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中秋节小报 (1)
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MID AUTNMNIt is said that eating moon cakes on the mid autumn festivalbegan in the Yuan Dynasty.At that time.the people in theTABLOIDCentral Plains could not bear the cruel rule of the rul ingclass of the Yuan Dynasty.and revolted against the YuanDynasty one after another.Zhu Yuanzhang United variousresistance forces to prepare for the upr ising.However,theofficers and sol diers of the court searched very closel y.andit was very difficult to convey information.Militarydivision Liu Bowen came up with a plan and ordered hissubordinates to hide the note of "August 15 night upr ising"in the cake.and then sent people to sond it separately tothe local uprising troops to inform them to respond to theuprising on the evening of August 15.On the day of the.-According to historians the customof appreciating the moon on the Mid Autumnuprising.all the rebel forces responded together.Soon.XuFestival was first raised by ancient court literati,and then spread to thDa captur ed Yuandadu and the upri sing was successful.Whenpeople.As ear ly as the forty songs of midnight in the Yuefu of the Wei andthe news came.Zhu Yuanzhang was so happy that he quicklyJin Dynasties,there was a song "autumn with the moon"which descr ibed:"lookup at the br ight moon and express your love for thousands of mi les.In themen have fun with the poople in the upcoming Mid AutumnTang Dynasty,it was very popular to enjoy the moon and play with the moon inFestival.and rewarded the officials with "moon cakes"thatthe Mid Autumn Festival.There were poems chanting the moon in many poetssecretly transmitted information when the army was launchodmasterpieces.The mid autumn festival began to become a fixed festivalthat year as festival cakes.Thereafter."month"moreThere is "August 15 Mid Autumn Festival".It is said that Emperor Xuanzong ofmore refined and the var iety isTang Dynasty sleepwalked in the Moon Pal ace and got neon clothes and featherclothesCustoti val to eat moon cakesThe custom of the midattethe Mid Autumn Fe'stivaThe Mid Autumn Festival (al so known as Mid Autumn Festivaautumn Eve.August Festival and August half.Engl ish NameMidautumn Festival)is one of the four traditionalfestivals in China.The date is on August 15 of the lunarcalendar.Since ancient times,the Mid Autumn Festival hasfolk customs such as sacrificing the moon.appreciating themoon,eating moon cakes,playing lanterns,appreciatingosmanthus.drinking osmanthus wine and so on.Later.peoplegradual ly combined moon appreciation with moon cakes,implying family reunion and sustenance of missing.At thesame time,moon cakes are also ChineseAgift used to connect feelings between friendsin
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