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初见文库Personal resumeshangjing见文库见文库+123-0000-0000@shangjingZhe jiangRESUMEStart with every little detailBasic InfoName:shangjingMarital Status:marriedSex:womanAge:28Telephone:1888888888Work:five yearsE-mailSchool:shangjingshangjing Hukou/Nationddress:hanghzouProfileA dedicated individual with experience in marketing and sales.Excellent organizational,interpersonal and analytical skills.Working Proficiency in Microsoft Word,Excel,PowerPoint,and Erp system.EducationSept 2005-June 2006 foundation DiplomaThe Blackpool Fylde College UkSept 2006-June 2009 bachelor of business financeDurham University UKSept 2012-June 2013 certificate of integrated marketingSwinbume UniversityAustraliaExperienceJune 2007-August 2007internshipGoldman Sachs(Hong Kong)Goldman:Consolidate and analyze financial data (budgets,income statement forecasts etc)taking into account company's goals and financial standingJune 2008-August 2008internshipBank of China (Shanghai)Feb2010-May2011client manager Bank of China (Shanghai)dealing with customers queries face-to-face,over the telephone or in writing;●serving customers at the counter;understanding customer needs,recommending suitable products and making sales;Experienceprocessing paperwork from sales,change of customer details,closure of accounts and soon;leaming about new products,services and processes.Sept 2011-May 2012 marketing director FRC Racing Club (China)FRC:Develop strategies and tactics to get the word out about our company and drivequalified traffic to our front doorDeploy successful marketing campaigns and own their implementation from ideation toexecutionExperiment with a variety of organic and paid acquisition channels-content creation,content curation,pay per click campaigns,event management,publicity,social media,leadgeneration campaigns,copywriting,performance analysis,and much moreProduce valuable and engaging content for our website and blog that attracts and convertsour target groups●Build strategic relationships and partner with key industry players,agencies and vendorsBe in charge of marketing budget and allocate/invest funds wisely●Measure and report performance of marketing campaigns,gain insight and assess againstgoalsSept 2013-Presentpurchasing director Shanghai Shushi Tea ware (Shanghai)Shushi:Identify customer preferences and forecast consumer trendsEvaluate supplier options according to prices,quality etc.and determine the best choicesDiscover and purchase new products and check the quality and popularity of those alreadyon our shelvesNegotiate terms of agreements to achieve the best deal for our companyEnsure the timely delivery of products and compliance with the contracts of purchase●Monitor stock levels and make plans for buying within budget●Create reports on sales,budgets and customer satisfaction and adjust your strategiesaccordinglyForge and maintain trust relationships with suppliers to promote fair dealing●Attend events,fairs and exhibitions to remain up-to-date with the market's trends
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