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六级模拟卷解析(五)—答案解析PartIWriting高分范文My View on Social Skills①②由名言警句开篇,并解释其含义,从而提出DAs the saying goes,"The pleasure of association is the base本文的写作主题一一社交能力的重要性。of life."2The simple quotation from one of the greatest French③④阐述社交能力对一个人工作的重要性scientists,Andre Maurois,teaches us the importance of social skills,和谐的人际关系有助于事业的成功。which are regarded as the most vital among all the important skills of⑤由问句引出下文讨论的主要内容一一提高社human beings,especially in the workplace.3Statistics show that交能力的方法。one's career success depends heavily on his or her social skills.4⑥⑦从两个方面阐释提高社交能力的方法一一Those who possess excellent social skills are more likely to promote做一个倾听者和站在他人的角度思考问题。an easy-going relation with their partners,which naturally result in a⑧⑨再次强调社交能力的重要性,并要求我们提successful career.高自己的社交能力。5 Given that social skills play such an essential role in our加分亮点work,what should we do to cultivate this spirit?6On the one hand,quotation引言the key to good social skills is definitely the ability to listen to ourstatistics数据interlocutor,which lays the foundation of cooperation with others.promote促进7On the other hand,to reach a high level of interpersonalessential关键的relationship,it is advisable for us to put ourselves in others'shoescultivate培养and understand them,which can help us clear up theinterlocutor对话者misapprehensions that hinder our work.lays the foundation of为…莫定基础8 All in all,one's performance at the workplace is closelyput ourselves in others'shoes设身处地,将心比心related to efficient social skills.9If we are to succeed in career,weclear up清除must improve our social skills.misapprehensions误会Part IIListening ComprehensionSectionAConversation OneW:Hi,Mike!I heard that you helped save people in an accident.M:Yes.(1)It was a nose-to-tail car accident,and it was really terrible.W:Oh,my gosh!I bet there must be someone bleedingM:Yeah.The back car was seriously damaged and the front car was completely damaged at the back.W:That's terrible.I can imagine the scene.So you gave those injured people first aid.You are always so kind-hearted.M:I was terrified at first,but I realized that we must take them to the nearest hospital as soon as possible.So I asked anon-looker to call the ambulance for help,and I just gave a bleeding man first aid.W:How did you do that since the scene was so terrifying?M:(2)I put his head on the higher position to stop bleeding from his nose,and then I asked others to give those shockedpassengers some drinks to ease their minds.W:You were like the savior to them.M:In a few minutes,all the injured people were sent to the hospital.It was really an emergency!W:Yes!Quite an emergency!But thanks to the first aid you gave them.I think you are very good at it.M:Yes,I was trained to give first aid several years ago and learned some basic skills about it.W:Besides some injured people in a car accident,who should be given first aid?M:(3)Some people who have been injured or are in physiological distress due to choking.a heart attack,allergic reactions,第1页drugs or other medical emergencies.W:Oh,I see.What is the function of first aid?M:Well,basic first aid allows you to quickly determine a person's physical condition and the correct course of treatment.W:Today,I see the importance of first aid.That's really critical to the injured.M:(4)Yes,following correct first aid procedures can be the difference between life and death.Questions I to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What was the accident?A)2.What did Mike do to help the injured man?D)3.In an accident,who should be given first aid?A)4.What is the importance of first aid?C)Conversation TwoW:Thank you for joining our program,Professor Smith.Today's topic is Gothic literature,which seems reviving nowadaysall over the world.And I know that you have been studying it for more than two decades.And I would like you to shareyour views with our audience.M:Yes.I have been interested in Gothic literature ever since I was a kid.When I was only six years old,I was deeplyimpressed by a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe.W:Poe is the father of Gothic literature in America.M:Indeed.But do you happen to know what the origin of Gothic literature is?W:I have on idea.But I guess it has something to do with Gothic architecture,all those magnificent and strange cathedrals.M:You are partially right.(5-1)The word "Gothic"means quite a number of things by this day.It could mean a particularstyle of art,be it in the form of novels,paintings,or architecture.It could even refer to a certain type of music and its fans.What it originally meant,of course,is of the Goths,their civilization,or their language.W:(5-2)The Goths were a German tribe,I remember.But what are the common themes of Gothic literature.Are theyalways related to blood and violence or twisted characters?M:Not always.Gothic themes cover a wide range though.