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2022年6月大学英语六级考试真题(一)答案与详解Part IWriting结构框图:第1段引出话题:越来越多的人选择了环保的生活方式,关注环保的人数创历史新高。Live an EnvironmentallyFriendly Lifestyle第2段具体阐述人们选择环保生活的原因和采取的相应措施。第3段总结全文,强调环保生活的重要性。范文点评:参考范文精彩点评Live an Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle[1]Nowadays more and more people choose to live an【1】【2】引出话题:越来越多的人选择了environmentally friendly lifestyle.2]According to a recent环保的生活方式,关注环保的人数survey by CCTV,the number of people who pay attention to创历史新高。environmental protection is at a record high.[3I Multiple factors need to be considered for this【3】指出很多因素促使人们选择环保considerable.progress.[4]First and foremost,with the rapid生活。development of our society,increasingly growing enterprises and【4【5】分别使用“First and foremost..”factories around our city as well as the ways that people travel have“Furthermore..,.”具体阐述人们选led to serious environment pollution,which,as a wake-up call,has择环保的生活方式的原因。arisen people's awareness of protecting the environment.[5]Furthermore,the low-carbon lifestyle has been in voguerecently,especially among young people.[6]For all these【6】指出人们为环保生活采取了相应的reasons,people have proactively taken a series of effective actions措施。to live an eco-friendly life.[7]First of all,the wide popularity of【7】【8】分别使用“First of all..”new energy vehicles is an outstanding example,which has“Besides...”具体阐述人们为环保contributed a lot to the reduction of carbon emission.8 Besides,生活采取的行动。many people prefer to use some recyclable products in their dailylife.9 To sum up,it is our responsibility to live an environmentally-【9】【10】用to sum up总结全文,重申环friendly life,driving a more harmonious relationship between保生活的重要性和积极影响。nature and ourselves.[10]Such an excellent lifestyle will endow usas well as the earth with numerous benefits.话题词汇:global warming全球变暖ozone depletion臭氧枯竭greenhouse effect温室效应low-carbon economy低碳经济carbon emission二氧化碳排放new energy vehicles新能源汽车carbon footprint碳足迹achieve sustainable development实现可持续发展六级2022年6月23Listening ComprehensionSection AQuestions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.W:(1)Mr.David Jackson,a staff writer at the New Yorker,is known for his non-fiction books of adventureToday,we go on a different kind of adventure:Jackson's life of parenting his offspring.David,as a parentof an 11-and a 14-year-old,what is the most interesting issue you are dealing with right now?M:It's easy to focus on the challenges,but so far,I find these ages to be kind of wonderful.(2)They areindependent,and they have their own curiosities and obsessions.You can talk to them about fairlysophisticated subject matter such as politics.W:Yes,that does sound refreshing compared with talking to younger children.Do they ask you to proofreadtheir essays?M:Certainly,with writing they do.(3)I really just try to be encouraging.I think at this age,editorialguidance is less important than encouragement.W:Are there books that you think are important that your children read,and that all children read?M:My general thought is to read widely and to incorporate a love for reading.Learning to love to read,Ithink,is the optimal thing,because it gives you a skill you can take anywhere.W:So you're not too concerned like some parents with the content they're reading?I know I have some worriesabout that,M:Yeah,read what you like.If a child loves graphic novels or comic books,whatever it is,that is turningthem on to read and turning on their imagination.W:(4)I feel that children's tastes in books change as they reach adolescence.I know that mine certainly didwhen I was a teenager.What do you think?M:I think it's especially important as they get older to read subject matter that'll open their eyes to the worldand people.So I think both fiction and non-fiction are really important because they give you the power tobegin to perceive the world through the lives of others.1.What do we learn about David Jackson from the3.How does the man help his kids with their essays?conversation?C)【精析】细节辨认题。当女士问男士孩子们是否请A)【精析】细节辨认题。句(1)中,女士在介绍男士的他校对文章时,男士给出了肯定回答,并在句(3)中时候明确指出,男士是一位职业撰稿人。因此答案提到,他只是进行鼓励。男士认为,对于这个年龄为A)。段的孩子们来说,编辑方面的指导不如鼓励重要。2.What does the man think of young teenagers?因此答案为C)。B)【精析】细节辨认题。女土提到男士有两个孩子,4.What does the woman say about herself when she一个11岁,一个14岁,并问男士现在正在应对的was a teenager?最有趣的问题是什么。男士回答说,他发现他们的A)【精析】细节辨认题。句(4)中,女士说,她认为孩这个年龄段非常棒。根据句(2)可知,男士认为这子们到了青春期,对书的品位就会改变,并提到她个年龄段的孩子们很独立,有他们自己感到好奇和十几岁的时候确实是这样的。