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2017年6月大学英语四级考试真题(二)答案与详解Part IWriting结构框图:第1段说明待出售的商品是英语课本。Sale Items-EnglishCourse Books第2段详细介绍书籍的内容、状况和价格。第3段留下联系方式。范文点评:参考范文名师点评Sale Items-English Course BooksSome English course books [1]are waiting for their new【1】开门见山,说明出售英语课本。owners![2]This is a collection of College English Books ranging from【2】详细介绍书籍内容,短语rangingBook 1 to Book 4 with CDs attached behind.Many useful articles,from..to..和with独立主格结构either interesting or thought-provoking,are incorporated in the的使用增加了句式的多样性。books,followed by some practical and diversified exercises.[3]Therefore,this collection is of great use to help you pass CET 4【3】使用Therefore引出所出售书籍的and can also be a good choice of self-study aside from being重要作用。textbooks.Used once by me,frankly speaking,these books arenot brand new,but there are some necessary notes on the margins.[4]As for the price,they don't charge high,only 10 yuan for each【4】自然过渡到价格,合情合理。book.There will be a discount and a surprise gift offered to you ifyou buy them altogether.English plays a critically important role in our college study aswell as in society.I hope you won't miss such a good chance to buysome useful books at a low price.[5]If you are interested,please【5】留下联系方式。call me at12345678900.话题词汇:audience objective受众目标billboard广告牌exposure暴露;报道bulletin公告,告示sponsor赞助者,赞助商specification说明书course selection课程选择invitation letter邀请函四级2017年6月1Listening ComprehensionSection AQuestions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.Automakers and tech companies are working hard to offer the first true self-driving car.(1)But 75%ofdrivers say they wouldn't feel safe in such a vehicle.Still,60%of drivers would like to get some kind of self-driving feature,such as automatic braking or self-parking the next time they buy a new car.(1)The attitudesare published in a new AAA survey of 1,800 drivers.Advocates of self-driving cars argue they would be safer than in cars driven by humans because theywouldn't get distracted or drive when tired.But those surveyed by AAA say they trust their own driving skills.Many feel the technology is too new andunproven.John Nielsen,AAA's managing director of automotive engineering and repair,said tests suggest driversmay be overestimating their own abilities.(2)He also believes they will be more likely to trust self-driving carsas they become more familiar with features such as automatic braking or parking.He estimated that the "comfort level"will increase considerably in five to ten years.配套听力原文翻译联系X:KZRZ2019答案详解1.What is the finding of the AAA survey?2.What does John Nielsen say about self-driving cars?C)【精析】事实细节题。新闻开头提到,在AAA对A)【精析】细节推断题。新闻结尾提到,John Nielsen1,800位驾驶员进行的一项新的调查中,75%的驾说,测试表明,驾驶员可能高估了他们自己的驾驶驶员说他们在自动驾驶汽车里会感觉不安全。但能力。他还认为,当驾驶员们对自动刹车和自动停是60%的人表示在下次购买新汽车的时候想要自车这样的功能熟悉之后,他们可能会更容易相信自动驾驶的功能,比如自动刹车和自动停车。动驾驶汽车。Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.(3)One dog has been killed and multiple dogs have been injured by a snowmobile driver in what appears tobe an intentional attack on competitors in the Iditarod Race in Alaska.Aliy Zirkle was the first to report an attack.A snowmobile driver had repeatedly attempted to harm herand her team,and one of Zirkle's dogs had received a non-life-threatening injury.Zirkle reported the attackwhen she arrived in Nulato,Alaska,in the early hours of the morning.(4)Then Jeff King,a four-timechampion,reported a similar attack.His team was hit by a snowmobile driver,injuring several dogs and killinga 3-year-old male dog.Reporter Zachariah Hughes says that neither King nor Zirkle was injured.Although this incident verymuch alters the race of the two participants competing for a win,both are going to continue on their waytoward the finishing line.Alaska State Troopers released a statement saying they've arrested ArnoldDemoski,26.He faces trial on several charges.答案详解3.What is the news report mainly about?4.What do we learn about Jeff King?C)【精析】主旨大意题。新闻开头提到,在阿拉斯加B)【精析】细节推断题。新闻中提到,获得过四次冠一次似乎针对爱迪塔罗德雪橇比赛选手的故意袭军的Jeff King报告说遭遇了相似的袭击。由此可击事件中,一条狗被一名摩托雪橇手撞死,多条狗知,Jeff King曾四次赢得阿拉斯加爱迪塔罗德雪受伤。接下来,新闻又提到2名参赛人员被袭击。橇比赛的冠军。Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.(5)A tour boat turned over off the coast of Nicaragua,killing at least 13 people and leaving more四级2017年6月2passengers missing,officials said.(6)The boat was carrying 32 people-25 Costa Ricans,four Americans and three Nicaraguans.The 13dead were all Costa Rican,the Foreign Ministry said.The boat,traveling between Nicaragua's Big Corn Islandand Little Corn Island,turned over Saturday near the larger island.Some passengers remain missing,the CostaRican Foreign Ministry said,but did not specify how many.A local radio said an unspecified number of peoplewere rescued,including the tour boat's owner,Hilario Blandon.Nicaraguan naval authorities had banned sea travel in the area because of bad weather and strong winds,but the tour boat proceeded anyway.(7)Blandon,the boat's owner,has been arrested by Nicaraguanauthorities,the state-run news agency said.(7)Both he and a crew member are being investigated forunintentional murder and exposing people to danger,according to police.答案详解配套听力原文译文联系X:KZ20195.What happened to the tour boat sailing off the6.How many people was the boat carrying?Nicaraguan coast?D)【精析】细节辨认题。新闻中提到,这艘观光船当D)【精析】细节辨认题。新闻开头提到,在离尼加拉瓜时载客32名。海岸不远处,一艘观光船翻船了。新闻后部分又提7.What do we know about the owner of the boat?到,由于恶劣的天气和强风,尼加拉瓜海军当局已经B)【精析】事实细节题。新闻结尾提到,船主Blandon禁止了在这片海域进行海上旅行,但这艘观光船对已被尼加拉瓜当局速捕。他和一位船员正在接受此置若罔闻。由此可知,那艘观光船由于强风而调查。翻船。Section BQuestions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.M:Hi,Susan,you're looking very smart today.W:I always look smart,James.Actually,I'm on my way to a job interview.M:What job?Oh,you mean,for the summer holidays?W:Yeah.There's only two weeks to go.(8)I've got a second interview with that big foreign accountancy firmin the city centre.You know the one.M:That's fantastic.W:(9)The work is just helping out with data input,you know.But the pay isn't too bad.It might suit you too.I know they have at least two temporary positions available.And I don't think they have anyone else yet.M:Hmm.If they take you on,tell them you know a friend who'd be really good too.(10)I really need themoney and the experience would look good on my resume.Maybe we'll be working together-the dreamteam.W:OK.We'll do.If the boss likes me,I'll mention it.It'll be good to have someone around who I know.I'llphone you afterwards.But perhaps you should put in an application anyway.M:Thanks,Susan.That's great.Listen,do you want a lift to the city?I have my dad's car today and nothingelse to do this morning.W:Sure.Thanks,James.M:Let's go then.The car's over there.W:By the way,how's your knowledge of accountancy?The interviewer may ask you about it.M:No problem.I think I can survive.(11)I might just have to review a few accountancy terms.Maybe youcan give me a practice interview first.四级2017年6月3
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