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六级模拟卷(二)PartIWriting高分范文精彩点评On a Gap Year of High School Graduates①开门见山,直入主题,即gap year空挡年。②直接表明自己的观点:空挡年有利于学生college,has grown rapidly.2In my viewpoint,this gap year can help更好地了解世界和自我。students better understand the world and themselves before entering the③④论证为什么要了解世界及如何去了解college.世界。3 Firstly,having fully immersed themselves in the ocean of⑤用not only..but also..句式表明了解世界knowledge,students need to take a break to dig into the world.4They的益处。can do something that they are interested in,like yolunteers in the⑥用Furthermore进一步论证空挡年的重要non-profit organizations.5The experiences,in turn,will not only help性,即更好地了解自己的兴趣,并规划未来。them grasp some basic skills but also widen their horizons.6⑦总结全文,对未来提出呼吁和畅想。Furthermore,a gap year helps one to have a clearer knowledge of his加分亮点academic major and define his future direction in life.After a year of immersed themselves in沉浸于,专注于real contact with the society,one can easily find his inner interest anddig into.…对…进行挖掘,对…深入研究potential,which will guide him to choose the right way of life.widen their horizons扩大…视野To summarize,a gap year,if managed properly,would prove to bedefine his future direction确定某人的未来方a brilliant and fruitful period for students because they will strive hard for向their ambitions as they continue college education.Part IIListening ComprehensionSection AConversation OneW:Hi,Mark,what can I do for you?M:(1)I'm just filling out this approval for graduation form for the Dean's office and I hope I will be able to graduate nextsemester.W:Well,as long as you've met the departmental requirements and you submit form on time,you shouldn't have anyproblem.Make sure you include all the classes you will have taken for your degree in finance and the optional coursestoo.M:(2)Yeah,but as I kook over the form,I get confused because they've changed the requirements,so mow I'm not sure ifI'll qualify to graduate next semester.I know I would've before,under the old requirements.W:Well,when the business department changed the curriculum to include more courses because of the increasingglobalization of business,we made sure that students would finish it through their second year,that is,those who werein their or fourth year wouldn't be affected.The new rules only apply to students in their first or second year.M:Oh,that's good to know.I am planning to take a management course next semester but I don't know if it will counttoward my major.W:What's the course?M:Organizational behaviour.W:(3)Yes,that'll count toward your major.That's a difficult class,you know,but well worth it.So it looks like you'll haveall the required classes you need,you should be just fine.I assume you've taken a seminar?M:Yeah,I took the marketing seminar.W:OK,you're looking good.(4)Just to be on the safe side,why don't you talk to someone in the Dean's office before yougive them the form?M:OK.So should I just explain to them that even though one of these classes got changed from an elective to a required第1页class,I don't have to take it?W:Yes,you've met the requirements for graduation.And if there's something I need to do,let me know.M:OK,thanks.I'll let you know if I need your help.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What can we learn from the conversation?C)2.What is the man confused about?A)3.How does the woman comment on the course in organizational behaviour?B)4.What does the woman suggest the man do?D)Conversation TwoW:Jim White is editor of Business Travel Weekly.Jim,thanks for being on the show.Now,what kind of problems do airlinepassengers face nowadays?M:(5-1)Well,most of the problems are caused by the heavy volume of traffic.All airports have a limit to the number oftake-offs and landings they can handle.W:So what seems to be the problem?M:(5-2)All flights from a busy airport arrive and leave at more or less the same time.If 60 aircraft are scheduled to take offbetween 5 and 5:15,and the airport can only handle 120 an hour,some will always be late landing or taking-off.And ifthe weather is bad,you can imagine what the situation is like.W:So waiting at the lounge or on the plane is quite common.M:Certainly.And another problem is over-booking.If you decide to volunteer to go on the next flight out,you may get acash bribe or free-trip voucher,but make sure you get a guaranteed seat on the next flight.(6)And worse still,you arrivewith confirmed reservation and you discover you've been bumped off the flight.W:Presumably,if you choose to travel at off-peak times,there are few problems.M:Well,there are no off-peak times.All flights seem to be full except Saturday.If there is a public holiday,things are likelyto be especially busy.(7)The special fare systems on the airline's computers encourage more people to fly on lesspopular flights and this means that as a result all flights are equally full.W:So what advice would you give to business travelers?M:Avoid big airports if you can because there are too many flights there.Then,remember not to check your baggage if youcan help it.Another thing is"Be prepared for delays."W:What kind of mistakes do inexperienced travelers make?M:(8)One mistake business travelers make is to take far too much luggage.Take only carry-on luggage,because at mostairports,you can get away with two small bags.