(6)For example,demons,devils,witches and angels often appearin Gothic stories.Moreover,the Faust subject is another popular theme.W:What does that mean?M:(7)It means sine men are forever in pursuit of forbidden knowledge or power,they are doomed to fail in the end.W:I see.I have also noticed that Gothic literature has a special way of narration.M:Yes.(8)The story is frequently told through a series of secret manuscripts or multiple tales,each revealing a deepersecret,so the narrative gradually spirals inward towards the hidden truth.The narrator is often a first-person narrator forcedto tell the story to a fascinated listener.By revealing to us their own souls'secrets,these narrators reveal the secrets ofhumankind's soul.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What do we learn about the origin of Gothic literature?C)6.Which theme will appear in Gothic literature?B)7.Why is Faust subject a popular theme in Gothic literature?C)8.What is special about the narrative technique of Gothic literature?A)Section BPassage One(9)One Japanese woman has proved that age really is just a number.Masako Wakamiya leamed how to use a computer at the age of 60 and now,at 81-year-old,she has released an appthat shows people how to properly display traditional dolls for Hinamatsuri.Not only is Wakamiya a developer,but she has a blog where she shares clips from her travels and also teaches people第2页how Excel can be used to make digital art.Wakamiya spent 43 years of her life leading in a bank in Japan and only started using computers at the age of 60,reports RocketNews24.(10)However,she is showing others that not all elderly individuals are afraid of technology and refers to herself as anICT missionary,,which stands for“information'”“communication”and"technology.”Wakamiya bought her first computer at the age of 60 and joined an online computer club to become more familiar withthe technology-but this was after she set up and connected the computer to the Web on her own.After learning more about computers,Wakamiya came up with an Excel art that fills the cells with different functionsthat create patterns that produce colorful works of art-and now she is designing her own apps.Although Wakamiya may break the stereotypes of most elderly individuals,a study does suggest that she is headingdown the right path to avoid other health risks.(11)A team at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona linked numerous activities with preserving brain power in the elderly-butlogging on seems particularly effective.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.What is this passage mainly about?A)10.Why does Wakamiya call herself ICT missionary?C)11.What seems to be quite effective in keeping brain power in the elderly?C)Passage Two(12)The US government's top education official wants schools to do a better job teaching students whose firstlanguage is not English.US Education Secretary John King said the issue is important.That is because one in every ten USstudents from grades kindergarten to 12th grade are English leamers.Most English learners arrive from a country that speaks another language,or have parents from anon-English-speaking country:(13)There has been progress in recent years,King said.He noted Spanish-speaking studentsare graduating from high school and attending college at higher rates than ever before."But in too many places across thecountry,English learners get less access to quality teachers,less access to advanced coursework,less access to the resourcesthey need to succeed,"King said.(14)King said a new federal law called the Every Student Succeeds Act can help.It allowsschool districts more ways to use federal money to improve programs for English leamers.That includes better training forEnglish language teachers.(15)Kelly Gonez is a policy adviser at the Department of Education.She said research shows giving instruction in twolanguages,English and the student's native language,is better for English learners.Although it takes them a little longer tomaster English,they do better on tests that measure reading and math skills,Gonez said.So do people who enterdual-language programs already proficient in English,Gonez said.Sarah Catherine Moore is director of online leaming atthe Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington DC.She said two recent studies found English learners do better if theyattend classes that use both English and the student's native language.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.What did US Education Secretary consider as an important issue?A)13.What proves the recent progress mentioned by the US Education Secretary?C)14.How can the Every Student Succeeds Act help?B)15.What may do good to English learners according to Kelly Gonez?C)Section CRecording One(16)The New York Times just reported that even though more people are reading books on their smartphones,our tastefor printed books hasn't diminished.In fact,most people prefer them.I know I do.I have two different tablets with lots of e-books and I would take one or the other on trips,especially booktours I'm gone for a week or two.第3页
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