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Listening Comprehension短对话答案初见Section A11.W:This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused.I can't figure outwhen my bus to Cleveland leaves?M:Why don't you just go to the ticket window and ask?Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?【答案】B)Go and ask the staff.【解析】这是一道事实细节题。从对话中可知,女士搞不清楚列车时刻表,男士建议她去售票窗口咨询。ticket window售票窗口。12.W:I really enjoyed the TV special about drafts last night.Did you get home intime to see it?W:Oh,yes,but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the wholething.Q:What does the man mean?【答案】A)He fell asleep in the middle of the TV program.【解析】这是道推理判断题,考查男士的言下之意以及虚拟语气。could have done意为本可以做某事,但未做。从对话中可知,男士确实回家看了电视节目,但是他说道:IwshI could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing.我真希望自己当时能再晚点睡着,这样我就可以看完整场节目了。说明他没有看完整场节目就睡着了。13.W:Airport,please.I'm running a little late.So just take the fastest way even ifit's not the most direct.M:Sure,but there is a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the footballgame.Q:What do we learn about the woman from the conversation?【答案】B)She is worried about missing her flight.【解析】这是道场景题,略有难度。刚开始,我们还无法很快判断出该对话发生的场景,很多同学一听到ai「port可能会误以为对话发生在机场,但如果我们继续听下去,就会发现,该对话应该发生在出租车上,因为女士说了句"请选择最快的路”,而男士说“因为有球赛,所以到处都交通拥堵”可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。选项A不对,原文是说要挑the fastest way哪怕不是the most direct way:选项C也不准确,才刚上车,并没有拥堵,司机只是提前说明因为球赛会碰到拥堵:选项D错误,女士是为了赶去乘飞机的,而不是去看球赛。14.W:May I make a recommendation,sir?Our seafood with this special sauce isvery good.M:Thank you,but I don't eat shellfish.I'm allergic to it.Q:Where does this conversation most probably take place?【答案】A)In a restaurant【解析】这是道场景题,较为简单。从对话中可知,女士希望向男士推荐一道菜,从首句中即可推断出该对话最有可能发生在餐馆中,男士说,他过敏,不吃贝壳类海鲜,可以帮助我们再次确认对话发生的场景。15.W:Now one more question if you don't mind,what position in the companyappeals to you most?M:Well,I'd like the position of sales manager if that position is still vacant.Q:What do we learn about the man?【答案】A)He is being interviewed for a job.【解析】这是较为简单的细节推理题。从position,company这几个关键词中,我们就可以快速判断出此题的场景为面试,因此男士应该正在接受一场面试。C选项错误,他想要销售经理的职位,但并不表示他本身就是销售经理。16.M:I don't think I want to live in the dormitory next year.I need more privacy.W:I know what you mean.But check out the cost if renting an apartment first.I won't be surprised if you change your mind.Q:What does the woman imply?【答案】B)The man is unlikely to move out of the dormitory.【解析】这是推理判断题,询问女士的言下之意。最后一句,女士表示"你改变主意的话,我不会觉得奇怪”,可知,男士不太可能搬出宿舍。A选项是个干扰项,虽然该选项看上去意思和B选项差不多,但对话中并没有提到男士想找一个更安静的地方,他想搬离寝室,是为了更多的个人空间。17.M:You're on the right track.I just think you need to narrow the topic down.W:Yeah,you're right.I always start by choosing two boarder topics when I'mdoing a research paper.Q:What do we learn from the conversation?【答案】D)The woman is going to make her topic more focused.【解析】这是推理判断题。从对话中可知,男士希望女士缩小主题的范围,女士回答“你是对的。"说明女士会采纳男士的建议,缩小主题。18.W:This picnic should beat the last one we went to,doesn't it?M:Oh,yeah,we had to spend the whole time inside.Good thing,the weatherwas cooperative this time.Q:What do we learn about the speakers from the conversation?【答案】B)They didn't quite enjoy their last picnic.【解析】这是推理判断题。beat一词是个难点,beat本意有"打败"的意思,这次的野餐打败了上次,即这次比上次好,下文中,男士说”上次我们不得不呆在室内,但这次天气不错。”可以再次确认他们不喜欢上次的野餐,因此,正确答案为B。2011年12月大学英语四级考试Listening Comprehension长对话2答案Conversation One听力原文M:When I say I live in Sweden,people always want to know about the seasons.W:The seasons?M:Yeah,you know how cold it is in winter?What is it like when the days are so
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