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What is the main cause of the problems airline passengers face?B)6.What might a volunteer face when deciding to take the next flight due to over-booking?C)7.Why are less popular flights equally full?D)8.What does the man advise business travellers do?D)Section BPassage OneAgriculture experts have a message for farmers worldwide:Take care of your soil,and your soil will take care of you.(9)By using the techniques of "conservation agriculture."they say farmers can save their land and save money at the sametime.This is becoming more important as the world's population grows.More people means more food needs to be grownto feed them.Most modern agriculture looks like long rows of green crops covering large areas of land.They have neatrows of single kinds of plants with uncovered soil in between.Trey Hill's farm in the US state of Maryland does not lookanything like that.Instead,there are green plants mixed in with what is left from other plants.(10)Farmer Hill is going第2页against farming practices that are thousands of years old-till the fields before planting and leave the soil bare in theoff-season.And many farmers plant the same crop year after year.All three of these methods can wear out the soil,however.Some experts are backing the so-called conservation agriculture used by farmers like Hill.He plants his crops into what isleft of the crop before-without tilling the soil.In the off-season he covers his fields with different crops.They hold ontothe soil,and help prevent erosion,when water and wind remove soil.(11)The cover crop is not meant to be harvested.Instead it feeds the soil.Hill says,this kind of farming is more profitable.Less tilling means using less fuel for his farmequipment.He buys less fertilizer because his cover crops feed the soil.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.What do agriculture experts say about conservation agriculture?C)10.What can we learn about traditional farming practices?C)11.What can we learn about the cover crop?A)Passage TwoAt your next meeting,wait for a pause in conversation and try to measure how long it lastsEven among sign language speakers,studies show that typically we leave just a fraction of a second between takingturns to talk.But while this pattern may be universal,our perceptions of silence differ dramatically across cultures-acrucial if you're doing business internationally.(13)Research conducted at the University of Groningen in the Netherlands in Dutch and also in English found thatwhen a silence in conversation stretched to four seconds,people started to feel unsettled.In contrast,a separate study of business meetings found that Japanese people were happy with silences of 8.2seconds-nearly twice as long as in Americans'meetings.These cultural differences are reflected in the saying in the US that"the squeaky wheel gets the grease"while in Japanit's reckoned that"a silent man is the best one to listen to."So why do mother-tongue English speakers find long pauses hard to handle?(14)In the US,it may stem from the history of colonial America as a crossroads of many different peoples,saysCarbaugh."When you have a heterogeneous complex of difference,it's hard to establish common understanding unless youtalk and there's understandably a kind of anxiety unless people are verbally engaged to establish a common life."Je says.This applies also to some extent to London,he adds.(15)In contrast,he says."When there's more identity perhaps it's easier for some kinds of silence to appear.Forexample,among your closest friends and family it's easier to sit in silence than with people you're less well acquaintedQuestions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.How long can English speakers wait for a pause in conversation at a meeting?A)13.What did the research conducted at the University of Groningen find?B)14.Why do Americans find long silences hard to handle according to Carbaugh?A)15.When will people feel free to sit in silence?D)Section CRecording OneA group of college students is hoping to place a satellite powered only by water into an orbit around the moon.Thestudents are from Cornell University in the state of New York.They are taking part in a competition called the Cube QuestChallenge.It is a program of NASA,the American space agency.The Comell team is called the CisLunar Explorers.Theword "cislunar"means "between Earth and the moon."The challenge is simple:to design,build and deliver"flight-qualified,small satellites."NASA officials say the satellites must be able to perform"advanced operations near andbeyond the moon."The teams are taking part in the competition.(16)But the CisLunar Explorer satellites are different.Theyare the only ones using water to power their spacecraft.(17)The idea for a water-powered vehicle came from Mason Peck,who works at Cornell University.He once worked as NASA's chief technologist.He has always wanted to use somethingother than rockets to push spacecraft beyond Earth."A lot of the mass we send into orbit these days is in the form of第3页
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