也就是说,她十几岁迷恋的事物。因此答案为B)。时对书的品位有所变化。因此答案为A)。Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.M:(5)In this episode of Money Talks,our guest is Molly Sanders,a university student and a successful youngentrepreneur.Molly,tell us about your business.W:Well,I sell specialty clothes through a website,mainly for women who have trouble finding suitable clothesin main street shops because of their height or weight.But I do some men's clothes too.M:How did you get started in this business at such a young age?Are you studying fashion design?W:Actually,I'm majoring in finance,but I've always loved clothes.And I started making my own at 14.M:Did you have any sort of training in design or sewing?Or was it a natural ability?W:I'd have to say no to both.(6)No one taught me to make clothes and most of the things I made at first weredisasters.六级2022年6月24M:Why did you persevere?I think most people would give up if they kept failing,especially at that age.W:I kept on out of necessity.(7)As you can see,I'm very tall and I couldn't find clothes that fit me inordinary shops.So I kept trying and developed my skills over time.M:Well,my notes say you earned $50,000 in profits last year,an extraordinary amount for a 20-year-oldstudent.How did that happen?Did you see a gap in the market and decide to fill it?W:No.When I started university,some classmates complimented my clothes.And when I said I made themmyself,other tall women started asking if I would make theirs.And I did.And before I knew it,I was anentrepreneur.M:So what are your plans for the future?Do you intend to open a physical store?W:No.I'll keep things online to keep costs down.(8)But I will add more clothes for children,both girls andboys,and possibly even for infants.And I hope to add to my range of designs for men.答案详解5.What do we learn about the woman?C)【精析】细节辨认题。男士问女士,既然经常失败,D)【精析】细节辨认题。句(⑤)中,男士介绍女士时就为什么还要坚持制作服装。女士回答说,自己之所明确指出,女士是一名在校大学生,也是一位成功以能坚持下去,是因为她有这方面的需要。根据句的年轻企业家。因此答案为D)。(7)可知,女士非常高,因此,在普通商店里找不到6.What does the woman say about the clothes she合适的衣服。也就是说,她找不到适合自己尺码的made at first?衣服。因此答案为C)。D)【精析】细节辨认题。当男士问女士她是受过专业8.What does the woman plan to do in the future?的服装设计或缝纫方面的培训,还是天生就有制作D)【精析】细节推断题。男士问女士将来有什么打服装的才能时,女士给出了否定回答,并且在句(6)算,是否会开一家实体店。女士对男士说,她会继中说,没有人教她做衣服,她刚开始做的衣服大多续在网上经营以降低成本,根据句(8)可知,女士会数都是灾难。也就是说,女士刚开始做的衣服大多增加更多童装,包括男童装、女童装,甚至可能会做都是失败的。因此答案D)。一些婴儿服装。她还希望增加男士服装设计的系7.Why did the woman persevere in making clothes列。由此可知,女士在将来会扩展自己的业务。因for herself?此答案为D)。Section BQuestions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.Researchers have identified a potent new antibiotic compound using artificial intelligence.The antibioticcan kill very dangerous bacteria.According to a study published in the journal Cell,the compound successfullyremoved deadly strains of bacteria in mice which are resistant to all known antibiotics.(9)The researchers say this is the first time that artificial intelligence has been used to find a powerful newantibiotic molecule.Why does this matter?The answer is antibiotic resistance.This happens when bacteriadevelop the ability to survive the medications designed to kill them.(10)Antibiotic resistance is a serious threatto health and the problem is growing.This makes finding new antibiotics very important.However,in recentdecades,very few have been developed,and those that have tend to be very similar to drugs already available.The searches also tend to only focus on a narrow spectrum of chemical compounds,but this is where artificialintelligence comes in.Why?To find new drugs,scientists screen molecules to predict how effective they mightbe.Typically,such screening is done by humans in the lab,which is both costly and slow.Artificial intelligenceis different.It's fast,and it can process a high volume.It can screen hundreds of millions of compounds toidentify a few interesting candidates that require experimental testing.(11)Artificial intelligence is also able topredict if compounds are likely to be toxic.Some experts assert that this work signifies a paradigm shift inantibiotic discovery.It could change drug discovery more generally.答案详解9.What have researchers done for the first time in生素分子。因此答案为A)。history?10.What makes it important to find new antibioticA)【精析】细节辨认题。句(9)中提到,研究人员说,drugs?这是人工智能首次被用来寻找一种强大的新型抗B)【精析】细节辨认题。当讨论到为什么寻找新型抗六级2022年6月25
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