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2012年6月英语四级考试真题答案解析Part I Writing (30minutes)参考作文:On Excessive PackagingNowadays the phenomena of excessive packaging of goods are prevailing in our society:clothes swathed in tissue paper,placed in cardboard box and finally wrapped in well-designedplastic bags,imported bottles of grape wine packed in wooden boxes,fruits put inhand-woven baskets,to name but a few.There are several causes of excessive packaging.The first reason is that a large numberof companies believe that they can attract customers'attention and stimulate their purchasingdesire by over-packaging their goods,thus gaining more profits.On the other hand,quite anumber of consumers mistakenly hold that the more delicate the package is,the better thequality will be,thus encouraging excessive packaging.In my point of view,excessive packaging has disastrous consequences,including the lossof precious resources,excessive consumption of water and energy,and unnecessary extractionof scarce land for landfill.To solve the problem,it's necessary to take the following measures.First,laws andregulations must be made to restrict excessive packaging of companies.In addition,we needto raise consumer's awareness that excessive packaging doesn't equal to high quality andadvocate packaging recycling【解析】本次作文的话题是“过度包装”,话题不断新,考生应该都比较熟悉。写好本篇作文的关键在于紧跟题目所列提纲:现象一原因一看法和建议,确定相应的写作结构。重点分析产生此现象的原因有哪些,把最重要的两三点罗列下来。最后,根据分析出的原因提供相应的建议。范文首段开门见山,首先一句话总结如今社会上过度包装现象盛行,而后举出一些实例补充说明。第二段重点从公司和消费者两方面论述产生过度包装的原因。公司方面是为了吸引顾客,刺激消费,赢取更多的利润:消费者方面是认为包装越精美,质量越好这种错误的消费意识。接下来作者表明自己的看法,认为过度包装会导致很多问题:稀缺资源的流失:水,能源的过度消耗以及产生不必要的垃圾场等。最后一段作者针对原因提出了一些解决方案。第一方面,建立法律规章制度来约束企业的过度包装行为。第二方面,必须让消费者认识到过度包装不等同于高质量,并提倡包装物的回收利用。本文条理清晰,论述充分,语言使用规范得当,如:to name but a few,the first reasonis that...,on the other hand,in my point of view,to solve the problem,first,in addition等。Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15minutes)本文主要讲述了社交网络给警察带来的不良影响,以及警察局为应对这一问题所采取的措施。第15通过举例引出本文讨论的话题:社交网络对警察来说是一把双刃剑。第1-2段主要讲特雷·伊考诺米迪警员因“脸谱”上的个人资料被曝光被调到内勤.第35段主要说明互联网虽然是执法机构1/9可以使用的有价值的工具,但也会给警员带来不利影响。影响:网上不慎重的言行给自己带来麻烦:网上发布的帖子可能会危及警员的安全:辩护律师在社交网站搜索有助于反驳警员证词的相关证据。第611段讲警察署制定相关规章制度,对警员的网上言行进行规范化监管。第1217段主要说明法院、学者以及警员对限制警员在社交网络发表言论这一做法的态度。法院:支持限制警员网上言论的做法。学者戴维.L,哈德森:规定所涉及的范围过于宽泛,有争议性。警员协会会长乔伊·斯伽拉:警局无权规定警员下班后的言行:这一做法把展示好行为与坏行为的能力都剥夺了。第18段29段主要举例说明警察局对这一问题的看法以及采取的措施。阿尔伯克基市警察局:需要迅速处理这一问题:专门聘请一名监察警宫。印第安纳州警署:教育新入职警员在社交网络要谨言慎行。密歇根州绍斯菲尔德市警察局:严格执行有关社交媒体的法规:检查求职者在社交网络上的言论。答案:1.D)providing good education for baby boomers.2.B)Students'performance declined.3.D)They are mostly small in size.4.A)Some large schools have split up into smaller ones.5.D)their college-level test participation.6.D)Their school performance was getting worse.7.C)maintain closer relationships with their teachers.8.Simplicity9.different measures10.tough subjectsPart III Listening Comprehension (35minutes)Section A听力原文及答案解析:11.M:As you can see from the drawings,the kitchen has one door into the dining room,another into the family room and a third to the outsideW:The door into the family room isn't big enough.Could it be made wider?Q:What are the speakers doing?【答案】C)Discussing a housing plan。【解析】此题为简单的推理题。从drawing,kitchen等关键词可知,两人正在看房间的图纸,并讨论希望family room能够再大点。12.M:I'm thinking about where to go for a bite tonight.Any suggestions,Barbara?W:Well,how about the French restaurant near the KFC?Frankly,I've had enough of ourcanteen food。Q:What do we learn about the woman?【答案】A)She is tired of the food in the canteen。【解析】此题为推理题。从对话中可知,男子问女子对于晚上到哪里吃饭有没有任何建议。女子回答去KF℃旁边的法国餐厅,因为她已经受够了食堂的食物。13.W:Hey,if you can't enjoy the music at a sensible volume,why not use earphones?I'mpreparing for the speech contest.M:Oh,sorry.I didn't realize I've being bothering you all this time.Q:What is the man probably doing?【答案】A)Listening to some loud music。【解析】此题为较为简单的推理题。从volume,earphone,bother等关键词可知该男子听音乐时把音量调的很高,从而影响到了女子准备演讲比赛。14.M:Finally,I've got the chance to put on my new suit tonight.I hope to make a goodW:Come on!It's only a family reunion.So jeans and T-shirts are just fine.Q:What does the woman mean?【答案】B)The man can dress casually for the occasion。【解析】此题为推理题。男子想穿新套装给女方家庭留下好印象,但是女子说这只是个家庭聚会,穿牛仔裤和T恤就行,即穿着随意即可。15.M:Would you like to see those pants in brown and navy blue?These two colors arecoming in this season。W:Oh,actually grey is my favourite color,but I prefer something made from cotton,100%cotton I mean。Q:What is the woman looking for?【答案】A)Grey pants made from pure cotton。【解析】此题为细节题。从关键词pants,grey,100%cotton可知,女子想要的是灰色纯棉的短裤。16.W:From here,the mountains look as if you could just reach out and touch them.M:That's why I chose this lodge.It has one of the best views in Switzerland.Q:What is the man's chief consideration in choosing the lodge?【答案】B)Its location。【解析】此题为细节题。男子说他选择这个旅馆的原因是它有着瑞士最好的视野,所以他最在乎的是位置。17.M:What do I have to do to apply for a passport?W:You need proof of citizenship,either an old passport or a birth certificate and threephotographs.Then you must complete this form and pay a fee.Q:What is the man most probably going to do?【答案】A)Travel overseas.【解析】此题为推理题。男子询问女子如何申请护照,女子回答时说的出生证,照片等是申请护照的所需用品。18.M:Miss,can I interest you in a pork special with serving tonight?It's only 799,half theusual price and it's very tasty.W:Oh really?I will try itQ:What does the man say about the dish?【答案】D)It is a good bargain。【解析】此题为细节题。男子在给女子推荐时说该道菜今晚的价格是平时的一般,且很好吃,可见十分划算。Conversation 13/9
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