍了。由此可知,他们谈论的话题是桥梁建设造成的交通问题。Conversation One
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