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11 走近中国历史人物-2023年中考英语新热点时文阅读

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11 走近中国历史人物-2023年中考英语新热点时文阅读
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2023年中考英语新热点时文阅读走近中国历史人物题型主要内容短文选词填空讲述了诸葛亮“草船借箭”的故事。2完形填空介绍了中国历史上伟大的教育家孔子的生平、他的教育理念、他对中国教育所做的贡献及人们对他的评价。3完形填空俞伯牙和钟子期知音难求的感人故事。4阅读理解介绍了王维和他的诗《送元二使安西》。5阅读理解讲述了李时珍的人生故事。01(2022辽宁锦州中考真题)根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置(每个词只能用一次)。fill,through,possible,turned,much,drum,hear,three,these,othersThis is a story about two wise men-Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu.The Chinese people have beentelling the story for many years.One day,Zhou Yu gave Zhuge Liang an 1 task.He asked him tomake 100,000 arrows in ten days."No problem,"Zhuge Liang said at once."I'll bring you 100,000arrows in_2_days.”Zhuge Liang asked his soldiers(士兵)to3_20 large boats with many straw(稻草)men.Onthe early morning of the third day,he also asked the soldiers to sail (the boats to the camps of CaoCao's army on the 4 side of the river.The soldiers shouted and beat their drums loudly.When Cao Cao's soldiers 5 the sounds,they thought they were under attack ()However,they could not see enemies6 the thick fog (on the river.Cao Cao ordered hissoldiers to shoot arrows towards the sounds of the 7 and the shouting.Zhuge Liang's boats weresoon full of arrows.Zhuge Liang's soldiers then 8 the boats around and shouted,"Thank you for your arrows,Cao Cao."Zhuge Liang took all 9 arrows to Zhou Yu.He finished the task successfully.Therewere 10 than 100,000 of them.It is the story of Borrow Arrows with Straw Boats.02(2022·内蒙古鄂尔多斯·二模)Who is the greatest teacher in Chinese history?You may think ofConfucius ()September 28 was his birthday.Although he lived over 2,000 years 11,peopletoday still remember and respect him.Confucius lived in the Kingdom of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period.He had a 12childhood.His father died when he was only 3,so he had to 13 to help his mother,but youngConfucius never 14 studying.He visited many famous teachers and leamed music,history,poetryand sports.Later,he became a teacher and started the first public school in China.At that time only children from15 families could go to school,but Confucius believed everyone 16 go to school if theywanted to leam.He had about 3,000 students in his lifetimeToday,people still 17 Confucius'lessons.He told us that we all have something worthyto be learned."When I am with three people,one of them must be better than me in some 18.Ichoose their good qualities and follow them."He also taught us that 19 is very important in study.“All study but no thinking makes people puzzled(困惑的).All thinking but no study makes people lazy.”Confucius is not only a great teacher,but also a famous thinker with wise thoughts about the worldand society.His most important teachings are about 20 and good manners."A person should bestrict with himself,but be kind to others."he said.11.A.beforeB.agoC.afterD.later12.A.hardB.happyC.simpleD.pleasant13.A.studyB.writeC.singD.work14.A.gave inB.gave awayC.gave upD.gave out15.A.richB.poorC.bigD.small16.A.couldB.mightC.mustD.should17.A.realizeB.influenceC.studyD.listen18.A.subjectsB.periodsC.areasD.places19.A.thinkingB.readingC.teachingD.leaming20.A.happinessB.kindnessC.strictnessD.safeness03(2022·四川眉山天府新区兴盛学校一模)Have you ever heard of the story about Yu Boya andZhong Ziqi?Their friendship is a typical21of the ideal(理想的)Chinese friendship.Here is thestory.During the Spring and Autumn Period,there lived a great musician named Yu Boya.He played themusical instrument guqin very well.Unluckily,few people could 22 his music.One day,Boya went traveling by boat.On his way,he met with a big 23 and stopped theboat by the riverside.When the rain stopped,seeing the beautiful scenery ()he was very 24So he took out his guqin and began to play.As he was throwing himself into playing music,he suddenlynoticed that 25 was listening to him by the riverside.Boya came out the of the boat and saw aperson enjoying his music.That person was Zhong Ziqi.Boya 26 him to his boat and played forhim.He played one tune (that described the high mountain and another that described the runningwater.Zhong understood both of them and admired Boya for his musical 27.Boya was veryexcited,and said,"Dear friend!Only you can understand my music!"They 28 that they would meet again in the same place the next year.The following year,Boya arrived on time,29 he didn't see Zhong.Later,he leamed that Zhong had died of an illness.Boya was so sad that he broke his guqin and decided 30 to play it againLater,the term "zhiyin"began to be used to describe a very close friend.21.A.ruleB.partC.exampleD.character22.A.forgetB.believeC.realizeD.understand23.A.rainB.boatC.instrumentD.fish24.A.boredB.excitedC.proudD.sad25.A.somebodyB.everybodyC.anybodyD.nobody26.A.sentB.invitedC.refusedD.threw27.A.ruleB.talentC.journeyD.score28.A.agreedB.doubtedC.mindedD.wondered初见29.A.ifB.soC.butD.because30.A.onlyB.justC.onceD.never04(2022江苏·盐城市盐都区实验初中一模)A Farewell Song Wang Wei
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